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Hon Isabelle Ndahayo giving the keynote address and the Secretary General Amb Mfumukeko looks on

High Level National Multi-Stakeholder Advocacy Workshop on Strengthening of Pharmaceutical Laws held in Burundi

East African Community Headquarters, Arusha, 8th December, 2017:

A one-day high level National Multi-Stakeholders Advocacy and Sensitization Workshop on strengthening of national pharmaceutical laws and establishment of “autorite nationale de la regulation des medicaments et des aliments (ABREMA)” in the Republic of Burundi was held on 7th December, 2017 at the Panoramique Hotel in Bujumbura, Burundi.

The Minister in the Office of the President Responsible for EAC Affairs, Hon. Isabelle Ndahayo, officiated at the official opening ceremony of the workshop.

Addressing participants who included, among others, Members of Parliament and Permanent Secretaries, the Hon. Minister said that the EAC Partner States had agreed to, among other things, promote the management of health delivery systems and better planning mechanisms to enhance efficiency of health care services within the bloc; develop a common drug policy which would include establishing quality control capacities and good procurement practices; and harmonize drug registration procedures so as to achieve good control of pharmaceutical standards without impeding or obstructing the movement of pharmaceutical products within the Community.

The Minister commended the EAC Secretariat under the leadership of Amb. Liberat Mfumukeko for keenly following up with Partner States to ensure they implemented the directives and decisions of the Council of Ministers.

In his remarks, Amb. Mfumukeko noted that there were some directives and decisions of the EAC Council of Ministers with regard to fast-tracking regional cooperation and integration in the health sector among the Partner States and Burundi was still lagging behind hence the need for the Secretariat to come to Bujumbura to discuss with high level national stakeholders on the way forward.

He said since the year 2008, the EAC Secretariat in collaboration with the other EAC Partner States and the World Health Organization (WHO) had been making efforts to involve and build the capacity of the Republic of Burundi in the harmonization and strengthening the environment for the regulation of pharmaceuticals, medical products and various health technologies, adding that the outputs of these efforts had been minimal due to various technical and governance issues.

Amb Mfumukeko reiterated that the EAC Council of Ministers had recommended and urged all Partner States to review, update, strengthen and harmonize their respective national policies, laws, regulations, strategies, guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) governing the pharmaceutical sector in each Country.

Specifically, the Council of Ministers had urged each Partner State to enact and implement strong National Pharmaceutical Laws through their respective National Parliaments and also to consider and establish strong semi-autonomous National Medicines Regulatory Authorities (NMRAs) in order to promote public health and safety as well as facilitate cross-border trade in medicines, health technologies and other medical products, including enhancing local pharmaceutical manufacturing under the EAC Common Market Protocol.

The Secretary General said that it was regrettable that whereas all the other EAC Partner States had complied and implemented these decisions, Burundi was still lagging behind hence denying the country the benefits of the harmonized EAC Regional Guidelines and Standards for Medicines Evaluation and Registration, Good Manufacturing Practices, Quality Management Systems and Information Management Systems as well the Mutual Reciprocal Recognition and Technical Cooperation with other Partner States and the international medicines regulatory bodies and agencies.

The Secretary General urged the Republic of Burundi to fast-track the enactment and implementation of the Burundi National Pharmaceuticals Regulation Law that is currently before the Parliament of Burundi and also consider and build consensus on the need to establish and fully operationalize the ABREMA as a public autonomous or semi-autonomous body and legally designated to oversee effective regulation of food and medicinal products in Burundi in accordance to the regional and international best practices.

The Secretary General also urged the Government of Burundi to implement some of the pending previous decisions of the EAC Council of Ministers with regard to the strengthening and expanding the governance and regulation of health professionals and the regulation of health services delivery in the country through the establishment of the following semi-autonomous bodies or institutions to handle their respective mandates as happens in the other EAC Partner States and internationally, namely:

  1. i) Establishment of the “Burundi National Health Professions Authority (BNHPA” – Using the model from the Republic of Zimbabwe as agreed by all EAC Countries through the EAC Council of Ministers decisions;
  2. ii) Strengthening of the existing “Burundi Medical and Dental Practitioners’ Council” through legal reforms and provision of offices, infrastructure, equipment, secretariat staff and adequate funds;

iii)    Establishment of the “Burundi National Nursing and Midwifery Council”;

  1. iv) Establishment of the “Burundi National Pharmacy Council”;
  2. v) Establishment of the “Burundi National Medical Laboratory Scientists, Technologists and Technicians Board”; and
  3. vi) Establishment of the “Burundi National Allied Health Professionals Council”.

Prior to the high-level meeting, Amb. Mfumukeko led an EAC delegation to meet and engage with the 2nd Vice President of the National Assembly, Ms. Jocky Chantal Nkurunziza and Members of the Social Affairs Committee of Parliament of Burundi on 6th December, 2017 to discuss the establishment of the ABREMA and the enactment of the Pharmaceutical Law.


