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EALA kicks off Outreach and Sensitization Program with a bang

Members of EALA have commenced the sensitization of stakeholders in the Partner States. The activities which commenced in earnest late last week is themed: ”EAC Integration Agenda: Accessing the Gains”.

This is the second phase of the outreach programme following a successful phase held in the Partner States in April 2016. The three-week activity which ends on June 28th, 2016, hopes to sensitise EAC citizens on the overall integration process and to promote liaision with key stakeholders in the process.

The outreach programme also hopes to keep the EAC populace informed on the role of EALA in the integration process and to enhance interaction between the Private Sector and the Civil Society.

The outreach and senzitisation programme which is been undertaken through the respective EALA Country Chapters targets various stakeholder groups. They include; representatives of local Government associations, and Universities and learning institutions. Other stakeholders are media, Parliaments, women and youth councils, the Private Sector and the women and youth organisations.

The EALA Tanzania Chapter arrived in Dodoma and has already held a meeting with legislators from the Parliament of Tanzania. This morning, they have a date with the students of the University of Dodoma before meeting with other student groups from the College of Business Education. Later on in the week, they will travel further to Morogoro to bring various stakeholders to speed on matters of integration before heading to the island of Zanzibar for a similar exercise.

In Rwanda, EALA will this week continue with the outreach program by meeting the transporters, hoteliers and tour operators in Kigali before moving to Huye to touch base with representatives of the National Youth Councils. The Chapter shall also sensitise women groups in the Southern province, targeting Muhanga, Musanze and Ngoma regions and the Western Province (Kalongi, Rulindo and Gichumbi Districts). The Chapter shall then proceed to the border communities touring the Ruhwa and the Cyanika One Stop Border Posts. The Chapter commenced the sensitization activity with the General Assembly of the Persons with Disabilities in Kigali, Friday last week. The meeting was also attended by the Minister of State for Local Government, Hon. Aliviera Mukabaramba and Hon Gaston Ruhisa, MP representing Persons with Disabilities at the Rwanda Chamber of Deputies.

The EALA Kenya Chapter on its part has a date with representatives of the Private Sector and are expected to touch base with representatives of the national airline carrier, Kenya Airways, Bidco and Brand Kenya among others. They are also meeting with representatives of the immigration department and their respective counterparts at the Kenya Revenue Authority – both of whom play a key part in facilitating trade and movement of persons in the region. The Members shall thereafter visit other parts of the country.

Members in Burundi are also geared to the outreach activity starting with a series of courtesy calls. The Members expect to meet with the respective Ministers for EAC, Justice, Public Security, Finance and Youth and Sports, as well as the President of the Senate and his counterpart at the Burundi National Assembly. Other proposed stakeholders include the Universities of Ngozi and Light University (Universite Lumiere) and border visit to Kobero (Burundi and Tanzania). It is also expected that the legislators will tour Makamba and Ngozi provinces and hold deliberations with the Governors in the respective jurisdictions and their constituents and culminate in discussions with representatives of the Private Sector.

On their part, the Members in Uganda will commence the program with a courtesy call on senior government officials. The list includes the Vice President of the Republic of Uganda, the Speaker of the Parliament of Uganda and the 3rd Deputy Prime Minister and Minister in charge of EAC Affairs. Thereafter, the Members travel north to Arua to meet with various stakeholders. Upon return, the Members will meet respective Ministers of the Ministries of Trade, Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Finance and Economic Development, Education and Sports as well as a number of parastatals under them.

Also on the card are meetings with students from Universities, officials of EAC Institutions and stakeholders from the Uganda Chambers of Commerce, Kampala Traders Association (KACITA) and representatives of the Inter-Faith Religious Council.

Sensitisation is a key component of EALA’s work. The EALA Strategic Plan (2013-2018) envisages a people-centred approach to widening and deepening of the integration agenda. This is through increased awareness among the East African people about the integration process, its status as well as its benefits. In so doing, EALA has enhanced outreach programs programmes to enhance participation.


East African Community
EAC Close
Afrika Mashariki Road
P.O. Box 1096
United Republic of Tanzania

Tel: +255 (0)27 216 2100
Fax: +255 (0)27 216 2190
Email: eac@eachq.org