THEME: "East African Region: The Destination of Choice for Oil and Gas Investment Opportunities to Enhance Socioeconomic Transformation"
DATES: 08 - 10 May 2019
The East African Community (EAC) comprises of six Partner States namely Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda with a combined population of over 168 million. The broad goal of EAC is economic, social and political integration so as to create wealth in the region and enhance competitiveness through increased production, trade and investment. Thus, the EAC seeks to improve the quality of life for the people of East Africa through its mission of widening and deepening integration and a vision of a prosperous, competitive and politically united East Africa.
Given the importance of energy in realizing this vision, the EAC Partner States have agreed to cooperate in joint exploration and development of energy resources found within the Community and to promote investment within the sector. The EAC Partner States seek to promote exploitation of both renewable and non-renewable energy sources in the most optimal way for the mutual benefit of East Africans.
The East African Petroleum Conference and Exhibition offers a wide range of technical presentations reflecting developments in the oil and gas industry in East Africa and around the world. The Conference provides a forum for discussing the legal and policy framework and the overall business environment prevailing in the region. It gives stakeholders in the oil and gas sector an opportunity to interact with EAC senior government officials and decision makers.
Abstracts are invited on the range of topics outlined below. Presenters should submit an abstract of not more than 500 words in length using Times New Roman font type of size 12, with 1.5-line spacing.
EAPCE'19 Conference Topics:
A: Exploration and Development
- Licensing regimes
- East African Rift Basins
- iii. East African Coastal Basins
- Offshore Exploration Opportunities
- Exploration in inland Basins
- Petroleum Data Management
B: Commercialization and Infrastructure Development
- Meeting the Regional petroleum needs
- Crude Oil and Refines Petroleum Products Pipelines
- iii. Exploring on Exportation and Refining Options for Crude Oil
- Natural Gas and LPG Infrastructure development
- Oil and Gas to Power Projects
C: Economic and Financial Aspects of Petroleum Projects
- Field Development and Reservoir Management
- Financing of Oil and Gas Projects
- iii. Oil and Gas Markets and Impact of global prices
- Petroleum Fiscal Regimes
D: Cross Cutting Issues
- Managing Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) and Social Impacts on Oil and Gas Operations
- Local Content - Capacity Building, Goods and Services in the Oil and Gas Industry
- iii. Policy, legal and Regulatory Framework
- Technological Advancement
- Petroleum Revenue Management and Governance
- Supporting Infrastructure for Oil and Gas Development
- vii. Managing Stakeholder Expectations
All submitted abstracts must focus on the conference theme and topics.
The author’s biography and a passport size photograph must accompany each Abstract.
Biographies shall be limited to 150 words and shall be written using complete sentences in the 3rd person and should contain information on position, career history, education and professional achievements.
Multiple abstract submission is PERMITED
Abstracts submission will be done online through the EAPCE'19 website, www.eapce19.eac.int.
The submission platform will close at midnight 31st December, 2018 GMT+3.
Important Conference Dates:
Event |
Date |
Open Submissions of Abstracts |
1 October 2018 |
Open Registration |
30 October 2018 |
Abstract Submission Deadline |
31 December 2018 |
Notification of Acceptance |
28 February 2019 |
Exhibition Booth Hire Deadline |
30 April 2019 |
Conference Start |
8 May 2019 |
Conference End March |
10 May 2019 |
For more information on EAPCE’19, visit the conference website: www.eapce19.eac.int
For more information, please contact:
Mr Owora Richard Othieno
Head, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Department
EAC Secretariat
Arusha, Tanzania
Tel: +255 784 835021
Email: OOthieno [at] eachq.org