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Press Release

Eastern and Southern Africa Higher Education Centres of Excellence (ACE II) project approved

The World Bank Board has approved the Eastern and Southern Africa Higher Education Centres of Excellence Project (ACE II). Each of the 24 Africa Centres of Excellence (ACE) will be funded up to US$6 million over the project period of five years.

The objective of the ACE II project is to strengthen selected Eastern and Southern Africa higher education institutions to deliver quality postgraduate education and build collaborative research capacity in the regional priority areas.

The selected ACEs are expected to address specific development challenges facing the region through graduate training in Master’s, PhD, and short-term courses and applied research in the form of partnerships and collaborations with other institutions and the private sector.

Eight participating countries – Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia – are committing $140 million, credit from the International Development Association (IDA) of the World Bank Group to finance the selected ACEs.

The ACEs were selected through an open, objective, transparent and merit-based competitive process based on the following criteria: (a) proposal that addressed a specific challenge in one of the five priority areas in the region – industry, agriculture, health, education and applied statistics; (b) proposal of the highest quality; (c) hosting institution had evident capacity; (d) selection that provided for geographical balance; and (e) the hosting country had International Development Association (IDA) funding eligibility and availability.

All these ACEs are expected to perform the following tasks:

(a) build institutional capacity to provide quality post-graduate education with relevance to the labor market;

(b) build institutional capacity to conduct high quality applied research, relevant to addressing a key development challenge/priority;

(c) develop and enhance partnerships with other academic institutions (national, regional and international) to pursue academic excellence;

(d) develop and enhance partnerships with industry and the private sector to generate greater impact;

(e) improve governance and management of the institution and set up a role model for other higher education institutions; and

(f) deliver outreach, and create an impact, to society by delivering excellent teaching and producing high quality applied research.

Over the project duration of five years, collectively these ACEs are expected to enroll more than 3,500 graduate students in the regional development priority areas, out of which more than 700 will be PhD students and more than 1,000 will be female students, publish almost 1,500 journal articles, launch more than 300 research collaborations with private sector and other institutions, and generate almost US$30 million in external revenue.

The Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA), an institution of the East African Community, was selected by the Regional Steering Committee (RSC) of the ACE II project as the Regional Facilitation Unit (RFU). IUCEA will provide overall coordination, facilitation and administration to the project implementation under the oversight of the RSC. IUCEA, with assistance from the World Bank, coordinated the project preparation including the ACE selection process. IUCEA will provide forums for industry-academic engagement for ACEs to share knowledge on collaborative research ideas. IUCEA will also supervise a competitive scholarship program in which 30 regional students in STEM will be financed for two years to attain a Master’s degree in any of the ACEs. An IDA grant of US$8 million will finance these activities.

The project will operate under the overall guidance and oversight of the Regional Steering Committee. RSC comprises of members from participating countries, the private sector and academic experts of international stature.

It is envisaged that at the end of the project the centres will have developed sufficient capacity to become sustainable regional hubs for training and research in their specialised fields, capable of leading efforts to address priority development challenges and improve lives in the region.

The ACE II project is expected to close in October, 2021.

EALA passes 2016/17 budget as it adjourns

EALA late yesterday debated and passed the 2016/17 Budget totaling US$101,374,589 with amendments following reallocations.

Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and East African Co-operation, Hon. Dr Susan Kolimba presented the Budget speech to an attentive House on behalf of the substantive Minister and Chair of the EAC Council of Ministers, Hon. Dr Augustine Mahiga.

The 2016/2017 Budget is a drop down from US$110,660,098 Million presented to the House in the previous Financial Year. The Budget themed Towards Full Implementation of the EAC Common Market Protocol and Enhancing the Implementation of the Monetary Union Protocol prioritises the full implementation of the EAC Single Customs Territory, enhanced implementation of the EAC Common Market Protocol especially additional commitments and interconnectivity of border immigration systems.

Prior to passing of the Budget, the Assembly resolved itself into a Committee of Ways and means to consider the Financial Statement for 2016/17 and a similar Committee of Supply to approve the Estimates of Expenditure for the same.

With it, the Assembly also passed the East African Community Appropriation Bill, 2016.

Debate of the Budget Speech was preceded by the presentation of the Committee on General Purpose on the EAC Budget Estimates for Revenue and Expenditure for the Financial Year 2016/17 by the Committee’s Chairperson, Hon. Dr Odette Nyiramilimo late Wednesday.

The Report indicates that the Community would focus on a number of areas in the coming Financial Year including the full implementation of the Single Customs Territory, as well as the enhanced implementation of the Common market Protocol. Other key priority areas are development of infrastructure, institutional strengthening and the implementation of EAC Peace and Security initiatives.

In reviewing its recommendations, the Committee once again emphasises the efficient use of Community resources and the proper delimitation of the role and responsibilities of the finance and advisory committee. With it comes the need to align the budget with the EAC objectives and its strategic objectives. On the size of the budget, the Committee notes the downward trend over the last three years against a number of programmes and projects of the Community.

It thus recommends for the Council of Ministers to look seriously into the issue of inadequate funding, allow it (the Committee) to hold deliberations with the Council on sustainable funding as well as proposals for strong legislative and institutional support for the Common Market and the Monetary Union stages.

The Assembly is also emphatic that Partner States must desist from using the General reserves as a source of funds to substitute remittances, a move it terms as a high risk in terms of liquidity on the one side and that of litigation on the other.

On IT systems, the Assembly acknowledges the technological advancements taking place and observes that the Budget Management System has created challenges in terms of inflexible budget descriptions and objectives that are not aligned to departments. It thus recommends foe an IT systems audit to determine the strength and full proof status.

There is also need to review the EAC Budget Act, 2008 according to the Committee to enable the budget process to be made more effective, transparent and based on a legal framework.

The report also takes an analysis of a number of offices at the EAC and Organs and Institutions.

