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Zinduka Festival 2015 pushes EAC Integration into Full Gear

In celebration of East-Africaness, the East African Community (EAC) Deputy Secretary-General in charge of Finance and Administration, Mr Liberat Mfumukeko, on behalf of the Secretary-General, Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera, graced the official opening of the third Zinduka Festival held at Sheikh Amri Abeid Memorial Stadium in Arusha, Tanzania.

Meaning “re-awakening consciousness” in Kiswahili, Zinduka brings together participants from the fields of academia, social movements, civil society organisations, media, the business community, the EAC Secretariat and East African government bodies to engage in discussions regarding East African integration, to find collaborative measures to strengthen advocacy on EAC integration for sustainable development and to celebrate the region’s rich diversity.

Reiterating on the importance of integration, which is also the theme of this year’s Zinduka Festival, Mr Mfumukeko stressed on the need for more citizenry participation, adding that, “this is the only way that our collective dream can be realised. Popular ownership is the foundation for a secure and sustainable East African Community”.

The Zinduka Festival comes in time of EAC Day marked for November 30, 2015. With 15 years of integration already under her belt, the Community was in the forefront of the Customs Union in 2005, the Common Market in 2010, the signing of the Monetary Union Protocol in 2013, as well as continuous efforts in fast-tracking the process towards an East African Political Federation. In addition to this, in 2011, the EAC designed a Forum for the involvement of Civil Society and the Private Sector in the integration process.

“With women constituting over 60 percent of the EAC population, their role in boosting social and economic development of the Community and trade across the region cannot be overemphasised”, said Mr Mfumukeko. “Youth is another group that cannot be ignored. Many of our young people have brilliant and innovative ideas, and if we all should work together with them to create an environment where this potential can be fully tapped to drive growth and development”, he said.

The Zinduka Festival originated from the need for a people owned process envisaged in Article 127(3) and (4) of the EAC Treaty. Zinduka is a catalyst that compliments other ongoing as well as future efforts by state and non-state actors to build a sustainable EAC through active citizenry participation. The inaugural Festival was held between May 30 and June 1 2013 in Arusha.

East African Community
EAC Close
Afrika Mashariki Road
P.O. Box 1096
United Republic of Tanzania

Tel: +255 (0)27 216 2100
Fax: +255 (0)27 216 2190
Email: eac@eachq.org