EASTECO holds Regional Stakeholder Workshop on the EAC Science, Technology and Innovation Policy
The East African Science and Technology Commission (EASTECO), Kigali, Rwanda, October 12th, 2018: The East African Science and Technology Commission (EASTECO) held Regional Stakeholder Workshop on EAC Regional Science, Technology and Innovation Policy on 24th September 2018 at the Kenya School of Monetary Studies in Nairobi, Kenya.
The EAC Partner States have explicitly recognised the importance of Science Technology and Innovation (STI) for socio-economic development in the relevant provisions of Treaty establishing the Community. Science, technology and innovation is important for the enhancement of the socio-economic status of individuals and communities and is key to the establishment of the competitiveness of regional economies. It will be altogether impossible, to create wealth and improve the living standards of the people of this region without developing and applying science and technology and strengthening systems to harness innovation at the national level.
However, the implementation of national STI policies is at varying stages in the EAC Partner States. In some of the EAC partner states, the national STI policies are under a review process. Some of the key challenges hampering the development and implementation of effective STI policies in EAC Partner States are inadequate funds for the implementation of national STI policies, lack of up-to-date, reliable data and indicators on the current status of S&T, lack of indicators and support mechanisms for innovation. The National Institutions have focused on training, education, research and development of national STI policies, with less focus on innovation in the national STI policies. This has resulted in weak and non-direct linkages for science, technology and innovation to support societal needs and sustained economic growth.
The purpose of the meeting was to review and validate the draft policy for the East African Regional science, technology and innovation for sustainable regional development and socio-economic transformation.
The meeting output a validated draft EAC Policy on Science, Technology and Innovation and enriched with lessons and experience from STI Stakeholders, Partner States and partners; and effective support mechanisms identified and validated to enhance regional and national innovation systems for a sustained conducive environment in fostering S&T-led innovations.
The workshop gathered about 65 stakeholders’ representative from EAC Partner States including National Commission/Council for Science and Technology; Ministries responsible for Science, Technology and Innovation; National Departments responsible for Intellectual Property in EAC Partner States; Kenya Association of Professional Engineers; Universities/Academia; National Research Institutions; Private Business and Civil Society sector and Development Partners (UNESCO and UNECA).
The meeting was opened by Dr. Moses Rugutt, the Director General of National Council of Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI) Kenya, who appreciated EASTECO efforts to have the IP Policy developed for the region. He further informed the meeting that this policy will form the basis for the development of the individual National IP Policy. The opening remarks were given by Mrs Ngabirano Gertrude, the Executive Secretary, Dr. Alice Ochanda representative from UNESCO Nairobi, Kenya and Dr. Kasirim Nwuke representative from UNECA, Ethiopia.
The EAC IP Policy development process was participatory and included national level consultations in all EAC Partner States.
After the consultative process, the reviewed draft Regional Policies will be submitted to the EASTECO Governing Board for adoption before consideration and approval by the EAC Council of Ministers.
For more information please contact:
The Executive Secretary,
The East African Science and Technology Commission (EASTECO),
2nd Floor Telecom House, Kacyiru,
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The East African Science and Technology Commission (EASTECO) was established as an institution of the EAC, with an overall objective of “promoting and coordinating the development, management and application of Science and Technology in Partner States” composed with the Republics of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, the United Republic of Tanzania and the Republic of Uganda.
It is a semi-autonomous institution of the EAC established by the 5th Extra-ordinary Summit of the EAC Heads of State held on 18th June 2007,in accordance with Chapter 16, Article 103 (a) of the Treaty on the Establishment of the East African Community, where the Partner States undertook to promote cooperation in the development of Science & Technology within the Community.
EASTECO Headquarters are in Kigali, Rwanda, 2nd Floor Telecom House, Kacyiru.
Tags: East African Science and Technology Commission (EASTECO)