Following reallocations by the House, the Budget is allocated to the Organs and Institutions of the EAC as follows; East African Community Secretariat (US$ 57, 741, 185), East African Legislative Assembly (US$ 16,086,224) and the East African Court of Justice (US$ 4,286,477).

The Inter-University Council for East Africa shall receive (US$ 4,553,890), Lake Victoria Basin Commission (US$ 11,214,708) while US$ 2,131,422 is earmarked for the Lake Victoria Fisheries Organisation. On their part, the East African Science and Technology Commission shall receive (US$ 1,196,542), East African Kiswahili Commission (US$ 1,179,542) and the East African Health Research Commission (US$ 1,397,438). The East African Competition Authority is to benefit from US$ 1,587,565 in the Financial Year.

The Report notes some of the successes registered in the Financial Year 2015/2016, notably, the upscaling of the Single Customs Territory (SCT) through finalisation of operational instruments of the business manuals, deployment of SCT Monitoring and Evaluation tools and deployment of staff in some Partner States.

It cites the passage of the EAC Elimination of Non-Tariff Barriers Bill (NTB), 2015 which is undergoing assent as key towards enhancing business and the free movement aspects. At the same time, formation of the National Monitoring Committees on NTBs and the EAC Regional Forum on NTBs has continued to spearhead the elimination of NTBs affecting Intra-EAC trade.

Another success noted concerns the draft Bills for the establishment of the East African Monetary Institute and the East African Statistics Bureau and these are been negotiated by the Partner States. The report notes the continued attempts by the EAC Secretariat co-ordinate fiscal policies with focus on critical areas for harmonisation.

The Report also notes of a number of challenges during the Financial Year. Such include the slow pace of harmonisaion of domestic taxes to facilitate the functioning of the Single Customs Territory, and inadequate staffing particularly in the run-up to the exit of staff in 2017. The long decision making processes and the delays in remittances of funds from partner States and Development partners are also cited as bottlenecks.

Hon. Bernard Mulengani presented several proposed reallocations to the Budget. The following members contributed to the debate, Hon. Bernard Mulengani, Hon. Ussi Maryam, Hon. Emerence Bucumi, Hon. Jeremie Ngendakumana, Hon. Dora Byamukama, Hon. Saoli ole Nkanae, Hon. Frederic Ngenzebuhoro, Hon. Pierre Celestin Rwigema and Hon. Christophe Bazivamo. Others were Hon. Chris Opoka, Hon. Straton Ndikuryayo, Hon. Sarah Bonaya, Hon. Abubakar Zein, Hon. Nusura Tiperu, Hon. Mumbi Ngaru and Hon. Martin Ngoga.

The debate was preceded by the passage of the EAC Supplementary Appropriation Bill, 2016 amounting to US$ 1,569,941 for the Financial Year ending 30th June 2016. The Supplementary estimates were not passed at the previous 5th Meeting of the 4th Session held in Dar Es Salaam in March 2016.

Days of FGM numbered as House grants Hon. Byamukama leave to introduce Private Members’ Bill on its prohibition

EALA has granted leave to Hon. Dora Byamukama to introduce a Bill entitled the East African Community Prohibition of Female Genital Mutilation Bill, 2016.

The Bill which outlaws the cultural practice is seen as critical and in essence numbers the days of those that still engage in the cultural practice.

Hon. Byamukama states that the culture of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) brings with it a number of complications including early child marriage and defilement, health complications that sometimes lead to transmission of HIV and AIDS, death and injuries to those who bear the practice.

According to Hon. Byamukama, with the advent of the Common Market Protocol which necessitates free-movement and cross-border nature, the influence of culture and hence spread is expected to increase if not checked.

Contributing to the debate, Hon. Judith Pareno remarked that surveys show an estimated 200 Million women in 27 countries in the Continent have undergone FGM. Hon. Saoli ole Nkanae noted that the practice is prevalent among the Maasai people in East Africa, terming it a serious matter. Also rising in support of the Motion was Hon. Frederic Ngenzebuhoro.

Assembly now calls for a Regional Urban Policy for the Community

The Assembly is urging the EAC Council of Ministers to develop a regional urban planning policy for the bloc to have better co-ordinated cities and cross-border towns and put in place remedial measures to disasters.

A Resolution to that effect was adopted by the Assembly at its Sitting yesterday. The Resolution moved by Hon. Nancy Abisai further wants the Council of Ministers to establish an Urban Development Desk at the EAC to co-ordinate urban development matters in the region. In order to harmonise ideas and have a regional position on Habitat 111 agenda, the Assembly has urged the Council through the EAC Secretariat to convene a regional position on habitat matters.

The Resolution takes cognisance of the fact that the scale and pace of urbanisation is opening up unforeseen possibilities.

“Large concentrations of people and goods providing for increased opportunities for creativity, larger labor markets, and higher levels of productivity, not to speak of the cultural and political opportunities associated with urban life is the norm” a section of the Resolution states.

The Resolution supported by the House also states that urban planning mitigates the impacts of disasters. Policies and programs to reduce poverty can not only increase the productivity of the poor in the region, but can also raise consumption, thereby boosting local economic development for the benefit of all. Cities that are inhospitable to business and that deter investors usually represent even worse prospects for their poorest residents.

In her justification, Hon. Abisai says that population growth has doubled in a number of countries in the globe. The Republic of Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania are expected to double their population by the year 2050. The Republic of Uganda which has a populace of 39 million is expected to have over 100 million in the next thirty four years.

United Republic of Tanzania which has an estimated population of 53.7 million people will see the growth reach 137 milliion people during the same period, according to Hon. Abisai.

During debate, Hon. Christopher Opoka, Hon. Kirunda Kivejinja, Hon. Sarah Bonaya, Hon. Frederic Ngenzebuhoro all supported the Motion.

Analysts contend that the recent rainstorms, mudslides and floods in the capital cities of some of the EAC Partner States and other weather phenomena have exacted a devastating toll on property, human welfare, natural resources and the economies.