For more information, please contact:

Mr Owora Richard Othieno
Head, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Department
EAC Secretariat
Arusha, Tanzania
Tel: +255 784 835021
Email: OOthieno [at] eachq.org

About the East African Community Secretariat:

The East African Community (EAC) is a regional intergovernmental organisation of five Partner States, comprising Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, with its headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania. 

The EAC Secretariat is ISO 2008:9001 Certified

The Hon Jesca Eriyo presenting awards to the East African health experts who represented at the conference the round about 500 experts who served in West Africa during the Ebola epidemic (Photo: GIZ/Light in Captivity)

Lessons for the Future – What East African Experts learned from fighting the Ebola Epidemic in West Africa

‘Diseases don’t have passports – they can cross borders’, the Hon. Jesca Eriyo, Deputy Secretary General Finance and Administration of the East African Community (EAC) Secretariat, reminded the participants of a three-day regional conference on ‘Lessons for the Future – What East African Experts learned from fighting the Ebola epidemic in West Africa’. The conference was the first of its kind that brought together 50 of the 500 East African doctors, nurses, epidemiologists and many other health specialists who risked their lives by volunteering to be deployed to West Africa to fight the Ebola epidemic between 2014 and 2016. According to the World Health Organization, the epidemic killed over 11,000 people and more than 30,000 were infected, and there were real fears that the disease could spread to East Africa and beyond.

The conference, with participation from the African Union, from Regional Economic Communities and Regional Health and Development Organizations, from the WHO AFRO office, the UN and other international development partners as well as representatives from Doctors without Borders and others bodies, was held from 6th to 8th November at the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) Duduville Campus in Nairobi, Kenya.

The East African Community (EAC) Secretariat decided to host the conference so that the invaluable experiences and knowledge of these East African health experts could be heard, properly documented, and used to inform lessons for the future for preventing, combating and mitigating future outbreaks of infectious diseases.

Over the three days, participants shared their first-hand experiences, discussed the lessons learned and came up with constructive recommendations for future responses. ‘There are some things you can’t learn in a classroom – you only learn from experience,’ said Dr Monica Musenero, WHO’s Field coordinator in Bombali, Sierra Leone and one of the 500 experts from East Africa who volunteered to be deployed to West Africa to help during the Ebola crisis of 2014-16. ’Never in my life did I imagine such an epidemic. It dwarfed everything that had gone before… When I arrived in Freetown, Sierra Leone I was unprepared for the horror of what I encountered.’ She compared the experience of fighting Ebola to being at the frontline of a war – ‘except you can’t see the enemy – it’s everywhere.’

Participants discussed the lessons learned from this ‘frontline’ experience and came up with many constructive lessons for improving future responses, including:

  • Political will is very important for timely declaration and management of epidemics.
  • Regional and national contingency plans need to be developed and implemented, with adequate resources to prevent and react to future epidemics.
  • There is a need to establish national and regional teams of experts that can be rapidly deployed in an emergency.
  • Community engagement is crucial if disease outbreaks are to be effectively contained.
  • Health systems need to be strengthened and work effectively with other sectors and areas of expertise to ensure a holistic and effective response.

The Hon. Jesca Eriyo said that the lessons learned from the deployed experts’ first-hand experiences would help to strengthen the continents’ future response to outbreaks, and their recommendations would inform the East African Community’s commitment to strengthening health systems and responses, and be presented to the forthcoming East African Head of States summit. She particularly welcomed the participants’ enthusiasm for establishing a pool of experienced experts for rapid deployment in the event of a future emergency.

Dr Zabulon Yeti, head of the WHO AFRO Office in Brazzaville, DRC, welcomed the meeting as an opportunity for deployed exerts to come together and be ‘debriefed’ and talk freely about their experiences. He said he would take five key messages away from the meeting:

  • Nobody can tackle infectious diseases like Ebola alone. It needs to be a team effort.
  • Working together leads to better coordination and synergistic actions.
  • Better local action and early reporting is crucial: the Ebola outbreak in West Africa started with just one case but quickly crossed boundaries and continents.
  • Ebola is a disease that crossed from animals to humans, so animal and human health and the effects of the environment and climate change are all closely related and need a multi-sectoral ‘One Health’ response.
  • The key lesson is that containing future outbreaks will need community engagement, and that entails better understanding of culture and traditions and more effective risk communication. Dr Yoti said that some community responders working in West Africa had been stoned and threatened ‘because we did not understand the community.’

Dr Babatunde Jegede from the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Health in Lagos spoke on behalf of the West African experts who fought Ebola in the affected countries. During a press briefing he stressed the importance of continuous exchange and close cooperation between and among the African regions for better future preparedness. He and his colleagues present at the conference contributed their experiences from fighting the epidemic and said they would take home the lessons learned from their East African sisters and brothers.

Jesca Eriyo concluded the meeting by thanking all formerly deployed East African experts present who had risked their own lives in the fight against Ebola: ‘From deep down in my heart I thank you and applaud your sacrifice … you will always be celebrated as heroes.’

