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Press Release

EALA roots for concerted efforts in combating Corruption

EALA Speaker, Rt Hon. Daniel Fred Kidega wants Anti-Corruption Authorities in the EAC region to further concert efforts, establish linkages and support enactment of a regional law in their quest to rid the region of corruption.

Consequently, the regional Assembly is set to collaborate with the anti-graft authorities under the aegis of the East African Association of the Anti-Corruption Authorities (EAAACA).

The EALA Speaker this morning presided over the opening ceremony of the 9th EAAACA Annual General Meeting themed Strengthening Efforts to eradicate Corruption in Entebbe, Uganda.

Rt Hon. Kidega said that EALA and the EAC were committed to combating the chronic cancer of corruption. He said the Assembly would soon table and discuss key pieces of legislation to combat the scourge.

“On our part as an Assembly, you will be pleased to note that we are considering enacting 3 key Bills to confront corruption head-on. The envisaged Bills are the EAC Integrity and Anti-Corruption Bill, 2015, the EAC Procurement Bill, 2015 and the EAC Whistle Blowers Bill, 2015. The Laws passed by EALA supersede those of the Partner States on matters within the purview of the Community”, the Hon Speaker remarked.

He termed regional co-operation as a key component in containing corruption saying that it undermined good governance, erodes the rule of law and hampers economic growth. “If left unattended, it could spiral to uncontrollable levels given the other criminal activities such as money laundering, bribery and abuse of Office”, Rt Hon. Kidega remarked.

The Speaker was emphatic that it was necessary for the Association to have a closer working relationship within the EAC. “As a key institution in the eradication of corruption, it is vital and necessary for EAAACA to explore means and ways of working with EAC including been considered for Observer Status at the Community”, he remarked.

According to the Speaker, the Mbeki-led Report on the High-Level Panel on illicit Financial Flows released in February this year is telling. The Report narrates that illicit flows relate principally to commercial transactions, tax evasion, criminal activities such as money laundering, bribery, corruption and abuse of office, which he said promote corrupt tendencies.

Moreover, it is reported that countries that are rich in natural resources and countries with inadequate or non-existent institutional architecture are most at risk of falling victim to illicit financial flows.

In attendance at the two-day AGM are representatives of Anti-Corruption Authorities from Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia and South Sudan.

The meeting is being hosted by the Inspectorate of Government led by the Inspector-General of Government of the Republic of Uganda Hon. Lady Justice Irene Mulyagonja Kakooza. Lady Justice Kakooza maintained that ridding corruption needed political, legislative and the goodwill of all citizens.

The Minister for EAC Affairs, Hon. Shem Bageine said corruption had spread its tentacles in various sectors in the region and largely manifested itself across the divide. “Governments, Private and Public sectors must get to the bottom of and root out this evil”, Minister Bageine added.

On his part, the President of the EAAACA, Mr Clément Musangwabatware reiterated the need to embrace good governance and total fight on corruption which he termed costly to governments and businesses.

Analysts contend that promoting and facilitating co-operation among EAC Partner States is crucial in ensuring effectiveness of measures and actions to detect, investigate, punish and eradicate corruption.

The Association is further expected to review its activities over the year as it strategises over how to make it more effective.

The AGM is the supreme governing body of the Association and comprises of Members of Anti-Corruption Authorities of EAAACA and Honorary Members.

6th African Grain Trade Summit set for Kigali, Rwanda

H.E. President Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda, is expected to grace the official opening of the 6th African Grain Trade Summit (AGTS).

The biennial, high-level, multi-stakeholder event is organised by the Eastern African Grain Council (EAGC) and hosted by the 10 EAGC-mandate countries, including all EAC Partner States on a rotational basis. This year, the 6th AGTS will take place in Kigali, Rwanda from 1st to 3rd October 2015.

President Kagame, EAC Secretary-General Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera, Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary for East African Affairs, Commerce and Tourism Hon. Phyllis Kandie and Ms Joyce Mapunjo, the Permanent Secretary in Tanzania’s Ministry of East African Co-operation will also constitute the panel for the Regional Media Dialogue on the first day of the event.

Although the EAC has made significant progress in implementing the Customs Union, there remain critical policy, regulatory and procedural barriers to the enabling environment for trade in staple foods. Because of this, many East Africans face food deficits as grain traders find it difficult to trade across the region. This Regional Media Dialogue among other dialogues will pick up from the East Africa Trade and Investment Hub’s recent analysis of barriers affecting staple food trade.

It will also delve into the key issues that have constrained trade in staple foods in EAC and propose solutions for their removal, including identifying priorities and quick wins, and identifying key champions to engage in their removal.

The 6th Grain Trade Summit, themed “Towards Creating an Enabling Environment for Grain Trade in Africa: Technology, Investment, Information, Policy and Services (T.I.I.P.S)”, will bring together high-level stakeholders in the regional grain sector to discuss and agree on mechanisms that will bring about the prevalence of a business environment that enables effective and efficient public sector participation in regional grain trade, with the ultimate goal of improved livelihoods, more inclusive economic growth and socio-economic development.