More than 95% of all deaths caused by disasters have occurred in areas which are mostly unplanned. Among the factors that have contributed most to the damage inflicted during a hazard event is the location of infrastructure and housing developments as well as how they have been constructed, and how land use affects the natural environment recurring natural phenomena into human and economic disasters.

EALA passes Bill on PWDs, wants dignified, humane treatment for all

EALA has today passed legislation granting Persons with Disabilities with full protection to enjoy their rights as enjoyed by other citizens of the region.

The object of the East African Community Persons with Disability Bill, 2015, moved by Hon Dr James Ndahiro, is to provide a comprehensive legal framework for the protection of the rights of Persons with Disabilities in the Community. The Bill is premised under Article 120 (c ) of the Treaty for the EAC.

The purpose of this Bill is to:

  • to take appropriate and effective measures including policy, legislative, administrative and budgetary steps to ensure and protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities;
  • to recognize that disability is not inability and providing special safety nets for PWDs;
  • to ensure and improve access to rehabilitation, education, training and community sports;
  • to guide, coordinate and harmonize interventions for People with Disabilities by Stakeholders.

The debate on the Bill was preceded by the Report of the Committee on General Purpose on the same subject matter presented by the Chairperson, Hon Dr. Odette Nyiramilimo.

The report was a culmination of public hearings held in the Partner States and it followed intensive consultation with various stakeholders. The Committee observed that issues of People with Disabilities cut across many sectors and enacting such legislation would go a long way in mainstreaming their issues. The Committee further observed that the Partner States largely agreed on most provisions of the Bill which were among others need for assessment and interventions at all levels including pre-school inclusiveness education, sensitisation and awareness raising, equal opportunities and affirmative action.

The Committee further seeks the provision of tax exempted free mobile assisted devices, learning materials, need for disaggregated data by disability groupings, vulnerability and marginalization, as well as a financial assistance through cash transfers grants and various specific amenities.

In Burundi, the Committee was informed that the Bill should give more prominence to employment of persons with disability in the Private Sector to be strengthened by reserving slots as well as enforcement of the provisions of quotas. While visiting Kenya, stakeholders informed the Committee of the need for Partner States to have universal accessibility and disability inclusion at all stages and levels of all disaster risk reduction policies.

“Such need to include Internally Displaced Persons with disabilities are entitled to access all services that are available including accessible shelters, water and sanitation, education and health”, a section of the Report reads.

While in Rwanda, the Committee learned that equality and non-discrimination should be enhanced to ensure the facilitation of PWDs to equally participate in economic and business affairs.

Members were told in the meeting with stakeholders in the United Republic of Tanzania that the piece of legislation must clearly discourage foster homes for PWDs as it somehow contradicts with the concept of disability inclusion at different levels.

It was instead observed that the Bill should look at disability along-side all the pillars of integration so as to ensure full integration for people with disabilities during the integration process.

During debate, Hon Abubakar Zein noted that the rights of PWDS amounts to human rights. He challenged the Assembly to amend its Standing Orders to ensure the rights of all PWDs was also taken into consideration.

Hon Dora Byamukama remarked that a timeframe was necessary to determine when the Council of Ministers establishes a Regional Council for People with Disabilities. The legislator said data and statistics collection on matters around PWDs were key for consideration as it enhances decision making.

Hon Leonce Ndarubagiye said the treatment of PWDs in society needs to change. “We need to be more humane”, he remarked. Hon Christophe Bazivamo termed the passage of the Bill as timely. We have observed that most of the cases that take care of PWDs are left in the hands of humanitarian groups, faith based organisations and others.

Speaking on behalf of the Council of Ministers, the 3rd Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for EAC, Uganda, Rt Hon Kirunda Kivejinja said the Regional Council for People with Disabilities would be formed in the Financial Year 2016/17.

Others who supported the debate were Hon Emerence Bucumi, Hon Frederic Ngenzebuhoro, Hon AbuBakr Ogle, Hon Hafsa Mossi, Hon Judith Pareno and Hon Isabelle Ndahayo. Hon Dr Martin Nduwimana and Hon Mike Sebalu also supported the Bill.

In his justification, the mover of the Bill, Hon Dr James Ndahiro said it was necessary for PWDs to access all the infrastructure within their social systems.

The principles proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations recognise the inherent dignity and worth and the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family as the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.

Furthermore, the United Nations, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the International Covenants of Human Rights has proclaimed and agreed that everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set therein, without distinction of any kind.

Secretary General institutes expenditure rationalisation reforms in EAC Organs and Institutions

The Secretary General of the East African Community, Amb. Liberat Mfumukeko, has instituted stringent expenditure reforms in the East African Community Organs and Institutions with immediate effect.

Amb. Mfumukeko, who took over the mantle from Amb. Dr. Richard Sezibera as the Chief Executive of the regional organization on 26th April, 2016, noted that the EAC Organs and Institutions had been experiencing liquidity challenges as a result of delays in disbursement of contributions by both the Partner States and Development Partners.

Article 67 of the Treaty for the Establishment of the EAC says that the Secretary General shall be the Accounting Officer of the Community.

In a Financial Management Circular dated 18th May, 2016, aimed at addressing the financial crunch at the Community, Amb. Mfumukeko says the EAC management has introduced cost cutting measures and reforms on the key expenditure items to be implemented immediately in all the Organs and Institutions of the Community.

The Secretary General said the measures and reforms are a product of intense consultations he has had with Executive Staff, Heads of Institutions, Directors, Professional and General Staff of the Community over the past few weeks.

Some of the measures include the following:

Technical Meetings Involving Delegates from Partner States and EAC Staff

The duration of meetings shall be rationalised. Technical meetings shall be conducted for a period not exceeding Four (4) working days. The number of delegates from Partner States facilitated through the EAC Budget shall not exceed two (2) from each Partner State; for each meeting, correspondence shall be sent to Partner States indicating that delegates should be nominated from relevant sectors who can actively contribute to the success of the meetings and that they consult widely with relevant stakeholders in Partner States prior to coming to meetings.