The conference was organised by the EAC Secretariat in collaboration with the Federal Government of Germany through the GIZ coordinated ‘Support to Pandemic Preparedness in the EAC Region’ project and in cooperation with GIZ’s Epidemic Preparedness Team (Schnell Einsetzbare Expertengruppe Gesundheit, SEEG) and the German Development Bank (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau, KfW) supported ‘EAC Regional Network of Reference Laboratories for Communicable Diseases’.

 Contact: Othieno Richard Owora: EAC Secretariat

Video and audio interviews with health workers who worked in West Africa, and photos of the conference are available on request.

Download Report of the Conference

For further information:

Kenneth K. Byoona,
Risk and Crisis Communication,
Support to Pandemic Preparedness in the EAC Region, GIZ
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: +255 27 250 123

Hon Jesca Eriyo presenting awards to the East African health experts who represented at the conference the round about 500 experts who served in West Africa during the Ebola epidemic (Photo: GIZ/Light in Captivity)

Lessons for the Future: What East African Experts learned from fighting the Ebola Epidemic in West Africa

East African Community Secretariat, Arusha, Tanzania, 10th November, 2017:

‘Diseases don’t have passports – they can cross borders,' the Hon. Jesca Eriyo, Deputy Secretary General Finance and Administration of the East African Community (EAC) Secretariat, reminded the participants of a three-day regional conference on ‘Lessons for the Future – What East African Experts learned from fighting the Ebola epidemic in West Africa’. The conference was the first of its kind that brought together 50 of the 500 East African doctors, nurses, epidemiologists and many other health specialists who risked their lives by volunteering to be deployed to West Africa to fight the Ebola epidemic between 2014 and 2016. According to the World Health Organization, the epidemic killed over 11,000 people and more than 30,000 were infected, and there were real fears that the disease could spread to East Africa and beyond.

The conference, with participation from the African Union, from Regional Economic Communities and Regional Health and Development Organizations, from the WHO AFRO office, the UN and other international development partners as well as representatives from Doctors without Borders and others bodies, was held from 6th to 8th November at the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) Duduville Campus in Nairobi, Kenya.

The East African Community (EAC) Secretariat decided to host the conference so that the invaluable experiences and knowledge of these East African health experts could be heard, properly documented, and used to inform lessons for the future for preventing, combating and mitigating future outbreaks of infectious diseases.

Over the three days, participants shared their first-hand experiences, discussed the lessons learned and came up with constructive recommendations for future responses.  ‘There are some things you can’t learn in a classroom – you only learn from experience,’ said Dr Monica Musenero, WHO’s Field coordinator in Bombali, Sierra Leone and one of the 500 experts from East Africa who volunteered to be deployed to West Africa to help during the Ebola crisis of 2014-16. ’Never in my life did I imagine such an epidemic. It dwarfed everything that had gone before… When I arrived in Freetown, Sierra Leone I was unprepared for the horror of what I encountered.’  She compared the experience of fighting Ebola to being at the frontline of a war – ‘except you can’t see the enemy – it’s everywhere.’

Participants discussed the lessons learned from this ‘frontline’ experience and came up with many constructive lessons for improving future responses, including:

  • Political will is very important for timely declaration and management of epidemics.
  • Regional and national contingency plans need to be developed and implemented, with adequate resources to prevent and react to future epidemics.
  • There is a need to establish national and regional teams of experts that can be rapidly deployed in an emergency.
  • Community engagement is crucial if disease outbreaks are to be effectively contained.
  • Health systems need to be strengthened and work effectively with other sectors and areas of expertise to ensure a holistic and effective response. 

The Hon. Jesca Eriyo said that the lessons learned from the deployed experts’ first-hand experiences would help to strengthen the continents’ future response to outbreaks, and their recommendations would inform the East African Community’s commitment to strengthening health systems and responses, and be presented to the forthcoming East African Head of States summit. She particularly welcomed the participants’ enthusiasm for establishing a pool of experienced experts for rapid deployment in the event of a future emergency. 

Dr Zabulon Yeti, head of the WHO AFRO Office in Brazzaville, DRC, welcomed the meeting as an opportunity for deployed exerts to come together and be ‘debriefed’ and talk freely about their experiences. He said he would take five key messages away from the meeting:

  • Nobody can tackle infectious diseases like Ebola alone. It needs to be a team effort.
  • Working together leads to better coordination and synergistic actions.
  • Better local action and early reporting is crucial: the Ebola outbreak in West Africa started with just one case but quickly crossed boundaries and continents.
  • Ebola is a disease that crossed from animals to humans, so animal and human health and the effects of the environment and climate change are all closely related and need a multi-sectoral ‘One Health’ response.
  • The key lesson is that containing future outbreaks will need community engagement, and that entails better understanding of culture and traditions and more effective risk communication. Dr Yoti said that some community responders working in West Africa had been stoned and threatened ‘because we did not understand the community.’

Dr Babatunde Jegede from the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Health in Lagos spoke on behalf of the West African experts who fought Ebola in the affected countries. During a press briefing he stressed the importance of continuous exchange and close cooperation between and among the African regions for better future preparedness. He and his colleagues present at the conference contributed their experiences from fighting the epidemic and took home what they learned from their East African sisters and brothers.