The Summit is a continentally-recognised grain industry conference that attracts stakeholders along the grain value chain from around the African continent and beyond, which arouses discussions about key grain industry issues and developing trends in grain trade within the continent.

In addition to the opportunity to listen to and interact with grain industry experts addressing a wide range of issues and trends affecting grain trade, delegates will also benefit from enhanced networking opportunities for concluding concrete business with a vast array of influential players in the industry, at the event.

EAC Secretariat organises Dissemination Workshop on EAC Health Projects and Programmes for Health Sector Stakeholders in Kenya

The East African Community Secretariat in collaboration with Kenya’s State Department of East African Affairs and the Ministry of Health is organising a five-day dissemination workshop on EAC regional Health Projects and Programmes for health sector stakeholders, line ministries, departments, agencies, and County Health Officers taking place from 28th September to 2nd October 2015 in Nairobi, Kenya.

The overall objective of the workshop is to bring on board different stakeholders and policy makers at different levels with the aim of raising the participants’ awareness and uptake of EAC Health Projects and Programmes.

It is expected that the workshop will lead to better understanding and improved knowledge about the EAC health sector, its vision, projects and programmes among the policy makers and the general public in Kenya.

It is also anticipated that the forum will result in improved support, buy-in, ownership and implementation of EAC Health Projects and Programmes; enhanced coherence in policy development and implementation of health programmes within government in view of ongoing initiatives at the EAC level; and, enhanced information sharing between the National and County Governments.

The EAC Secretariat has developed a Regional Health Sector Strategic Plan 2015-2020, which has a number of projects and programmes aimed at the realisation of better health in the region.

These include the Open Health Initiative; East African Medicines Regulatory Harmonisation Programme; Population Health and Environment Programme; and, the EAC HIV and AIDS, TB and STI Programme whose Strategic Plan and Implementation Framework (2015–2020) was approved by the EAC’s policy-making organ, the Council of Ministers.

Despite the fact that all these initiatives are ongoing at the regional level, policy makers, the general public and other relevant stakeholders are not well informed of them.

This knowledge gap extends to health stakeholders and practitioners, manufacturers and distributors of pharmaceutical products, line ministries and institutions and more recently, county government officials. Health is a devolved function under the new Constitution of Kenya which came into effect in 2010.

The lack of adequate information on EAC Health Projects and Programmes makes it hard for implementation of various decisions and directives by the EAC Health Ministers at the national level.

This further impacts negatively on the ability by various stakeholders and pharmaceutical manufacturers to take advantage of emerging markets within the EAC region.

Though health is a devolved function, decisions at the regional level have direct impact on the delivery of health care services; hence, the need for policy makers at both levels of government to be conversant with the various directives / decisions and resolutions.

There is also a need to increase the uptake of the EAC programmes and projects by the general public for full realisation of the envisioned benefits.

It is therefore critical that the health stakeholders and practitioners, manufacturers and distributors of pharmaceutical products, line ministries departments and agencies as well as health officials in the county governments are sensitised on the ongoing projects and programmes.

The dissemination workshop will be conducted at two levels. The high-level government policy makers will briefed on spot visits in their boardrooms on specific EAC Health Programmes and Projects. It is expected that each of these sessions will have targeted messages and will last for not more than one hour.

The proposed Ministries to be visited include: Ministry of Health, National Treasury, Ministry of Devolution and Planning, Ministry of Industrialisation and Enterprise Development, County Government of Nairobi City, and the State Department of East African Affairs. This will then be followed by a two-day workshop for targeted middle-level policy makers and implementers scheduled for 1st and 2nd October 2015 at the Grand Laico Regency Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya.

Japan International Cooperation Agency delegation visits EAC headquarters

A Japanese delegation led by Hajime Iwama, Director, Africa Division 2 in charge of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Tanzania program, Africa Department; Kenji Isomoto, JICA Technical Advisor; and, Kimanari Takahashi, Team Leader of JICA Study among others paid a working visit to the EAC Headquarters on Friday, 25 September to discuss funding for the completion of the dualling of the road from Tengeru to Usa in Arusha, rehabilitation of the Usa-Holili section including complete re-location of the dangerous Kikafu Bridge and the feasibility study.

The EAC Deputy Secretary-General in charge of Planning and Infrastructure, Dr Enos Bukuku welcomed the delegation to the EAC and noted that their visit was adding to the recent three visits made by the new JICA Chief Representative in Tanzania, the Ambassador Extraordinary, and Plenipotentiary and the Deputy Ambassador of Japan to Tanzania, all aimed at cementing the cordial relationships not only between Japan and Tanzania but also between Japan and the East African Community.

“It is in recognition of the need for facilitating integrated, efficient and cost-effective transport systems along the EAC Corridors that the Government of Japan, through JICA, accepted the request made by the East African Community in May 2014 to support the rehabilitation of the Tengeru-Holili road section”, affirmed Dr Bukuku, adding that “the current constructions cover only 14.1km out of the envisaged 22.3km to Usa. This means that there is a gap of around 8.2km to be upgraded to dual carriageway”.

The Tengeru-Holili road section has no Project Affected Persons and, therefore, no resettlement issues. “However, it has a very special safety consideration in particular at Kikafu Bridge”.