In order to reduce conference costs:

(i) Where possible, the use of free of charge Government-owned facilities should be encouraged;

(ii) The Procurement Unit shall negotiate for corporate conference and accommodation rates in each Partner State.

The EAC delegations to technical meetings shall not be more than three (3) Members of Staff.

Preparation for and facilitation of Policy (Council and Sectoral Council) meetings held outside duty station:

(i) There shall be preparatory meetings involving all staff with agenda items at the Headquarters, to review background papers and brief the EAC representatives to the said meetings;

(ii) Participation in Policy meetings: Directors and Technical Officers shall facilitate the session of Senior Officials only, while Directors, Heads of Institutions and Executives, shall participate in the Coordination Committee (Permanent/Principal Secretaries session) and Ministers/Cabinet Secretary session. The team facilitating the rapporteur is required throughout the duration of the meeting.

For Meetings involving Partner States’ delegates and staff held out of station, but within a radius of less than 150km of two (2) hour's drive from the duty station, the travel days for the staff shall be the actual first and last days of the meeting.

Meeting involving EAC Staff only or with Consultants

Meetings involving staff members only or with consultants, shall be held at EAC premises using conference halls/meeting rooms within the duty station.

Where an assignment/activity/training/retreat require more concentration, justification shall be provided to support taking the staff members outside the duty station. This decision shall be taken by the Secretary General or the officers with sub-delegated authority of the accounting officer i.e. the Deputy Secretary General in charge of Finance and Administration, the Clerk of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA), the Registrar of the East African Court of Justice (EACJ) and Heads of Institutions.

Enhancing Staff Presence at Duty Station

Members of staff will only be allowed to be away from their respective duty station(s) for not more than 50% of their time. Exceptions shall be considered on individual basis provided that the cumulative number of days for a particular month does not exceed 65% of the time. These ceilings exclude days for participation in EALA and EACJ sittings.

Travel Clearance by the respective Director and DSG, or equivalent authorities in other Organs and Institutions, prior to travelling, is mandatory.

Consultancy Expenses

Prior to budgeting procurement of consultancies, which are not implementing a particular Council directive, a request shall be submitted to Management and considered by a Multi-disciplinary Advisory Committee. This is to save expenditure on short-term studies, trainings, which can be undertaken or facilitated by the EAC Professional Staff.

Video Conferencing

At least 25% of EAC meetings shall use video conferencing facility. EAC shall invest in improving video-conference facility, both at Secretariat and Partner States level, to accommodate as many meetings as possible, at the same time.

Air Tickets

As meetings are well planned on the EAC Calendar of Activities, Meeting Forms indicating the budget line to be charged shall be issued one month in advance and tickets two weeks prior to the date of the meeting, to avoid high costs that may arise from late bookings.

All air tickets shall be booked and issued based on the most direct route.

Per Diem Rates Applicable under Development Partners' Support to EAC

The Partnership Fund MoU between EAC and Development Partners shall be amended to reflect the application of Travel Policy as contained in the PRAG (EU Per diem Rates), with effect from 1st July, 2016.

During the negotiation of financing agreements with Development Partners, EAC shall be flexible to apply Development Partners’ Travel Policies with a view to attracting more support. Thus there will be No Top Up claim by a staff when implementing an activity funded by Development Partners under these terms.

A Projects Coordination Unit will be established by 1st of July, 2016 to enhance effective communication and reporting to Partner States, EALA and Development Partners. This will also ensure that EAC has a one stop desk and repository for information on all projects. The unit will ensure joint planning and budgeting, timely and coordinated implementation, reporting and auditing of projects.

Dormant Projects Supported by Development Partners

The following shall apply in order to avoid EAC incurring recurrent costs on behalf of Development Partners:

a) The contract of Project Staff will be tied to the life of the specific project except where the project runs for more than five years, the contract of the staff shall be broken into five years and renewable once;

b) In the event a Development Partner withdraws support to a running project, the contracts of the staff under this project shall be terminated, and;

c) Where a project faces delayed disbursements for more than three (3) months without communication for the delay or commitment on further disbursement from the Development Partner, the contracts for staff under this project shall be terminated.

All Staff of EAC Organs and Institutions are under the obligation to enforce the implementation of these new measures.

Founding First Ladies address EALA, Call on EAC to fortify integration

In a memorable occasion for the East African Legislative Assembly, founding First Ladies of the EAC late yesterday delivered motivating addresses at a Special Sitting held in Arusha.

Looking graceful yet resplendent, Kenya’s Mama Ngina Kenyatta and Uganda’s Mama Miria Obote brought back the good old memories of the first EAC and challenged EALA Members to ensure the future of integration is both guaranteed and realised. The United Republic of Tanzania’s Mama Maria Nyerere sent her apologies. Her family was however represented at the occasion of the Special Sitting by Hon. Makongoro Nyerere, who is an elected Member of EALA.

First to take the podium was Mama Miria Obote who was emphatic that the EAC must re-energise itself and strive to be a fully functioning integration bloc. The former First Lady called for prioritisation of economic investment projects including oil refineries, the Standard Gauge Railway, agricultural research, food security and climate change.

The founding First Lady called for creation of employment opportunities especially for the youth in the region.

“This can be achieved through joint or common East African Community investments such as the ongoing projects between Uganda and Tanzania for the proposed pipeline, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania and Kenya for the Standard Gauge Railway; Kenya, Ethiopia and the new South Sudan for the Lamu Port. The clear call should be an intensification of efforts across various fields to make our region more integrated”, H.E. Mama Obote said.

She further called for the region to move faster to have an integrated syllabus and curriculum to stabilise the labour market within the EAC.

“For instance, a majority of Ugandans have never learnt proper Swahili. We are now learning proper Swahili in schools and in the public engagement. This is the best way towards integration”, Mama Obote said.

Mama Miria Obote was full of praise for the EALA for recognising the contribution of the founding families.