Hon. Eriyo concluded the meeting by thanking all formerly deployed East African experts present who had risked their own lives in the fight against Ebola: ‘From deep down in my heart I thank you and applaud your sacrifice … you will always be celebrated as heroes.’

The conference was organised by the EAC Secretariat in collaboration with the Federal Government of Germany through the GIZ coordinated ‘Support to Pandemic Preparedness in the EAC Region’ project and in cooperation with GIZ’s Epidemic Preparedness Team (Schnell Einsetzbare Expertengruppe Gesundheit, SEEG) and the German Development Bank (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau, KfW) supported ‘EAC Regional Network of Reference Laboratories for Communicable Diseases’.


For more information, please contact:

Kenneth K. Byoona
Risk and Crisis Communication
Support to Pandemic Preparedness in the EAC Region, GIZ
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

About the East African Community Secretariat:

The East African Community (EAC) is a regional intergovernmental organisation of five Partner States, comprising Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, with its headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania. 

The EAC Secretariat is ISO 2008:9001 Certified

EAC meeting on Operationalization of Regional Network of Public Health Reference Laboratories for Communicable Diseases begins in Arusha

East African Community Secretariat; Arusha, Tanzania; 19 September 2017:

The East African Community meeting on orientation and planning on the operationalization of the Regional Network of Public Health Reference Laboratories for Communicable Diseases (RNPHRL) is underway at the EAC headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.

The purpose of the RNPHRL meeting is to strengthen capacities in all five EAC Partner States to respond to pathogens of biosafety level 3 and 4 nature and other outbreaks of infectious diseases, prone to cause cross-border epidemics, by rapid diagnostic capacities that enable timely interventions.

The establishment of the RNPHRL has been necessitated by the growing challenge of epidemics and pandemics including viral haemorrhagic fevers (e.g. Ebola) with devastating impacts on health outcomes and the economy amidst limited infrastructure and human resource capacity of the National and Regional Reference Public Health Laboratory since most of the laboratories are at biosafety level 2.

The 19th  – 21st September 2017 meeting will among others share experience among Partner States with regard to the operationalization of National/Central Public Health Reference Laboratories and other key national and international laboratories; orient the EAC Partner State Experts on the requirements for the operationalization of the East African Community Regional Network of Public Health Reference Laboratories for Communicable Diseases at Partner State and develop a calendar of activities/roadmap for the first year (running from October 2017 to June 2018) of implementation of the project including determination of the date and venue for the launch of the project.

Speaking during the opening session on behalf of the EAC Secretary General, Amb Liberat Mfumukeko, the EAC Secretariat Principal Health Officer,  Dr. Stanley Sonoiya highlighted the importance of the EAC Partner State Experts to orient on the requirements for the operationalization of the Regional Network of Public Health Reference Laboratories for Communicable Diseases at the Partner State.

He disclosed to the meeting that the establishment of a high-capacity regional network of reference laboratories was prioritized in the 4th EAC Development Strategy (2011/12-2015/16) and remained a major agenda in the 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th Meetings of the EAC Sectoral Council of Ministers of Health also referred to as the Sectoral Council on Health.

He informed meeting that the design of the Project has been aligned with the policy guidance and directives of 12th Ordinary Meeting of the EAC Sectoral Council of Ministers of Health held on 22nd June 2016 as well as the German Development Bank (KfW) Project Appraisal Mission from 8th to 10th December 2015.

On her part, Ms Sanna Stocktrom, Project Manager  from  KfW said ‘’We are very happy with our relationship and our strong partnership with EAC in the development of the regional bloc’’

She  reiterated that the signed financing agreement valued at 10 million euros with the EAC Secretariat on 23rd November 2016 to support  the establishment of RNPHRL project  underlines that Germany wishes to further strengthen the long-standing and deep relationship it maintains with the East African Community in order to contribute to the well-being and prosperity of its citizens”.

The RNPHRL meeting  is being attended by Head of the National/Central Public Health Laboratory; National Head of Disease Prevention and Control; National Head of Integrated Diseases Surveillance and Response as well as  National Head of the Health Management Information Systems/Strategic Information Management from each of the Partner States.

- ENDS -

Notes to Editor: 

The Federal Government of Germany through the German Development Bank (KfW) has signed a financing agreement valued at 10 million euros with the EAC Secretariat on 23rd November 2016 to support the establishment and operationalization of the East African Community Regional Network of Public Health Reference Laboratories for Communicable Diseases (EAC – RNPHRL).

The establishment of the EAC – RNPHRL has been necessitated by the growing challenge of epidemics and pandemics including viral haemorrhagic fevers (e.g. Ebola) with devastating impacts on health outcomes and the economy amidst limited infrastructure and human resource capacity of the National and Regional Reference Public Health Laboratory since most of the laboratories are at biosafety level 2.

