jamafest 2022-2



conference filled  About JAMAFEST

Jamafest aims to promote regional socio-cultural integration through arts and culture by providing a platform to showcase culture as a primary driver of regional integration.

presenter  Speakers

Presentations on priority areas of focus in infrasttucture and health financing and development in the EAC Region

Collaboration icon  Partner State Profiles

Embracing Culture as an enabler and driver of a people-centered integration agenda through the promotion and preservation of our culture is of paramount importance.

Exhibitor Exhibition

Show-casing products and services in Infrastrcuture and Health Sectors

Exhibition Guide >


Calendar   Venues and Activities

Discover what JAMAFEST 2022 has to offer, ranging from an exciting carnival through the streets of Bujumbura, to various performances and a cultural exhibition.

presentation Presentations

A collection of presentations delivered by experts during the Retreat

Presentations >


 About the Retreat

Jamafest is an acronym for Jumuiya ya Afrika Mashariki Utamaduni Festival, the Kiswahili rendering for the EAC Arts and Culture Festival which aims to promote regional socio-cultural integration through arts and culture by providing a platform to showcase culture as a primary driver of regional integration.

Jamafest came to life after the EAC Council of Ministers in September 2011 directed the EAC Secretariat to organize regular festivals of the kind, and Rwanda was consequently selected to host the first edition of the Festival in 2013, with Kenya hosting the 2015 edition, Uganda the 2017 edition and Tanzania the 2019 edition. It is envisaged the festival will be held biennially and hosted by Partner States rotationally.

The 2022 edition of the Festival is themed “Harnessing the cultural resources to mitigate the impacts of COVID 19 in the EAC”.

The Festival will featured a carnival, art exhibitions, a symposium, live performances, films, literary works, a fashion show and tradition games.


 EAC Partner State Profiles

Venues and Activities


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The Jamafest carnival will entail a procession around Bujumbura. It will precede the official opening ceremony.
It will commence at ……..head to ………..then to ……..and finally wind up at Intwari Stadium.

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Opening & Closing Ceremonies

These two events will entail playing the EAC Anthem, the Festival theme song plus the signal to start the Festival by the Guest of Honour. There is also a special program for the children and groups with special needs. The opening and closing ceremonies will also be characterized by choreography, processions, fireworks and a gala.

View Presentations

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Opening & Closing Ceremonies

These two events will entail playing the EAC Anthem, the Festival theme song plus the signal to start the Festival by the Guest of Honour. There is also a special program for the children and groups with special needs. The opening and closing ceremonies will also be characterized by choreography, processions, fireworks and a gala.

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common market cta

Joint EAC Heads of State

View Presentations


Round Table on Infrastrcuture Development and Financing in the EAC

21st February 2018

Moderated by Mr. Philip Wambugu, OGW - Consultant




0830 - 0930 Hrs

Registration of Participants, Entertainment and Refreshments
Arrival of Ministers and Invited Guests

EAC Secretariat

0930 - 1030 Hrs


National and EAC Anthem

Welcome Remarks and Objectives of the Investors and Donors Round Table
Eng. Steven M. Mlote
Deputy Secretary General - Planning and Infrastructure

EAC Secretariat

Opening Remarks by the Chair of the Sectoral Council on Transport, Communications and Meteorolog (TCM)
Hon. Monica Azuba Ntege
Minister of Works and Transport

Minister of Works and Transport

Key Note Speech by AUC
Infrastructure and Energy Financing and Development in Africa: Current and Future Outlook
Dr. Amani Abou-Zeid
Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy
African Union Commission

African Union Commission

1030 - 1040 Hrs Video Documentatry on Infrastructure Subsectors EAC Secretariat
1040 - 1100 Hrs HEALTH BREAK EAC Secretariat

1100 - 1120 Hrs

Presentation on the implementation of the Heads of State Directives and Priority Infrastructure Projects
Dr. Kamugisha Kazaura
Director of Infrastructure

Director of Infrastructure

1120 - 1300 Hrs

Presentations by Cooperating Partners and Investors on resource mobilization, funding and investment in Infrastructure Projects in the EAC ( Not Exceeding 8 Mins each)

