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Call for Exhibitions: Academia-Public-Private Partnership Forum and Exhibitions 2016




The Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA), the East African Business Council (EABC) and the East African Development Bank (EADB) are jointly organizing the Academia-Public-Private Partnership Forum and Exhibitions 2016, which will be held under the theme “Quality Education, Research and Innovation as Drivers of New Economies in the EAC”. The Forum, which will be hosted by the Aga Khan University, an IUCEA member university, is expected to demonstrate some of the practical outputs emanating from research and innovation in the region, in the form of innovative products and services to drive the new economies, focusing on ICT, tourism, agro-industry, financial services, and oil and gas. Other discussions will focus on the establishment of centres of excellence in East Africa, including the Eastern and Southern Africa Higher Education Centers of Excellence (ACE II) project (supported by the World Bank), East Africa’s Centres of Excellence for Skills and Tertiary Education in Biomedical Sciences (supported by African Development Bank), and the proposed centres of excellence in humanities and social sciences (supported by IUCEA). Finally, there will be a session on the implications of the declaration of East Africa as a Common Higher education Area.

Running parallel with the Forum will be exhibitions, that are intended to enable the academia, the public and the private sectors to display the practical aspects of their operations, products, services and achievements as a way of enhancing linkages between the academia, the public and the private sectors in promoting innovation and entrepreneurship development in the region.


Call for Participation in the Exhibitions

Higher education institutions, private sector institutions, and public institutions are hereby invited to participate in the Exhibitions. Participation in the Exhibitions will be an excellent opportunity to showcase institutional profiles, services, and products to various stakeholders, including the academia, the private sector, and the general public. The exhibitions will also provide the opportunity for the exhibitors to interact with the best and most ambitious talents in the private sector and academia, for the eventual productive engagement between these complimentary systems.


Dates and Venue for the Exhibitions

The 2016 Forum and Exhibitions will be held on October 20-21 2016 at the Diamond Jubilee Hall, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The decision to host the Forum at the university is to encourage participation of academic and non-academic staff, students and the general public.


Participants Expected to Attend the Exhibitions

a) Those who will already be participating in the Forum, namely:

  • The private sector fraternity in East Africa and beyond - business leaders and employers (manufacturers, bankers, transporters, telecommunication providers, venture capitalists); SMEs; etc.
  • The academic and research fraternity in East Africa and beyond – education managers and administrators, including vice-chancellors, rectors, principals, provosts, registrars, deans, directors, and professors from higher education/research institutions across East Africa
  • Policy makers and government officials in East Africa
  • The media

b) Others expected to attend the exhibitions (to sample available opportunities) will include:

  • Students, i.e. current and prospective Alumni
  • Prospective candidates for higher education institutions
  • Leaders of higher education placement agencies
  • Parents
  • Invited groups and the general public
  • Potential buyers and customers of products and services


Provisions to Exhibitors

a) 3 m x 3 m exhibition stand with name, lighting, power and internet points at the exhibition section next to the venue of the Forum (Additional stands will be available on request but at a cost of USD 200)

b) Exhibition furniture, including one table and two chairs

c) One page profile in the official forum catalogue (each exhibitor to submit)

d) Visit by the Guest of Honor

e) Visit by more than 500 persons including Forum participants and the general public

f) Media coverage


Registration Fee for Participation

Each participating IUCEA member higher education institutions and members of the EABC and EADB will be provided with one free booth. If there is an institution that requires more space for exhibition, kindly let the organizers know in advance (this will cost US$ 200 per extra exhibition booth/stand). Maximum 2 participants per institution will be supported with teas and lunch.

Participation for non-members of IUCEA, EABC and EADB will be charged at US$ 500 per exhibition booth/stand.


Deadline for submission of intention to participate in the Exhibitions

Those intending to participate in the Exhibitions should register at www.iucea.org/forum by 30th September, 2016.

East African Community
EAC Close
Afrika Mashariki Road
P.O. Box 1096
United Republic of Tanzania

Tel: +255 (0)27 216 2100
Fax: +255 (0)27 216 2190
Email: eac@eachq.org