For more information, please contact:

Mr Owora Richard Othieno
Head, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Department
EAC Secretariat
Arusha, Tanzania
Tel: +255 784 835021
Email: OOthieno [at] eachq.org

About the East African Community Secretariat:

The East African Community (EAC) is a regional intergovernmental organisation of five Partner States, comprising Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, with its headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.

1st Extra-Ordinary Meeting of the EAC Sectoral Council of Health begins in Arusha

East African Community Secretariat; Arusha, Tanzania; 07 June 2017:

The 1st Extra-Ordinary Meeting of the EAC Sectoral Council of Ministers of Health began today with the Session of Senior Officials at the EAC Headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.

The Session of Senior Officials will be followed by the Coordination Committee which comprises Permanent/Principal Secretaries of Health from the EAC Partner States on Thursday, 8th June, 2017.

The highlight of the event will be the Ministers/Cabinet Secretaries Session that will be held on Friday, 9th June, 2017.

Among the items on the agenda is the consideration of the reports of the EAC Joint Re-inspection of various Medical and Dental Teaching Hospitals in the region.

Also on the agenda for discussion will be the establishment of the proposed East African Community College of Medicine and Health Professions, which institution will provide and award specialist postgraduate training fellowship qualifications in medicine and other health professions in East Africa.

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For more information, please contact:

Mr Owora Richard Othieno
Head, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Department
EAC Secretariat
Arusha, Tanzania
Tel: +255 784 835021
Email: OOthieno [at] eachq.org

About the East African Community Secretariat:

The East African Community (EAC) is a regional intergovernmental organisation of five Partner States, comprising Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, with its headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.

EAC Partner States Short of Qualified Health Specialists

East African Community Secretariat; Arusha, Tanzania; 09 June 2017:

East African Community Partner States have a serious shortage of qualified health specialists, recent estimates show.

Uganda’s Minister of State for Health, Hon. Dr. Sarah Opendi, said that like most low and middle income regions, the EAC has far less than the 44.5 physicians, nurses and midwives per 10,000 people required to fast-track the attainment of health related Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) targets.

Dr. Opendi said that due to the low number of health specialists vis-à-vis the population, EAC Partner States could not provide quality healthcare to their citizens without addressing the issue of training of Human Resources for Health, both in terms of quality and quantity.

“Inspection of medical, nursing and other health professions training institutions is a critical quality assurance intervention that must be pursued in light of the attendant HRH challenges,” said Dr. Opendi.

“Strengthening the quality of training through peer inspections will significantly build confidence in our training institutions and expand the growth-inducing impact of healthcare employment on various socio-economic sectors such as trade, tourism and GDP,” said the Minister.

Dr. Opendi said that the population of the region had grown tremendously over the years without a corresponding investment in the training of healthcare staff.

“Our efforts to achieve the SDG 3 on good health and wellbeing, and in particular, the target of universal health coverage (UHC) is very much dependent on how we address the existing human resources for health challenges, including numbers and quality of training,” she added.

Dr. Opendi was speaking when she officially opened the Ministerial Session of the 1st Extra-Ordinary Meeting of the EAC Sectoral Council of Ministers of Health at the EAC Headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania. Uganda currently holds the position of Chairperson of the EAC.

She commended Partner States’ National Medical and Dental Boards and Councils for championing efforts to uphold and strengthen standards in medical and dental schools in the EAC region.

“There shouldn’t be any compromise on these standards because poorly trained health workers will be a big threat to the lives of our population,” she said.

She hailed ongoing national and regional efforts to strengthen the training of HRH such as expanding the postgraduate training fellowships and award of sub-specialists qualification in medicine and other health sciences.

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For more information, please contact:

Mr Owora Richard Othieno
Head, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Department
EAC Secretariat
Arusha, Tanzania
Tel: +255 784 835021
Email: OOthieno [at] eachq.org

About the East African Community Secretariat:

The East African Community (EAC) is a regional intergovernmental organisation of five Partner States, comprising Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, with its headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.

Burundi President Pierre Nkurunziza Pitches for Medico-Pastoral Approach in Healthcare

East African Community Secretariat; Bujumbura, Burundi; 01 April 2017:
Burundi President Pierre Nkurunziza has called for close collaboration between medical practitioners and the clergy in the delivery of healthcare.

A jovial President Nkurunziza told delegates to the 6th EAC Health and Scientific Conference being held in Bujumbura, Burundi that human beings and other creatures do not owe their life and survival to doctors, healers or any other health-related sciences but to God.

President Nkurunziza said the society should consider doctors, healers and medical researchers as God’s assistants who in return should not take their responsibilities for granted.

“Whoever lands a helping hand to God, in any healthcare-related activity, should be proud of it on the one hand and, on the other hand, they should refrain from any behaviour or attitude likely to affect life in a negative way,” said Nkurunziza.

President Nkurunziza said that in the beginning, faith and healing were integrated, adding that this was no longer the case today.

“Today, medical science limits itself to what is physical, observable and replicable. In this process, our concept of the person has become fragmented. Diseases of the body are the concern of medicine, problems of the mind are the realm of psychology, while spiritual problems are relegated to pastors and priest,” he said.

