EAC set to Re-Design Emblem and Logo
East African Community Secretariat; Arusha, Tanzania; 30 May 2017:
The East African Community Secretariat is set to launch a design competition among the Youth in the region for a new emblem and logo as directed by the EAC Council of Ministers.
The 24th meeting of the Sectoral Council of Ministers responsible for EAC Affairs and Planning held on 30th June, 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya, considered and adopted the EAC Brand Architecture Strategy and directed the EAC Secretariat to involve the Youth in the region to develop the new EAC Brand Architecture.
The EAC Brand Architecture Strategy proposes several activities that include: re-designing a new EAC emblem and logo, developing a common unique identifier for all EAC Organs and Institutions; developing one primary (main) EAC corporate colour and one secondary colour; and developing a single visual identity emblem for the Community.
There are several gaps that have been identified in the current EAC corporate identity. For example, the Community does not have a clearly defined brand architecture for its Organs and Institutions and this has created a gap that has led to the inconsistent design of new logos by EAC Institutions.
There is also lack of a visual connection between the current three Organs – EAC Secretariat, East African Legislative Assembly and East African Court of Justice – and eight Institutions. Some of the EAC Institutions have adopted the EAC logo as their primary logo whilst others have developed their own unique logos. Both the EAC flag and logo have too many colours, moreover the current logo is not adaptable to the future expansion of the Community.
The absence of a common unique identifier for all Organs and Institutions, and having two different visual identity symbols, namely the flag and the logo, have created a big gap in the EAC brand architecture.
To kick-start the implementation of the Council Decision on the EAC Brand Architecture, the EAC Secretariat, in liaison with the Ministries of EAC Affairs in the Partner States, will conduct sensitization workshops for the youths/students on the EAC Brand Architecture and thereafter launch the EAC emblem and logo design competition in the National Universities/Institutes in the Partner States as follows:
- Juba University – 29th to 30th May, 2017;
- Ecole Techniques des Arts/Gitega, Burundi – 1st to 2nd June, 2017;
- University of Rwanda – 5th to 6th June, 2017;
- University of Dar es Salaam – 8th to 9th June, 2017;
- University of Nairobi – 12th to 13th June, 2017, and;
- Kampala, Uganda – 15th to 16th June, 2017).
Guidelines for participating in the EAC Brand Architecture Re-design Competition is available on www.eac.int. The Competition period is from 1st June, 2017 to 31st August, 2017.
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Notes to Editor:
The Secretariat is the Executive Organ of the Community. For more information please visit www.eac.int
The Court is the principal judicial Organ of the Community and ensures adherence to the law in the interpretation and application of compliance with the EAC Treaty. For more information please visit www.eacj.org
EALA is the legislative Organ of the Community and has a cardinal function to further EAC objectives, through its Legislative, Representative and Oversight mandate. For more information please visit www.eala.org
CASSOA was established to work in the civil aviation sector towards air transport services that are safe, efficient and profitable, as well as adoption of common policies for the development of civil air transport in the region, harmonization of civil aviation rules and regulations, and improve co-operation in regional air transport security and safety. For more information, please visit www.cassoa.org
EAHRC is established as a mechanism for making available to the Community, advice upon all matters of health, and health-related research and findings that are necessary for knowledge generation, technological development, policy formulation, practice, and other related matters. For more information, please visit www.eac.int/about/institutions/eahrc;
EAKC coordinates and provides advice to the Partner States on all matters related to Kiswahili research, teaching, learning and development as the lingua franca of the Partner States. For more information, please visit www.kiswacom.org;
EASTECO’s mission is to promote and coordinate the development, management and application of Science and Technology in the EAC Partner States, for an innovative, competitive and integrated East Africa, and for the wellbeing of her people. For more information, please visit www.easteco.org;
IUCEA coordinates harmonization of higher education and training systems in East Africa, facilitates their strategic development and promotes internationally comparable standards and systems. For more information, please visit www.iucea.org;
LVBC is a mechanism for coordinating the various interventions on the Lake and its Basin, and serving as a centre for promotion of investments and information sharing among the various stakeholders. For more information, please visit www.lvbcom.org;
LVFO promotes sustainable utilization of fisheries of the Lake, coordinating and managing fisheries and aquaculture resources, fostering cooperation among the Partner States by harmonizing national policies and interventions. For more information, please visit www.lvfo.org;
The EAC Competition Act, 2006 (the Act) was enacted to manage competition regulation in the Community and came into force on 1st December, 2014. The Act seeks, inter alia, to promote and protect fair trade in the Community, ensure consumer welfare and to establish the EAC Competition Authority.
The Authority is one of the semi – autonomous institutions of EAC and its offices are temporarily based in Arusha, Tanzania. The Authority is in the process of becoming fully operational.
Specifically, the objectives of the Authority is as follows:
- Protecting all market participants freedom to compete by prohibiting anticompetitive practices;
- Protecting the opening of partner states markets against creation of barriers to interstate trade and economic transactions by market participants;
- Guaranteeing equal opportunities for market participants in the Community, and especially to small and medium sized enterprises;
- Guaranteeing a level playing field for all market participants in the Community by eliminating any discrimination by partner states on the basis of nationality or residence;
- Providing consumers access o products and services at competitive prices and better quality;
- Providing incentives to producers within the Community for the improvement of production and products through technical and organizational innovation; and,
- Promoting economic integration and development in the community by creating a conducive environment for investment in the community and bringing the EAC competition policy and law in line with international best practice.
- For more information, please contact:
Mr Owora Richard Othieno
Head, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Department
EAC Secretariat
Arusha, Tanzania
Tel: +255 784 835021
Email: OOthieno [at] eachq.org
About the East African Community Secretariat:
The East African Community (EAC) is a regional intergovernmental organisation of five Partner States, comprising Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, with its headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.