  • Improvement of the East African Maritime Gateways and Integrated Corridor Development, a focus on ongoing activities, pipeline and priorities by the World Bank - Mr. Martin Humphreys, Lead Transport Economist, World Bank.
  • Promoting the Energy and Industrialization Nexus through Regional Investments - Mr. Gabriel Negatu, Director General, AfDB Regional Resources Centre, Nairobi.
  • Updates on Transit and Transport Facilitation across the Tripartite Region (COMESA-EAC-SADC) - Mr. Fabio De Stephano, Head of Section- Infrastructure, EU-Delegation, Tanzania.
  • Railway Sector Enhancement in EAC: Opportunities and Strategic Financing Options - Mr. Lin Zhiyong, Chief Economic and Commercial Representative, Embassy of China in Tanzania.
  • Investing in the Corridor Based Intermodal Transport for Enhanced Regional Integration and Competitiveness - Mr. Toshio Nagase, Chief Representative, JICA Tanzania Office, JICA.

  • Trade and Transport Facilitation in EAC: Current and Future Prospects - Frank Matsaert, CEO, TMEA.
  • NEPAD 5% Agenda on increasing institutional investment in Africa’s infrastructure - Dr. Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, Chief Executive Officer, NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency (NPCA)

  • Promoting Investment in Infrastructure Sectors: The PPP Perspective - Mr Mohan Vivekanandan, Senior Executive, DBSA

World Bank –PPIF/IFC;








1300 - 1400 Hrs

Plenary Discussions at Ministerial Level

  • Leaders of Delegation - EAC Partner States
  • Amb. Dr. Urban Rusnak, Secretary General, International Energy Charter
  • Dr. Stephen Karingi, Director, Regional Integration and Trade Division, UNECA
  • East African Business Council (EABC)
  • Africa 50 Fund

Chairperson; EAC Council of Ministers

1400 - 1420 Hrs

Tour of the Infrastructure and Health Trade Fair and Exhibition


1420 - 1530 Hrs



1530 - 1730 Hrs

Presentation and adoption of recommendations of the Round Table

EAC Secretariat

1900 - 2200 Hrs



1st EAC Round Table on Investing in Health Infrastructure, Systems, Services and Research for the Accelerated Attainment of Universal Health Converage and Sustainable Development Goals

21st February 2018




0800 - 0900 Hrs

Registration of Participants, Entertainment and Refreshments

EAC Secretariat

0900 - 0940 Hrs

Opening Ceremony

National and EAC Anthem

Welcome Remarks and Objectives of the Investors and Donors Round Table
Hon. Christophe Bazivamo
Deputy Secretary General - Productive and Social Sectors

Official Opening Remarks by the Chair, EAC Sectoral Council of Ministers Responsible for Health

Chair, EAC Sectoral Council of Ministers Responsible for Health (Uganda)

0940 - 10:55 Hrs

Thematic Presentations (12 Minutes each)

  • Promoting Private Sector Contribution towards Achieving Universal Health Coverage and Ending Extreme Poverty by 2030 - Dr. Tim Evans, Senior Director of Health Nutrition and Population, World Bank.
  • Sustaining Investment in East Africa Regional Centers of Excellence for Improved Healthcare Services Delivery, Training And Research - Patience Kuruneri, Manager, Public Health, Security and Nutrition Division, African Development Bank.

  • Strengthening the Capacity to Conduct and Regulate Research, Development and Clinical Trials of Pharmaceutical Products in EAC Region – Dr. Michael Makanga, Executive Director, European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnerships (EDCTP)

  • Digital EAC Regional Health Initiative: An imperative investment case for better health service delivery and health outcomes - Prof Gibson Kibiki, Executive Secretary, East African Health Research Commission

Prof. George Magoha, Chairman, Kenya Medical and Dental Practitioners and Dental Board and Former Vice Chancellor, University of Nairobi