“We are very grateful for EAC and EALA for recognising the contribution of our founding Fathers, Comrade Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, Mzee Jomo Kenyatta and Comrade Dr. Apolo Milton Obote and we are also thankful to the Almighty God for having kept us alive as former First Ladies of the Independent East African Community, Mama Miria Nyerere, Mama Ngina Kenyatta and I”, Mama Obote said.

She further appreciated the Governments of the United Republic of Tanzania, Kenya and their people who as the original Members of the East African Community, understood the social-political challenges of Uganda.

“They welcomed, sheltered and catered for our people as political refugees. This spirit of togetherness was extended to Rwanda, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo and the new South Sudan. Not only for receiving and hosting refugees but also for walking the extra mile and facilitating peace talks, for example”, H.E. Mama Obote said.

Mama Ngina Kenyatta informed the Sitting that EAC’s founding fathers had “walked and worked tirelessly” in anticipation of unity of the region.

“In 1967, all three of us were witness to the establishment of a Community that spoke to that shared sentiment. The East African Community was built on the understanding that our nations and our peoples were stronger together. I request you to keep the hope of the founding fathers alive and to ensure that unity in the region is achieved”, Mama Ngina said.

“It is a credit to your hard work and persistence—and the hard work and persistence of your respective Governments—that today, that Community is more vibrant and active than ever”, the former First Lady added.

The first lady informed the August House that the region was on the verge of realising the dream of integration. She challenged EALA and the current EAC to strive to ensure disunity and mistrust was removed in a bid to strengthen integration.

Hon Miria Obote was accompanied by her son, Hon. James Akena while H.E. Mama Ngina Kenyatta’s entourage consisted of her family members including Mrs Wambui, Kristina Pratt, Selina Renee Pratt, Members of the Parliament of Kenya, women leaders from Central Kenya and representatives of the Mount Kenya University.

Welcoming the founding First ladies of Independence, Speaker of EALA, Rt. Hon Daniel Fred Kidega, lauded them for their contribution to the integration process.

“We are happy that you still show leadership in your own rights and continue to be involved in numerous humanitarian causes throughout the EAC region much akin to your active and prolific years when you worked for political and social justice and advocated for a wide range of human rights issues”, the Speaker said.

“Today, we celebrate you. You are walking encyclopedias in your own rights and repositories of information, who despite ageing gracefully, still credit, follow developments of this great region, and are supportive of the EAC unto this day. Late last year for example, Mama Ngina Kenyatta met with the EALA Kenya Chapter in Gatundu, Kenya, while in August 2014, a group of EALA Women Members paid a courtesy call on Mama Maria Nyerere in Dar Es Salaam. Mama Obote on her part, is still involved in the political spheres in Uganda and continues to follow developments at the EAC closely from Uganda House in Kampala”, the Speaker added.

The Speaker remarked that the integration process was on course and that it was stronger.

“Indeed, in retrospect, the collapse of the Community in 1977 was a sad and catastrophic affair, a great loss in opportunities and setback for the region. But today, I stand here convinced that the steps we have taken as a Community since its re-establishment are fundamentally underpinned on the Treaty for the Establishment of the EAC and we are on course for full integration of the region”.

The Assembly at its Sitting 5th Meeting of the 4th Session on March 16th, 2016, passed a Resolution recognising the role you all continue to play in galvanising East Africa in the integration process and in the service of East Africans as “informal Institutional Memory”. The Resolution was moved by Hon. Mumbi Ngaru.

EAC tables US$ 100 Million budget to EALA

The EAC today presented Budget estimates for the Financial Year 2016/2017 totaling $101,374,589 to the East African Legislative Assembly sitting in Arusha. Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and East African Co-operation, Hon Dr Susan Kolimba presented the Budget speech to an attentive House on behalf of the substantive Minister and Chair of the EAC Council of Ministers, Hon Dr. Augustine Mahiga.

The 2016/2017 Budget is a drop down from US$110,660,098 Million presented to the House in the previous Financial Year. The Budget prioritizes the full implementation of the EAC Single Customs Territory, enhanced implementation of the EAC Common Market Protocol especially additional commitments and interconnectivity of border immigration systems and procedures across Partner States and enhancement of productivity and value addition in key productive sectors.

The budget also takes cognisance of development of cross-border infrastructure and harmonisation of laws, policies and standards in respective sub-sectors, implementation of a liberalised EAC airspace, enhanced implementation a One Area Network in telecommunications and the implementation of EAC Peace and Security initiatives.

According to the Minister, other key specific priorities are strengthening of the legal and judicial systems, enhancement of Information, Communication and Education to promote popular participation of the citizenry in the EAC integration process and promotion of education, science and technology for creative and productive human resources.

The Chair of Council termed the establishment of a policy framework and institutional structures for establishment of the EAC Political Federation as another key priority area in the coming financial year.

The Budget is allocated to the Organs and Institutions of the EAC as follows; East African Community Secretariat (US$57, 872, 785), East African Legislative Assembly (US$16,034,324) and the East African Court of Justice (US$4,286,477).

The Inter-University Council for East Africa shall receive (US$4,553,890), Lake Victoria Basin Commission (US$11,214,708) while US$ 2,131,422 is earmarked for the Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization. On their part, the East African Science and Technology Commission shall receive (US$ 1,161,438), East African Kiswahili Commission (US$ 1,134,542) and the East African Health Research Commission (US$ 1,397,438). The East African Competition Authority is to benefit from US$587,565 in the Financial Year.

The 2016/2017 Budget is to be financed by Partner State contributions (US$47,565,377) compared to US$ 47 566,973 in the current Financial Year; Development Partners support (US$46,717,601) which is a significant drop from US$ 58,555,635 of the previous year. The Member Universities will inject US$ 431, 923, General Reserves US$ 6,354, 248 and miscellaneous revenue US$ 305,440.

