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4th EAC University Students’ debate kicks off in Kampala

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Uganda, Rt Hon. Dr Ruhakana Rugunda has hailed the EAC Secretariat and various partners for creating a platform for young people to discuss their role in the future of their respective countries and most importantly, the East Africa region.

Dr Ruhakana Rugunda, who was today officially opening the 4th EAC University Students’ Debate on Regional Integration at the International University of East Africa campus in Kasanga, Kampala, said as young people, the youth should continue to explore the opportunities being availed by the East African Community and to use such platforms to hasten their knowledge and network among themselves.

The Prime Minister, who was represented by Prof. Dr Sandy Stevens Tickodri Tagaboa, the State Minister in charge of Higher Education, Science and Technology, said there was need to encourage dialogue among the youths to promote the ethos of ethical and accountable leadership aimed at developing positive attitudes among the young people in the region.

He said since the 4th EAC University Students’ Debate was focussing on values, ethics and leadership, the three form the moral fibre of society and were critical to moulding the choices that youth make by imparting in them the desired principles such as integrity and accountability which are key in advancing the broad aims of the EAC integration, with youth as key stakeholders.

The Prime Minister disclosed that a National Youth Policy in Uganda was formulated in 2002 with the aim of enhancing youth participation in overall development processes and improving their quality of life.

Dr Rugunda noted that corruption remains a key challenge in the region and it was worrying that only about 53% of East Africans think they can make a difference in the fight against the vice. “This is an alarming statistic and as young people, you should ensure that you fight this trend”.

The Prime Minister noted that young people today had embraced the power of the internet and social media to interact, express themselves and to make their voice heard in a way that was not possible before. He therefore called upon the youth in the region to make linkages between democratic processes and these new ways of expression and communication and to use them to reinforce rather than threaten democracy.

While welcoming the students and invited guests to the event, the EAC Deputy Secretary-General in charge of Political Federation, Mr Charles Njoroge said the Debate was one among other initiatives aimed at bringing young people on board to dialogue on core issues pertinent to the EAC integration agenda.

The Deputy Secretary-General reaffirmed that the theme for the debate, the importance of upholding democratic principles, ethics and accountability among youth in advancing EAC integration, was very timely as ethics, integrity and upholding principles of democratic governance were among the fundamental principles and core values of the EAC.

“Other values that we hold dear, include celebrating unity in diversity, being accountable to the people, upholding the rule of law and ensuring transparency. The current dialogue on this theme is promising… it is in sync with the on-going debate in most of the EAC Partner States”, noted the EAC official.

Prof. Olubayi Olubayi, Vice Chancellor, International University of East Africa urged the students in the region to nurture the culture of innovativeness, while Prof. Pontien Ndabandeza, the Deputy Executive Secretary, Inter-University Council of East Africa, hailed the EAC Secretariat for introducing the spirit and culture of competitiveness within and among the students and University communities in East Africa.

Director Dr Alex Awiti, who was also the Moderator for the 4th EAC University Students Debate, represented Aga Khan University.

Over 200 young men and women from different Universities in Republics of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda are participating in the 2-day event.

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