1055 - 1105 hrs Plenary Discussions  

1105 - 1120 Hrs


 1120 - 1200 Hrs Presentation of the ten-year EAC regional health sector investment priorities - Hon. Sarah A. Opendi, Chair, EAC Sectoral Council of Ministers Responsible for Health Prof. George Magoha, Chairman,
Kenya Medical and Dental Practitioners and Dental Board and Former Vice Chancellor, University of Nairobi

1200 - 1330 Hrs

Plenary discussions and remarks on EAC Health Sector Investments Priorities presented by the EAC Partner States’ Ministers of Health (Not exceeding 8 minutes each)

  • Dr. Jesper Sundewall, First Secretary, Regional advisor SRHR-Team, Embassy of Sweden Lusaka, Zambia

  • Mr. Randolph Augustin, Chief, Health, Population and Nutrition Office, USAID Kenya / East Africa

  • Mrs. Norzin Grigoleit-Dagyab, First Secretary in charge of EAC Regional Cooperation at the German Embassy in Dar es Salaam

  • Mr. Nevin J. Bradford, Chief Executive Officer, Cipla Quality Chemical Industries Limited and Member, East African Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association 

  • Dr. William M Macharia, Professor and Associate Dean, Aga Khan University, Nairobi
  • Other bilateral, multilateral and international development partners and Investors

  • Civil Society Organizations

Prof. George Magoha, Chairman, Kenya Medical and Dental Practitioners and Dental Board and Former Vice Chancellor, University of Nairobi

1330 - 1400 Hrs

Plenary discussions at Ministerial Level

Chairperson, EAC Sectoral Council of Ministers of Health

1400 - 1430 Hrs

Tour of the Infrastructure and Health Trade Fair and Exhibition


1430 - 1600 Hrs



1600 - 1730 Hrs

Presentation and Adoption of the Outcome of the Round Table

Rapporteur, EAC Sectoral Council of Ministers of Health

1830 - 2200 Hrs



Joint EAC Heads of State Retreat on Infrastructure and Health Financing and Development

22nd February 2018

Moderator: Julie Gichuru, CEO, Arimus Media, Kenya Ltd.



0830 - 1000 Hrs

Registration of Participants, Entertainment and Refreshments

1000 -1020 Hrs

Arrival of Heads of State and Playing of the EAC Anthem

1020 - 1030 Hrs

Welcome Remarks and Objectives of the Retreat
Amb. Liberat Mfumkeko
Secretary General,

1030 - 1040 Hrs

Welcome Remarks
Rt. Hon. Dr. A.M. Kirunda Kivejinja,
Second Deputy Prime Minister,
Minister of EAC Affairs, Uganda and
Chairperson, EAC Council of Ministers

1040 - 1100 Hrs

Official Opening of the Retreat
Chairperson of the Summit
H.E. Yoweri K. Museveni
President of the Republic of Uganda 
Chairperson, EAC Summit of Heads of State

1100 - 1120 Hrs

Keynote Address 1:

Enhancing Infrastructure Development to Facilitate Trade and Accelerate Industrialization in the EAC
Dr. Mukhisa Kituyi
Secretary General,
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

Keynote Address 2:

Investing in transformative and ‪resilient health infrastructure, systems and institutions for better global health security and accelerated attainment of the health related Sustainable Development Goals
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,
Director General,
World Health Organization (WHO

1120 - 1130 Hrs Video Documentary

1120 - 1145 Hrs

Presentation of the outcome document of the Infrastructure RoundtableEng. Steven Mlote
Eng. Steven Mlote
Deputy Secretary General - Planning and Infrastructure

1145 - 1200 Hrs

Presentation of the Outcome Document of the Health Sector Round Table on EAC Partner States’ and Regional Health Sector Investment Priorities
EAC Sectoral Council on Health

1200 - 1300 Hrs

Interventions by Representatives of Cooperating Partners and Investors on Resource Mobilization, Funding and Investment for the EAC Infrastructure and Health Sectors Priorities:

  • Mr. Vijay Pillai, Senior Regional Advisor, Regional Integration, Africa, World Bank (Infrastructure Plus Agenda for deepening integration in the EAC)

  • Mr. Ali Mufuruki, Chairman & CEO, Infotech Investment Ltd. (Private Sector Perspective on Infrastructure Development in EAC)