The President said the onus was on leaders and clerics to bring faith and the practice of medicine back together as an integrated whole.

“To do this, we must first recognise the wholeness of the person we seek to heal; the combination of body, spirit, emotions and other phenomena,” he said, adding that this could be done in three major ways.

“First, healthcare professionals must understand who the whole person is, and how thoughts, feelings, emotions and desires affect our total health and healing. Secondly, we need to learn how to refer sick persons to pastoral caregivers and how to work together as a team. Thirdly, medical and pastoral leaders need to find ways to develop this team approach in hospitals, clinics and private practice

situations. We must adopt a holistic approach; trying to involve the whole community in the many aspects of this long healing journey.”

He noted that the integrated medico-pastoral healing approach to healing has proven successful in Burundi and other countries.

“There are definite limits of medical science. Unfortunately, not all human conditions and afflictions can be adequately diagnosed even after exhaustive tests and studies. Medical providers live with that reality every day and so do our patients,” said Nkurunziza.

"When specialists and diagnostic studies have not revealed a cause to your symptoms, it does not mean you do not have a problem. It just means that no one has been able to find thus far except God who knows everything. We all know of many cases where doctors give up on their patients. The latter would walk the streets in search of a solution but in vain. Once all ways and means have proven inadequate, an invisible hand works a miracle. That invisible hand is God.”

President Nkurunziza said there had been instances where death certificates were written, people were taken to mortuaries or cemeteries, but manage to return to life, leaving doctors speechless and onlookers astounded.

He noted that many doctors only reconsider their spiritual beliefs when they fall sick with serious diseases.

“Doctors should not wait for the above situation to arise. They should always seek advice, guidance and inspiration from God if they want to be more efficient and successful in the long run,” he said, adding that even death was under God’s control.

“The number of days that we will live on this earth is ordained by God, not by medical science. It is God who has the power to shorten or prolong it. Read Isaiah 38:5 or Job 14:5 for better understanding. “Death, of course, is not a failure. Death is normal. Death may be the enemy, but it is also the natural order of things. There is nothing we can do about it. We have to do with it.”

He quoted the Apostle Paul to the effect that God’s plan was “…to bring all things together.

“We can play a crucial part in this by allowing God to work through healthcare professionals and leaders to reunite medicine and faith because, as God told Moses, ‘I am the Lord who heals you.’ ”

- ENDS -

For more information, please contact:

Mr Owora Richard Othieno
Head, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Department
EAC Secretariat
Arusha, Tanzania
Tel: +255 784 835021
Email: OOthieno [at] eachq.org

About the East African Community Secretariat:

The East African Community (EAC) is a regional intergovernmental organisation of five Partner States, comprising Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, with its headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.


Burundi President Pierre Nkurunziza calls for closer Cooperation among Researchers in East Africa

East African Community Secretariat; Bujumbura, Burundi; 29 March 2017:
Burundian President Pierre Nkurunziza has urged researchers from the six East African Community Partner States to set aside the tendency to compete amongst themselves and instead embrace a culture of cooperation in their work.

President Nkurunziza said closer cooperation among researchers and scientists in the region would result in synergy and greater benefits to East Africans. President said this cooperation was all the more relevant at a time when the world is getting smaller with increasingly cross-cutting concerns.

“The increasing complexity of health issues requires partnerships and collaboration of specialities and skills,” said President Nkurunziza.

The Burundian leader called on governments and other stakeholders in the region to commit themselves to ensuring that people, their livelihoods, well-being and in particular their health are the focus of climate change.

“I invite the health and environmental sectors within the Member States of the East African Community to exchange their experiences, technical expertise and best practices to improve health and protect the environment,” said Nkurunziza.

"I also strongly appeal to economic operators in general, and manufacturers in particular to become more aware of health issues, especially in as much as their actions often have a negative impact on animal and environmental health,” he added.

The Head of State said that today climate change increases food insecurity, worsens malnutrition and accentuates the spread of vector-borne diseases such as malaria in East Africa.

“The health situation in our Community therefore calls for a medium- and long-term programme to combat the vectors of these diseases and to educate the public about the change of behaviour in order to have a sound health and an increased awareness for the protection of the environment,” said the President.

President Nkurunziza was speaking at the Ecole Polytechnique Professionnelle de Bujumbura when he officially opened the 6th EAC Health and Scientific Conference and International Health Exhibition and Trade Fair. The three-day conference has drawn more than 500 delegates mainly comprising health sector researchers, practitioners and academics, and development partners.

President Nkurunziza said that the free movement of people and goods as enshrined in the EAC Common Market Protocol comes at a cost, adding that such challenges could only be overcome through research.

In these times when borders are opening up, implying not only a greater circulation of goods, people and ideas, science is an indispensable competitive advantage, while research for development brings about solidarity and innovation,” he said.

The President said that in recent decades, new diseases had not only emerged but diseases that were considered to be under control had also re-emerged in a much a more serious form.