The EAC Political Federation is yet a key priority area on the agenda in the coming Financial Year as the mode of the regional Constitution making process commences. The same applies to strengthening of regional and international relations through mobilisation of Partner States’ diplomatic missions and the East African diaspora for effective participation in EAC integration processes and building of multilateral/international networks in pursuit of EAC objectives.

The Minister highlighted a number of achievements registered in the Financial Year 2015/2016, notably, the upscaling of the Single Customs Territory (SCT) through finalisation of operational instruments of the business manuals, deployment of SCT Monitoring and Evaluation tools and deployment of staff in some Partner States. The Minister remarked that 10 out of the 15 One Stop Border Posts were already operational.

The chair of the Council of Ministers further stated that the EAC Elimination of Non-Tariff Barriers Bill (NTB), 2015 passed by EALA was undergoing assent and would spur business and enhance the free movement aspects. The Minister told the House that National Monitoring Committees on NTBs and the EAC Regional Forum on NTBs had continued to spearhead the elimination of NTBs affecting Intra-EAC trade.

According to the Minister, the Council of Ministers further appointed Commissioners to the EAC Competition Authority. “The Authority is set to commence operations in the financial year 2016/17 and it will act as a one stop centre in the enforcement of provisions of the EAC Competition Act. The Secretariat has finalized preparations for the operationalization of the East African Competition Authority”, the Minister said.

In order to strengthen the Monetary Union, the Minister said draft Bills for the establishment of the East African Monetary Institute and the East African Statistics Bureau were been developed and negotiated by the Partner States. The Minister informed the House that in a bid to harmonise tax regimes, the EAC Secretariat had continued with efforts for closed co-ordination of fiscal policies with focus on critical areas for harmonisation.

“So far, domestic Tax Harmonization Policy has been drafted by the Secretariat and is being peer reviewed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) before submission to the relevant Organs of the Community for consideration” the Minister said.

Under Infrastructure development, the Minister informed the House of on-going construction works especially on the Northern Corridor. The Minister said the Arusha-Holili/Taveta-Voi road project and the second multinational road projects in the region had commenced.

“In addition, the Secretariat signed a grant agreement amounting to US$ 2.68 million in November 2014 with the AfDB through the NEPAD Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility (NEPAD-IPPF) for the feasibility studies and detailed designs of two key links for the Republics of Rwanda and Burundi to the Central Corridor. These are the 250km long Nyakanazi – Kasulu – Manyovu road in Tanzania linking to the 78km long Rumonge –Bujumbura road in Burundi, and the 92km long Lusahunga – Rusumo road in Tanzania linking to the 70km long Kayonza – Kigali road in Rwanda”, the Minister said.

Hon Dr Kolimba further remarked that progress with regards to the construction of the Mombasa-Nairobi Standard Gauge railway stood at approximately 70% as at March 2016.

On Industrialisation and SMEs Development, the Chair of Council said that the EAC had developed a draft Industrialisation Bill and that it was awaiting legal scrubbing and input before it is presented to the Sectoral Council on Legal and Judicial Affairs for consideration.

Within the Energy Sector, the Minister informed an attentive House that implementation of power projects under the East African Power Master Plan had resulted in the addition of 425 MW over the last two years raising the region’s installed capacity from 4,468 MW to 4,893 MW against a peak demand for 3,326 MW for the inter-connected system last year.

In the Tourism and wildlife sector, the Minister informed the House that a regional strategy to combat poaching and illegal trade in wildlife and wildlife projects was been developed by the Secretariat.

“In the next financial year, 2016/17 the priorities for the Tourism and Wildlife sector will include, among others, developing guidelines for smooth cross border tour operations, implementation of the regional strategy to combat poaching and the illegal trade in wildlife and wildlife products, finalizing the development of a tourism legal framework, training of more hotel assessors from Partner States and transferring training program of hotel assessors to training colleges in hospitality in Partner States”, the Minister remarked.

On health matters, the Minister informed the House of progress in promotion of integration of health sector and interventions to address challenges facing the sector in line with Article 118 of the Treaty.

“Mr. Speaker, in order to strengthen human resource for health and ensure right skills and knowledge is provided by the various public and private sector universities and other institutions of higher learning in the fields of medicine, medical laboratory sciences, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry and other health professions, regular joint inspections have been conducted by EAC Secretariat in collaboration with the EAC Partner States’ National Health Professional Boards and Council using regional guidelines and checklists developed for the inspection and mutual reciprocal recognition”, the Minister said.

On the Common Market, the Chair of Council remarked that the region was keen to ensure implementation of the Protocol. “Mr. Speaker, this August House may be pleased to note that during the 17th Ordinary Sitting of the Summit of EAC Heads of State, the new International East African Electronic Passport was launched. The East African e-Passport represents; the ordinary; official/service and diplomatic Passports. The introduction of the new e-Passport is a milestone that will see our Partner States join global initiatives where over 100 countries are implementing the electronic passports”, the Minister said.

“The Partner States are expected to issue the new international EA e- passport in to their citizens in January 2017 and make necessary arrangements with relevant authorities to implement the passport”, he added.

The Minister remarked that consultations with stakeholders in the employment subsector such as the East African Trade Union Confederation (EATUC) and Employers’ Associations have been undertaken on the process of harmonization of the work/residence permit fees pursuant to Regulation 6(9) of the East African Common Market (Free Movement of Workers) Regulations Annex II and regulation 6(5) of the East African Community Common Market (Right of Residence) Regulations.

On matters of political affairs, the Minister informed the House of steps been taken to lay ground for political integration. The 31st Meeting of the EAC Council of Ministers in May 2015, the Minister said, established a Sub-Committee of Ministers Responsible for EAC Affairs to consider the concept note, Terms of Reference (ToRs); Roadmap for the Constitution Making Process, and; to determine the Model of the EAC Political Federation for consideration. The Sub-Committee met in February 2016 and made a report to the Council on the basis of which the Council reported to the 17th Ordinary Meeting of the Summit. The report was to the effect that the Partner States had generated convergence on a Confederation as the Model of the East African Federation.

