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EAC deploys Election Observer Mission to the Re-Run of General Elections in Zanzibar

An 18-member East African Community Elections Observer Mission (EAC-EOM) is in Zanzibar, the United Republic of Tanzania to observe the re-run of General Elections slated for 20th March, 2016.The EAC Mission is a response to the invitation of the Zanzibar Electoral Commission as well as the decision by the EAC Council of Ministers on the observation of elections in the Partner States.

The membership of the EAC Election Observer Mission has been drawn from different but complementary disciplines and includes, members of the East African Legislative Assembly, National Electoral Commissions, National Human Rights Commissions, Civil Society Organisations, and youth representatives from the EAC Youth Ambassadors Forum.

The Mission’s mandate is to observe the overall electoral environment, pre-election preparations, the polling day, and the counting and tallying of results.

Addressing the members of EAC–EOM, the Head of the Mission, H.E. Moody Awori, former Vice President of the Republic of Kenya, cautioned the members of EAC-EOM to be conscious of the environment of that they will operating in. “I have faith and trust that you will live up to the expectation of East Africans in this democratisation process and that the outcome we will collectively deliver and serve to strengthen representation in the region.”

On his part the EAC Deputy Secretary General in charge of Political Federation, Mr. Charles Njoroge, said the Mission is being undertaken pursuant to Article 3 of the Treaty for the Establishment of the EAC which requires adherence to universally acceptable principles of democratic governance, and in line with the EAC Principles of Election Observation and Evaluation.

”As observers, your core role is to observe elections in Partner States and ensure that they meet international recognised standards which ascribe electoral process to be free, fair, transparent, credible and peaceful," said Mr. Njoroge.

Mr. Njoroge informed the members of the Mission that the success of the elections in Zanzibar was of paramount importance to the Partner States as a whole because lack of peace and stability in the region will definitely undermine the outstanding milestones the Community has so far achieved in the integration process.

The Mission is expected to prepare a Report that will be submitted to, among others, the National Electoral Commission of Tanzania, through the EAC Council of Ministers for consideration and implementation.

The Mission will leave Zanzibar on 22nd March, 2016.

East African Community
EAC Close
Afrika Mashariki Road
P.O. Box 1096
United Republic of Tanzania

Tel: +255 (0)27 216 2100
Fax: +255 (0)27 216 2190
Email: eac@eachq.org