“The exponential mobility of people helped by transport development, creates conditions conducive to the spread of these pathologies and their geographical spread is now progressing at a more sustained pace than in the past. These diseases originate from various causes: zoonotic, food, chemical or radio-nuclear materials,” added Nkurunziza.

Speaking at the function, Hon. Ummy Mwalimu, the Chairperson of the EAC Sectoral Council on Health who is also Tanzania’s Minister for Health directed the East African Health Research Commission to relocate from Arusha, Tanzania to Bujumbura where it is supposed to be based immediatly.

Hon. Mwalimu said the Council would not entertain any more excuses from the Commission on why it would not relocate to Bujumbura.

Hon. Mwalimu was responding to concerns raised by Burundi’s Health Minister, Hon. Dr. Josiane Nijimbere, who urged the EAC to fast-track the relocation of the EAHRC to Bujumbura.

In his remarks, EAC Secretary General Amb. Liberat Mfumukeko noted that the EAC Partner States which together have a combined population of approximately 168 million people face similar challenges in terms of increased human movement, a high disease burden, inadequate health services, work force, and a limited evidence to guide health policy.

Amb. Mfumukeko said that evidence from research indicates that global climate change has an impact on the emergence and spread of infectious diseases, and that the association between the emergence of infectious disease outbreaks and global climate change had been proven.

- ENDS -

For more information, please contact:

Mr Owora Richard Othieno
Head, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Department|
EAC Secretariat
Arusha, Tanzania
Tel: +255 784 835021
Email: OOthieno [at] eachq.org

About the East African Community Secretariat:

The East African Community (EAC) is a regional intergovernmental organisation of five Partner States, comprising Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, with its headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.

Preparations in High Gear for the 6th East African Health and Scientific Conference & International Health Exhibition and Trade Fair in Bujumbura, Burundi

East African Health and Research Commission; Arusha, Tanzania; 02 March 2017:
Preparations are in high gear for the 6th Health and Scientific Conference & International Health Exhibition and Trade Fair scheduled to take place from 29th to 31st March 2017 in Bujumbura, Burundi.

Themed: Preparedness for and control of disease outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics, in the context of climate change, globalization, and gaps in health systems, the event is being organized by the East African Health Research Commission (EAHRC) of the East African Community in collaboration with the EAC Partner States through their respective National Ministries responsible for Health, EAC Affairs, and other relevant institutions and bodies, and in close collaboration with regional and international health-related NGOs, civil society organizations, individuals, and other stakeholders in the region.

According to the Executive Secretary of the EAHRC, Prof. Gibson Kibiki, the National Steering Committee and its Scientific sub-committee are on top of things and so far over 500 participants are expected to attend and the process for registration is ongoing. Key resource persons and Development Partners have also confirmed their presence.

The Conference’s participation fee for citizens of the EAC Partner States is US$ 50, Students is US$ 10, Students with selected abstract: free, and Non EAC Citizens is US$ 200. The Exhibitors’ Fee is US$ 250 per day.

The Executive Secretary has also confirmed that six (6) Symposia as side meetings to the Conference will be held as follows, the first one will look at lessons learnt from:

  • Ebola and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1: Way forward for Preparedness for and control of outbreak
  • Managing recurrent epidemics: Experiences and opportunities for strengthening preparedness and control of epidemics in EAC
  • HIV pandemic: Preparedness for and control of the adverse events associated with chronic administration of ARV agents.

The second one will tackle Gap between (mis) use of antimicrobial agents and policy on antimicrobial agents: the role of the Partner States and EAC, the third will be on Mitigating impact of globalisation and climate change on health, the forth will focus on Integrated Reproductive Maternal Newborn Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH) and HIV/AIDS, the fifth will be about the importance of Academic Health Centers as part of the health improvement agenda in low and middle-income countries, and lastly there is a symposium on strengthening collaboration between civil society and key research stakeholders in promoting health research and innovation in Africa.

The East African Community Secretariat has also confirmed that the 14th Ordinary Meeting of the EAC Sectoral Council of Ministers of Health will be held from 23rd to 28th March 2017 in Bujumbura, with the Session of Senior Officials (EAC Sectoral Committee on Health) taking place from 23rd to 25th March 2017; Session of the Coordinating Committee (Principal/Permanent Secretaries) on 27th March 2017, and the Ministerial Session (the EAC Sectoral Council on Health) on 28th March 2017.

The 12th Joint and separate meetings of the various EAC Partner States’ National Health Professional Statutory Regulatory Boards, Councils, Associations, Societies and Federations will also be held from 27th to 28th March 2017.

Journalists from the EAC Partner States intending to travel to Bujumbura to cover these events should submit by email: a scanned Official Permission letter from the Editors/Media Houses allowing them to travel to Bujumbura, Burundi to cover the event, a scanned copy of the press card; 2 recent passport size photographs, a copy of passport, and a list and type of equipment they will carry etc etc for accreditation purposes to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., CC: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; The Conference participation fee for Journalists will be waived.