The Minister said that the Community was keen to ensure regional peace and security initiatives are realized. The sector players have a critical role in ensuring the facilitation of the enjoyment of freedoms and rights guaranteed by the Treaty. The sub-sector continued regular consultations towards joint action against Terrorism, Small arms and Light weapons trafficking, human and narcotics trafficking, theft of motor vehicles and other cross border crimes. To this extent a training manual and operating procedures on public order management with a human rights perspective at the 14th Eastern Africa Police Chiefs Cooperation Organization – Annual General Meeting (EAPPCCO- AGM) was launched, the Minister informed the House.

“The next financial year will be dedicated to conclusion of another three harmonized Standing Operating Procedures remains an omnipresent threat to the enjoyment of these freedoms and rights. Attention will be paid to transnational crimes that feed terrorism and terror infrastructure”, he said.

In a bid to improve financial management and reporting, the Minister remarked that the Secretariat has rolled over the Sun systems to all EAC institutions which were prior to, using different financial management systems. The Budget Management System (BMS) which was developed and installed was as well rolled out to all EAC Institutions, making it easy to prepare Annual Operational Plans, MTEF budget and monitor its execution. As a result of these improvements, budgets and financial reports are timely, well prepared and submitted, the Minister said.

Prof. Alenxandre Lyambabaje calls for Universities to take a further step from publications to development of innovative products and policies

The Executive Secretary of the Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA), Prof. Alexandre Lyambabaje calls for universities to take a further step from publications to development of innovative products and policies.

Prof Alexandre was addressing a High Level Dialogue Meeting of Vice-Chancellors, Deputy Vice-Chancellors and Heads of Commissions/Councils for Higher Education and members of East African Higher Education Quality Assurance Network (EAQAN). The meeting was the culmination of the EAQAN Forum which kicked off on Monday 16th May, 2016, followed by EAQAN General Assembly on 18th May. Both events took place at the Imperial Golf View Hotel in Entebbe, Uganda.

The meeting was also attended by participants from Ghana, Ivory Coast and Somalia to learn from East African countries on the development of quality assurance systems in universities.

Prof. Lyambabaje told the participants of the meeting that among the priority areas of the Inter-University Council for East Africa’s coordination is to promote and encourage research within higher learning institutions. He however, expressed that in some cases, it has been realized that some universities are prioritizing the end result of their work as publications which of course go with promotion of staff instead of innovation and products as end results.

He therefore urged universities to view publishing in a different aspect of moving from publications to development of innovative products and policies which will contribute to the development of socio-economic transformation in the East African region.

On the efforts being made in the development of quality assurance systems in East African universities, the Executive Secretary, emphasized the importance of communicating quality assurance matters in a user friendly language to enable its articulation and understanding by diverse stakeholders, among them being policy makers, administrators and ordinary people. He stressed that by making quality assurance issues in higher education understood by stakeholders, contributes into attracting more support and realization of the objectives of interventions which results in more funding from governments, partners and other stakeholders.

“We need also to assess how effectively the developed tools in quality assurance are used in our institutions” said Prof. Lyambabaje citing an example of the current trend where many parents in the East African region are sending their children to study in universities outside East Africa especially abroad. According to Prof. Lyambabaje, there must be a reason for parents doing so.

He therefore called for universities to create confidence in parents and develop higher learning institutions to enable retain students in East African universities. In addition to that Prof Lyambabaje sees the need for streamlining administration so that university teaching staff and professors feel valued and at the end being retained.

On preparation of pre-university students Prof. Lyambabaje compared secondary school leavers as industrial raw materials of universities who need proper preparation. Citing an example of industrial products which involves different processes of production from first stage to the last which is an end product, Prof. Lyambabaje urged the participants to look critically on how prepared are secondary school students which according to him are like raw materials for universities expecting to be processed to the end product which is the labor market.

Commenting on challenges facing public universities whose human resources are shifting to private universities, Prof. Lyambabaje suggested a dialogue between public and privates universities and working out strategies on how to share the best available human resources, since both public and private universities have the same goals of serving the Community.

The Executive Secretary assured the participants that IUCEA will continue setting aside some funds to support staff mobility in universities but he called for the universities and IUCEA to sit together and find out strategies for co-founding the staff mobility programme so that many universities benefit from that initiative.

Informing the participants on the progress made on the Eastern and Southern African Centers of Excellency (ACE II) project, which will serve as an incentive of students mobility within the region Prof. Lyambabaje revealed to the participants that, the World Bank has lend 140 million USD Dollars to Governments to establish Regional Centers of Excellency to the participating countries which are Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania Uganda Zimbabwe and Zambia. Among the 24 established Centers of Excellency 15 are in the East African Partner States of which each country will receive 6 million USD to establish one center.

On benchmarking of study programmes Prof. Lyambabaje told the participants that a number of benchmark of study programmes have been developed while others are underway. However the Executive Secretary observed the need to commit more funds to speed up and complete the process. He informed the participants that IUCEA is working out strategies which will make sure that more funds are committed to develop other programme benchmarks within the shortest time possible and be in use since the completion of that exercise will contribute to the realization of East African Common Higher Education Area.

On supporting of East African innovative ideas Prof. Lyambabaje revealed to the participants that IUCEA is holding its Annual Meeting under the theme “Research and Innovation towards Socio-Economic Transformation of East African Community” where key note presentations and experiences will be shared from Makerere University on Kiira Car Project, Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology on Low Coast Water Filter and M-PESA on growing financial inclusion from Kenya which has proved to be the best tool in transferring money within the East African region and beyond. “How do we support such initiatives” asked Prof Lyambabaje.

In his remarks to the conference, Prof. Opuda-Asibo John, the Executive Director, National Council for Higher Education, Uganda, urged EAQAN to be more effective by going beyond from what it is doing currently and play the role of advising university senates and even present papers which can be discussed at senate levels. He urged QA Committees in universities to promote academic freedom and research and building staff capacity in quality assurance matters. Prof. Opuda observed the need for Senior Professors to support young university staff so that they grow in their fields.

