29 MARCH 2019
Based on the Keynotes Speech, Parallel Sessions and Symposia Presentations, the conference recommends that EAC should:
- Expedite development and application of innovative approaches (such as the cross boarder health unit model) to cross boarder health, disease outbreak, preparedness and response in boarder areas while adding values to the national health system.
- Promote establishment of national bio banks and data repositories among the Partner States and develop a regional policy for guiding the use and security of the repositories.
- Urge the Partner States to participate in development, evaluation and formalization of emerging technologies intended for promoting digital health.
- Harmonisethe regional IP policy to guide development and uptake of digital health technologies.
- Strengthening platform for digital inclusion where communities have full access to information on surveillance and disease management.
- Urge the Partner States to fast track the adoption and implementation of Evidence Based Surveillance and enhance mechanisms of sharing information and best practice.
- Enhance coordination and collaboration between East African countries and international Institutions involved in diseases control including African CDC.
- Urge the Partner States to promote the involvement of frontline healthcare workers in the design of digital health tools to ensure readiness, for easy adoption, decreasing cost, and increased sustainability.
- Develop and adopt innovative Regional PPP policies and models specific to digital health Technologies.