  • Dr. Amit Thaker, Chair, African Healthcare Federation/Member East African Healthcare Federation (Private Sector Perspective on Health Development in EAC)

  • High level Representatives of the Governments of Germany, UK, USA, China, EU and Aga Khan Development Network

1300 - 1400 Hrs

Plenary Discussion at the Level of the Heads of State

1400 - 1430 Hrs

Presentation and Adoption of the Communiqué

1430 - 1500 Hrs

Tour of the Infrastructure and Health Trade Fair and Exhibition

1500 - 1630 Hrs


1630 Hrs

Departure of EAC Heads of State

1900 - 2100 Hrs GALA DINNER




Amani ABOU ZEID mfumukeko   Michael Makanga  Mukhisa Kituyi  Monica Azuba Ntege
 Dr. Amani Abou Zeid
Infrastructure & Energy
African Union

Amb. Liberat MfumukekoSecretary General

Dr. Michael Makanga
Executive Director

Dr. Mukhisa Kituyi
Secretary General
Hon. Monica Azuba Ntege
Minister of Works & Transport
Steven M. Mlote Christophe BAZIVAMO  William Macharia Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Tim Evans 

 Eng. Steven M. Mlote
Deputy Secretary General
Planning & Infrastructure

 Hon. Christophe Bazivamo
Deputy Secretary General
Productive & Social Sectors

Dr. William M Macharia
Professor and Associate Dean
Aga Khan University

 Dr. Tedros Adhanom
Director General
World Health Organization
 Dr. Tim Evans
Senior Director
Health Nutrition & Population
World Bank
Kamugisha Kazaura   Frank Matsaert Josiane Nijimbere  Mufuruki Ali Toshio Nagase 
Dr. Kamugisha Kazaura
Director of Infrastructure
Mr. Frank Matsaert
Cheif Executive Officer
TradeMark East Africa
Hon. Dr. Josiane Nijimbere
Ministery of Public Health and
Fight against AIDS
Republic of Burundi

Ali Mufuruki
Chairman & CEO
Infotech Investment Ltd

Mr. Toshio NAGASE
Chief Representative
JICA Tanzania Office

Amit Thakker Patience1  kibiki Ibrahim Mayaki Martin Humphreys 

Dr. Amit Thaker
African Healthcare Federation/
Member East African Healthcare Federation

Patience Kuruneri
Public Health, Security and Nutrition
African Development Bank
Prof Gibson Kibiki
Executive Secretary
East African Health and
Research Commission
Dr. Ibrahim Assane Mayaki
Chief Executive Officer
NEPAD Planning and
Coordinating Agency (NPCA) 

Martin Humphreys
Lead Transport Economist
World Bank

Gabriel Negatu  Lin Zhiyong    Mohan Vivekanandan  urban rusnak  Stephen Karingi
 Gabriel Negatu
Director General,

AfDB Regional Resources Centre
Lin Zhiyong
Chief Economic and
Commercial Representative
Embassy of China in Tanzania 
Mohan Vivekanandan
Senior Executive


Amb. Dr. Urban Rusnak
Secretary General
International Energy Charter

Dr. Stephen Karingi
Regional Integration and
Trade Division

Sarah Opendi  richard sezibera   Mr Jesper Sundewall Nevin Bradford  kirunda kivejinja 
 Hon. Sarah A. Opendi

EAC Sectoral Council of Ministers
Responsible for Health and Ministers
of State Health, Uganda

Amb. Dr. Richard Sezibera
Immediate Past 
Secretary General

Dr. Jesper Sundewall
First secretary
Regional advisor

Embassy of Sweden


Nevin J. Bradford
Chief Executive Officer
Cipla Quality Chemical Industries Limited and
Member - East African Pharmaceutical
Manufacturers Association

Rt. Hon. Dr. A.M. Kirunda Kivejinja,
Second Deputy Prime Minister and
Minister of EAC Affairs, Uganda and

EAC Council of Ministers 
 Sicily Kariuki Diane Gachumba 

Hon. Sicily K. Kariuki
Cabinet Secretary
Ministry Of Health
Republic Of Kenya

Hon. Diane Gashumba
Minister of Health
Republic of Rwanda





International, regional, national and private sector institutions in infrastructure, health and allied sectors are welcome to participate in in the International Trade Fair and Exhibitions. Such institution will include but not limited to hospitals, pharmaceutical manufactures, colleges, universities and other health professional training and health research institutions. Likewise, ports, railways, airlines, contractors, investment banks and telecommunication companies will be given an opportunity to showcase their products and services. The International Trade Fair and Exhibitions will also be open Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Faith-Based Organizations (FBOs) and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and individual entrepreneurs.