Commending the work done in collaboration with IUCEA, Dr. Helmut Blumbach, the Germany Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Director, Regional Office for Africa, said that DAAD and IUCEA are in the process of signing the Memorandum of Understanding whose thematic areas for future collaboration will include: strengthening partnership and collaboration between industries and universities in curriculum development, training and applied research and internationalization of higher education. At the end of the meeting, Dr. Helmut Blumbach and Prof. Alexandre Lyambabaje signed that Memorandum of Understanding for collaboration in the next five years.

The Forum and Dialogue meeting were organized by IUCEA in collaboration with the National Council for Higher Education, (NCHE), Uganda, the Germany Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Germany Rectors’ Conference (HRK). EAQAN Network was established as an avenue to bring together quality assurance practitioners, top administrators of Higher Education Institutions, Executives members of national accreditation bodies, higher education researchers and policy makers to share ideas on quality assurance practices, challenges and prospects in the East African Higher Education Area.

Members hail Chair of EAC Summit for delivering concise State of EAC Address

The Assembly late yesterday debated and hailed the Chairperson of the EAC Summit of Heads of State for the concise exposition of the EAC policy contained in the State of the EAC Address delivered to EALA at the March Session.

At debate, Hon. Shyrose Bhanji termed the speech as enlightening and said it had laid ground on a number of important matters in the integration agenda.  The Speech cited the implementation of the Customs Union as key but added that a number of agencies should be able to issue the certificate of origin so that accessibility is realised. 

Hon. Abubakar Zein reiterated that it was necessary for the region to contain corruption and remove bad governance in order to realise progress of the EAC.  Hon. Mike Sebalu termed disasters as a matter that the region must collectively address. 

“There is no soveregnity when it comes to matters concerning disasters”, he said.  Hon. Mumbi Ngaru on her part termed sensitisation as fundamental and said there was need for more adequate funding, a sentiment that was echoed by Hon. Bernard Mulengani and Hon. Frederic Ngenzebuhoro as well.   On her part, Hon. Judith Pareno said that East Africans continued to face a number of challenges at the borders citing frequent stops by the authorities while Hon. Dora Byamukama called for closer working relations between the Private Sector under the East African Business Council and the Assembly.

The Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania, Rt Hon. Majaliwa, Kassim Majaliwa delivered the State of EAC Address on behalf of the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, and Chair of the Summit of EAC Heads of State, H.E. John Pombe Joseph Magufuli, at the commencement of the 5th Meeting of the 4th Session of the 3rd Assembly in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on March 8th, 2016.

The Speech, gave a score-card on a number of areas related to the pillars of integration.

The Speech highlighted the adoption of the use of One Stop Business Posts (OSBPs) as a trade facilitation concept to minimise delays at the border posts and on the major corridors in the region. The House was informed that out of the 15 borders earmarked to operate as OSBPs, 7 had been completed and 4 others were operating as OSBPs using bilateral agreements.

The Prime Minister remarked that intra-EAC Trade was expected to register phenomenal increase in the next few years."Trade is now at 23%, over and above intra-African Trade figure of 12%. "There has been a 300% increase in the value of trade from 2 Billion USD in 2005 to 6 Billion USD in 2014," Rt. Hon Majaliwa told the House in March.

“These numbers coupled with the combined GDP of 110.3 Billion makes our region a formidable trading bloc", he added.The Chair of the EAC Heads of State Summit urged the region to push for total removal of Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs). "We all admit that we have done well in eliminating tariff related barriers, we must resolve to do away with the remaining ones," the Chairperson of the EAC Summit of Heads of State added, citing the examples of removal of various roadblocks in the region.

On Infrastructure, it was stated that Partner States were actively engaged in the Standard Gauge Railway with Republic of Kenya having completed coverage of about 200 km out of 472 km of formation as of September last year.

On the Common Market, the EAC Chair of Summit gave an account of achievements realised in the Partner States to date. He remarked that Republic of Burundi now recognises the academic qualifications, experiences obtained, licenses and certifications obtained for the workers from other EAC Partner States.

The United Republic of Tanzania on its part, has issued a total of 3,222 simplified Certificates of Origin were issued as at June 2015 as compared to 2,355 certificates issued in 2014. In Kenya, the Prime Minister said development of an SMS based NTBs Reporting System to facilitate reporting and subsequent elimination of NTBs had been initiated.

The Republic of Rwanda, according to the Chair of the Summit, had eliminated all Non-Tariff Barriers and further harmonised demographic and social statistics for undertaking agricultural surveys and census. All the initiatives he added, were geared towards enhancing the Common Market Protocol. In Uganda, the value of goods from other Partner States accorded zero-tariff treatment grew by 9% while 360 EAC standards on traded goods had been adopted and were in application.

Yesterday, Hon. Martin Ngoga remarked that while the policy statements made were positive, there was a mismatch with the bureaucrats in the Partner States paying less attention to implementation of the policy statements.

Hon. Bernard Mulengani, Hon. Christophe Bazivamo, Hon. Patricia Hajabakiga, Hon. Nancy Abisai and Hon. Valerie Nyirahabineza also rose in support of the motion. Others were Hon. Abdullah Mwinyi, Hon. Chris Opoka, Hon. Ussi Maryam, Hon. Mukasa Mbidde and Hon. Dr James Ndahiro.

The State of EAC Address is delivered annually to the EALA by the Chairperson of the EAC Heads of State. The State of EAC Address sets the momentum and impetus for the integration process by reflecting on general policies that relate to the Community's progress while outlining the strategic challenges which require attention.

The novelty of the State of EAC Address dates back to the year 2008 when H.E. President Yoweri Museveni made the first inaugural Address to EALA in Arusha.

East African Community
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P.O. Box 1096
United Republic of Tanzania

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Email: eac@eachq.org