Recognising the fundamental importance of education, science and technology in economic development through harmonized curricula, examination, certification and accreditation institutions; joint establishment and support of scientific and technological research and identifying and developing centres of excellence in the region.
The EAC acknowledges that Education is compulsory. The importance of education is quite clear and to this end, the EAC strives to enable its citizens to acquire the knowledge of “putting one’s potentials to maximum use”. It is therefore through education programmes as well as selective training that the region will be able to meet new technical and business demands of the 21st century.
Harmonisation of the East African Education Systems and Training Curricula
With the re-establishment of the new Community, there is a renewed commitment to ensure that the common goals and aspirations of the peoples of East Africa are realised through a harmonised curricula.
To facilitate the Regional Integration process and especially the free movement of human resources, the EAC Partner States have identified the harmonisation of the education curricula, standards, assessment and evaluation of education programmes as a priority issue.
The Harmonisation Process
The proposed harmonisation of curricular process started in 1998 with the three partners exchanging their national curricular documents for review / analysis. The process has produced country position papers on areas where the curricula of a particular country converges or diverges with the other partner states.
The EAC has therefore been mandated to undertake a regional comparative study in the Partner States with a view to harmonies the National goals and philosophies of education, curriculum content, education structures, policies and legal framework.
The project will be implemented in 4 phases.
Phase I: The first phase will include the undertaking of a regional study to harmonise the goals and philosophies of education, curriculum content, education structures, policies and legal frameworks.
Phase II: The second phase will involve examining the curricula and approaches of delivering teacher, adult, vocational and technical education in the partner states with a view to identify gaps / overlaps and areas to be harmonised.
Phase III: The third phase will involve the development of a relevant curriculum based on the recommendations of the regional study.
Phase IV: The final phase will focus on the necessary reforms / review of structures / adjustments to be initiated by the partner states in order to implement the harmonised curricula.
Period of Implementation
- Phase I-III: 2008-2009
- Phase IV: 5 years