Special invitation to join the EASTECO cohort in the AuthorAID course ‘Getting Started with Writing and Publishing Your Research (2023)
Special invitation to join the EASTECO cohort in the AuthorAID course ‘Getting Started with Writing and Publishing Your Research (2023)'
You are invited to join the EASTECO cohort in the upcoming AuthorAID online course ‘Ge?ng started with wriAng and publishing your research’, which starts on 16 May 2023.
This will be a massive open online course (MOOC), open to researchers around the world. AuthorAID MOOCs have been offered regularly since 2015, and one disAnguishing factor of our MOOC approach is the presence of guest facilitators who respond to parAcipants’ quesAons on the course forums.
As a member of EASTECO you are enAtled to take advantage of EASTECO’s generous co-sponsorship of the course. You will be able to access addiAonal learning opportuniAes which are not available to other parAcipants. The course will run for 8 weeks starAng on 16 May 2023 (the course schedule is available on the next page). Successful parAcipants typically spend about 5 hours per week on the course. You can study in your own Ame, whenever it’s convenient for you.
Previous parAcipants in EASTECO cohorts have reported high saAsfacAon with their learning experience. Some excerpts from their feedback:
- “I want to thank the donors, course instructors, facilitators and all who are behind this great ini7a7ve for your 7reless effort delegated for the training of young scien7sts from developing countries. The learning materials were well designed with rich content as well as simple and clear English.”
- “I just want to extend my gra7tude to INASP and all the facilitators for this opportunity to take the course. It improved not only the way I will do research from now but also the way I see the world and my career as a health care professional.”
To be considered for a place in the EASTECO cohort, you must join the course before 30 April 2023 and complete the pre-course survey in the course. Enrolment instrucAons are given in the next secAon of this document.
The course is free of cost to individual parAcipants. Those who meet the compleAon criteria will receive a cerAficate in PDF format (also free of cost), which will contain a unique verificaAon code to prove its authenAcity.
Enrolment instructions
Step 1: Create a new account for yourself on learn@inasp (previously known as INASP Moodle) or sign into your exisAng account from here: h]ps://learn.inasp.info/login/index.php (if you already have an account please go to step 2).
When creaAng a new account you'll be asked to fill out a short form and provide your email address. You'll then get a confirmaAon email at your registered email address, and you have to click a link in that email to confirm your account and start using INASP Moodle. If you do not receive the confirmaAon email a`er trying to create an account, please check your junk or spam email folder.
Step 2: Once you’ve signed into your account on INASP Moodle, please visit the course informaAon page here: h]ps://learn.inasp.info/course/view.php?id=300
Step 3: Ignore the enrolment keys menAoned at the end of the course informaAon page. These are only for parAcipants joining the open version of course. You should enter the following string in the field under “enrolment key”: AA-MOOC-EASTECO
You will then be enrolled in the course. Please do not share this enrolment key with anybody else. Note: If you have already registered for the course using one of the generic enrolment keys, please let us
know as soon as possible, so we can enrol you in the correct area.
Course outline and agenda for EASTECO-sponsored par1cipants
The EASTECO version of the course contains addiAonal content and resources which are only available to EASTECO parAcipants, including:
- Live introductory session for EASTECO parAcipants
- Private collegiate forum for discussion and collaboraAon amongst EASTECO members, especially context
- to learn from one another’s experiences of doing and communicaAng research in the East African
- Video archive library – watch previous course facilitators give their Aps and answers to frequently
- asked quesAons
- AddiAonal (opAonal) modules and acAviAes
- Extended course compleAon deadline
- And more!
In order to register for the course as an EASTECO-nominated parAcipant, it is important that you enrol by following the instrucAons below and complete the pre-course survey in the course before 30 April 2023. We will select parAcipants for the EASTECO cohort in the course based on the pre-course survey responses. If you miss this deadline, you can sAll join the course unAl the course begins on 16 May 2023, but we cannot guarantee that you will be considered for the EASTECO cohort. (If you are not selected for the EASTECO cohort you will be added to one of the ‘open’ cohorts in the course.)
Unit |
Week |
Unit 1: |
Week 1: |
Unit 2: |
Week 2: |
Unit 3: |
Week 3: |
Unit 4: |
Week 4: |
Unit 5: |
Week 5: |
AddiAonal course 'Basics of wriAng a grant proposal' |
Weeks 6 and 7: 20 June to 3 July |
*AddiAonal opAonal module(s): To be announced |
TBA (self-study) |
Wrap up |
Week 8: |
Please note that the addiAonal modules are opAonal. You will receive a separate cerAficate of parAcipaAon for each module you complete. If you choose not to parAcipate in these acAviAes, you can sAll qualify for the main course cerAficate by compleAng the main course acAviAes as laid out in the course compleAon criteria (explained in the course inducAon resource – you can see this once you have enrolled in the course).
Next steps
If you would like to take part in the course, please enrol in the course as soon as possible by following the above instrucAons