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Facilitating Free Movement and Labour Integration

Article 104 of the East African Community (EAC) Treaty underscores the region's dedication to fostering a conducive environment for the free movement of persons, labour, and services, while ensuring the rights of establishment and residence for the citizens within the community.

The EAC Partner States have agreed upon several critical measures to promote labour integration and cooperation:

  • Ease of Border Crossing: Simplifying border procedures for citizens of Partner States to facilitate seamless travel and movement.
  • Standardized Travel Documents: Ensuring that citizens possess standardized travel documents, simplifying travel arrangements.

  • 24-Hour Border Posts: Committing to the reciprocal opening of border posts and maintaining 24-hour operations for enhanced accessibility.

  • Common Employment Policies:  Harmonizing employment policies to create a consistent and supportive environment for workers across the region.

  • Harmonization of Labour Policies: Aligning labor policies, programs, and legislation, including those pertaining to occupational health and safety, to ensure uniform standards and protections.

  • Regional Centre for Employment Promotion: Establishing a regional center dedicated to enhancing productivity and promoting employment opportunities, facilitating information exchange.

  • Cross-Border Training Facilities: Making training facilities accessible to citizens from all Partner States to enhance skills and capacity-building.

  • Support for Employers' and Workers' Organizations: Strengthening the activities of employers' and workers' organizations to foster dialogue and collaboration, ultimately enhancing labor rights and protections

To achieve the free movement of persons, labour and services and to ensure the enjoyment of the right of establishment and residence of citizens within the Community, the Partner States have agreed to:

  1. Operationalize the Protocol on Free Movement and Residence:

The Partner States have agreed to operationalize a comprehensive Protocol on free movement of persons, labour, services, and the right of establishment and residence. This protocol will serve as a framework for facilitating smooth transitions and interactions within the Community.

  1. Enhancing Social Partnership

Recognizing the importance of collaboration between governments, employers, and employees, the Partner States are committed to enhancing social partnerships. By fostering cooperation and dialogue among these stakeholders, the region aims to boost labour productivity and efficiency, ultimately contributing to sustainable economic growth and development.

Ongoing initiatives to promote the Free Movement of Labour


East African Community
EAC Close
Afrika Mashariki Road
P.O. Box 1096
United Republic of Tanzania

Tel: +255 (0)27 216 2100
Fax: +255 (0)27 216 2190
Email: eac@eachq.org