Registration fee for participation in the international health and infrastructure exhibitions is categorized as follows:

Platinum = US$ 3,000 per exhibition Booth for 2 days
Gold = US$ 2,000 per exhibition Booth  for 2 days
Silver = US$ 1,000 per Exhibition booth for 2 days

Platinum category will have a total of 10 booths (measuring 9 X 3 meters)

Gold category will have a total of 15 booths (measuring 6 X 3 meters)

Silver category will have a total of 25 booths (measuring 3 X 3 meters)

The number of booths allocated for each category shall be shared among the infrastructure and health sector at a ratio of 1:1.

Platinum Exhibition Package

  • Speaking opportunity during gala dinner, cocktail or round table discussions;
  • Large size (9 X 3 meters) exhibition booths with executive table and 4 chairs at the Platinum lane;
  • Corporate branding with large size logo on retreat materials, website and media advertisements;
  • Installation of banners at the main conference hall;
  • Full page corporate profile in the retreat booklet;
  • Media facilitation for interviews;
  • Complementary participation of up to 4 company employees;
  • Two reserved seats at the main retreat

Gold Exhibition Package

  • Corporate branding with medium size logo on retreat materials, website and media advertisements;
  • Medium size ( 6 X 3 meters) exhibition booths with a table and 3 chair AFTER the Platinum lane;
  • Half a page corporate profile in the retreat booklet
  • Complementary additional 3 company participants

Silver exhibition package

  • Corporate branding with small logo on the retreat materials, website and media advertisements;
  • Standard size ( 3 X 3 meters) exhibition booths with a table and 2 chairs after the Gold lane;
  • Quarter page (1/4) company profile in the retreat booklet
  • Complementary participation of 2 additional company representatives

Registration should be made through the registration system on the Retreat website www.eacihr17.eac.int and payment through the bank details indicated below by 15th Februrary 2017:

Account number:    8003439
Name:                     EAC General Support Project
Currency:                US Dollars
Type:                      Current account       
Beneficiary Bank Name:     
Barclays Bank Tanzania Limited,   
P.O.Box 14652, 
Arusha, Tanzania 
Beneficiary Bank SWIFT code (BIC number):      BARCTZTZ 
Correspondent name:                         Barclays Bank New York
Correspondent Swift Code:                BARCUS33
Correspondent  Account  Number:     050-03848-6

Exhibition space and facilities will be provided to exhibitors on a first come-first serve basis.

Exhibitors are encouraged to get further details on participation, registration and exhibition fees requirements from www.eacihr17.eac.int and to contact the following persons.

download Register as an Exhibitor Here                                                       download  Download Exhibition Guidelines

EAC Secretariat :
Mr. John Patrick Mwesigye (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +255 788222548);
Dr. Michael Katende (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; +255763152492/+256772670438) and
Cost Mashauri (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +255784285388/+255754285388)

Uganda National Organizing Committee:
Edward Sebina (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +256772490805);
Dr. Kadowa Isaac (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +256772468777);
Apollo Kashanku, (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


For any additional information, confirmation of participation and feedback, kindly contact the EAC Secretariat through the following e-mail addresses:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



 eac logo copy 1  usaid sida  TMEA logo
 China Aid logo GIZ Logo logo 03 Red EDCTP
 simbanet TPA logo elizabethglaser  







East African Community
EAC Close
Afrika Mashariki Road
P.O. Box 1096
United Republic of Tanzania

Tel: +255 (0)27 216 2100
Fax: +255 (0)27 216 2190
Email: eac@eachq.org