For more information about the Conference visit: www.eac.int/6eahsc

- ENDS -

Notes to Editor: 

The 12th Ordinary Session of the EAC Council of Ministers in the year 2006, approved the regional East African Health and Scientific Conference & International  Health Exhibition and Trade Fair to be convened in East Africa and hosted on a rotational basis by the EAC Partner States through their respective National Ministries responsible for EAC Affairs, the Ministry responsible for Health, and other relevant institutions and bodies, and in close collaboration with regional and international health-related NGOs, civil society organizations, individuals, and other stakeholders in the region.

The EAC Health and Scientific Conference is an opportunity for scientists and the decision makers of the region to share and discuss updated findings from health research for policy translation and practice.

The main theme and sub themes of the conference are identified following a participatory process in Partner States and are approved by the EAC Ministers Responsible for Health.

The 10th ordinary meeting of the EAC Sectoral Council of Ministers of Health held in Arusha, 16th October 2014, approved the hosting of the 6th East African Health and Scientific Conference & International Health Exhibition and Trade Fair in 2016 by the Republic of Burundi.

Based on the Protocol establishing the East African Health Research Commission (EAHRC), the Commission is tasked with the responsibility of coordinating the East African Health and Scientific Conference & International Health Exhibition and Trade Fair.


For more information, please contact:

Mr Owora Richard Othieno
Head, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Department
EAC Secretariat|
Arusha, Tanzania
Tel: +255 784 835021
Email: OOthieno [at] eachq.org


Dr. Jean de Dieu Ngirebega
Deputy Executive Secretary (Research)
East African Health Research Commission (EAHRC)
E-mail: jngirabega [at] eachq.org
Telephone: +255753693811

About the East African Health and Research Commission:

The East African Health and Research Commission (EAHRC), an Institution of the East African Community, is a mechanism for making available to the Community, advice upon all matters of health and health-related research and findings necessary for knowledge generation, technological development, policy formulation and practice, and for related matters. It is the principal advisory institution to the EAC on Health Research and Development (R&D).

EAC/PTB Regional Workshop on Rapid Drug Quality Verification and Falsified Medicines Detection using GPHF Minilabs concludes in Zanzibar

The regional workshop for rapid Drug quality verification and falsified medicines detection using Global Pharma Health Fund (GPHF) Minilabs concluded on 20th January, 2017 at the School of Health Sciences in Zanzibar.

The 16th to 20th January, 2017 workshop covered training of Partner States Drug Inspectors, Laboratory Analysts and Pharmacists on the use of the Minilab systems and allowed for exchange of experiences among experts from all EAC Partner States except South Sudan. The content of the workshop is drawn from existing guidelines from the World Health Organization (WHO), the Pharmacopoeias and other compendia as well as the Global Pharma Health Fund’s long-term Minilab project work on the detection of counterfeit medicines using simple pharmaceutical analysis.

The overall objective of the workshop was to train drug Inspectors on how to test basic and vital anti-infective medicines such as anti-microbial, anti-retroviral, anti-malarial, anti-hypertensive and anti-tuberculosis that would be instantly life-threatening when they are contained in spurious quantities or do not meet international best standards.

Addressing the workshop participants during the official handing-over of six minilabs to the Chief Pharmacist in the Zanzibari Ministry of Health, the EAC Director of Productive Sectors, Mr. Jean Baptiste Havugimana, who represented the EAC Deputy Secretary General (Productive and Social Sectors) thanked the German Metrology Institute (PTB) for accepting to supply a total of 20 GPHF minilabs to the National Medicines Regulatory Authorities in Rwanda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zanzibar and Burundi. Havugimana also thanked the Zanzibar authorities and the College of Health, Zanzibar for hosting the workshop.

He disclosed that the supply of minilabs and training of EAC Drug Inspectors will yield tangible results to the EAC population who require high quality standards medicines free from counterfeits and falsified products.

“I am proud of this achievement. It is a tangible result which EAC as a whole and Partner States and in particular Medicines Regulatory Authorities need to be proud of. Minilabs will go a long way in helping the Republic of Rwanda, Burundi, United Republic of Tanzania, and Zanzibar in setting up a functioning decentralized market surveillance system that is able to protect EAC citizens, who are the intended beneficiaries, consumers from falsified drugs,” said the Director.

In his remarks, the Chief Pharmacist from the Ministry of Health of Zanzibar, Dr. Habib Ali Shariff, said that the Zanzibar Food and Drug Board is actively participating in regional harmonization initiatives and has already amended their regulations to strengthen medicines regulatory capacity for the betterment of the EAC population.

Dr. Shariff said that circulation of substandard products is a global problem and therefore, it is the responsibility of every Medicines Regulatory Agency to ensure supply of quality medicines to the end users.

The regional workshop on GPHF Minilab funded by German Metrology Institute saw 15 Drug Inspectors from EAC Partner States who participated in the workshop being awarded certificates for completion of the Training of Trainers workshop.

East African Community
EAC Close
Afrika Mashariki Road
P.O. Box 1096
United Republic of Tanzania

Tel: +255 (0)27 216 2100
Fax: +255 (0)27 216 2190
Email: eac@eachq.org