Dr Bukuku highlighted and urged that the JICA Study Team critically reviews the provisions of the current design and addresses all constraints that could become impediments to smooth flow of local and transit traffic along the road.

Although the project section is wholly located in Tanzania, it has corridor-wide / regional impacts on traffic flows as it links the Northern Corridor, the Trans African Highway No. 8 (Great North Road) and ultimately, the Central Corridor. It will also be a link to Rwanda and Burundi from the Port of Mombasa.

The project road has been designed to conform to the EAC agreed standards, which are hybrids of existing standards among EAC Partner States. The EAC standards have been adopted through harmonisation framework contained in the East African Transport Facilitation Strategy.

The Deputy Secretary-General thanked the Japanese Government for the interest shown in this project and requested that JICA considers providing a grant component to the funding support, especially for the Kikafu Bridge.

“The grant assistance we seek for the Kikafu Bridge and associated approach roads will enhance the symbolism of the Japanese emotional connection to the site, which has been an annual pilgrimage area for Japanese visitors to Tanzania”.

The JICA Director for Tanzania, Mr Hajime Iwama, expressed his gratitude for the generous hospitality the delegation received from EAC and restated that the main purpose of their visit was to ensure smooth running and kickoff of the rehabilitation operations and feasibility study respectively.

Germany contributes US$ 34 million for Health in the EAC

The Federal Republic of Germany today signed an intergovernmental agreement with the East African Community (EAC) to support regional health programmes. In total, 30 million euros (US$ 34 million) will be invested in vaccines and health supply chain management.

German development co-operation will provide 20 million euros for the procurement of vaccines against different diseases for children in the EAC. The programme will be implemented in collaboration with GAVI.

This new commitment will bring Germany’s contribution to regional immunisation programmes with the EAC to 60 million euros since 2012. Earlier in 2015, Germany hosted the record replenishment of the global vaccination alliance, GAVI. As a result, an additional 300 million children will receive live-saving vaccines, including in the EAC.

Inappropriate cooling systems result in high volumes of vaccines being wasted before they reach the people that need them. This is why Germany also makes available a grant of 10 million euros to support the establishment of the EAC Regional Centre of Excellence for Health Supply Chain Management.

The Centre which will be hosted in Kigali will strengthen capacities and support the management of complex supply systems for health products, such as vaccines that need to be kept cool at all times.

Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera, Secretary-General of the EAC, and Member of the GAVI Board said: “We are very happy with new and existing projects that are being financed by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany. This assistance for the health sector in the EAC reaffirms Germany’s status as a true friend of the people of East Africa”.

H.E. Egon Kochanke, Ambassador at the German Embassy in Tanzania, said: “The new commitments underline that Germany continues to be a strong partner for the EAC, contributing to an integration process that puts the people in the centre”.

GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance is a public-private global health partnership committed to increasing access to immunisation in poor countries. GAVI brings together developing country and donor governments, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, The World Bank, the vaccine industry in both industrialised and developing countries, research and technical agencies, civil society, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and other private philanthropists.

Since as early as 1998, Germany’s development co-operation, on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), contributes to the capacity development of the EAC Secretariat and the regional integration in East Africa through a variety of programmes and projects. Germany’s funding for Technical and Financial Co-operation with the EAC amounts to a total of 176 million Euros. Germany also provides substantial support for the health sectors in EAC Parter States.

Accompanying Amb. Kochanke were Ms Lena Thiede, Counsellor / Head of Regional Cooperation at the German Embassy in Dar es Salaam; Katrin Brandes of KFW; and, Bernd Multhaup, Programme Manager, GIZ.

Others at the function were EAC Deputy Secretary-General (Planning and Infrastructure), Dr Enos Bukuku; Lake Victoria Basin Commission Deputy Executive Secretary, Patrice Niyongabo; Counsel to the Community, Dr Anthony Kafumbe; and, the GAVI Special Adviser to the EAC Secretary-General, Mr Stephen Karengera.

Tanzania to join EAC One Network Area soon

The United Republic of Tanzania will soon join the EAC One Network Area, which harmonises tariffs on voice calls within the East African Community.

The Director-General of the Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA), Dr Ally Yahaya Simba, said the harmonisation of mobile call tariffs which will significantly reduce roaming charges for calls originating from other EAC Partner States would come into effect as soon as the existing telecommunications policies and regulations have been revised.

Dr Simba disclosed that first to be harmonised would be roaming charges on voice calls, with data charges to follow later. The EAC Heads of State Summit at their last meeting directed the Council of Ministers to expedite the implementation of the framework for harmonised EAC roaming charges, including the removal of surcharges for international telecommunications traffic originating and terminating within the EAC by 15th July 2015.

Dr Simba was speaking when he paid a courtesy call on the EAC Secretary-General, Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera, at the EAC Headquarters in Arusha. The TCRA CEO, who was on a familiarisation tour of the EAC Secretariat, was accompanied by TCRA’s Deputy Director (Zonal Coordination), Mr Victor Nkya; Deputy Director (Postal Affairs), Mr Haruni Lemanya; Northern Zone Manager, Eng. Annette Matindi; and, Mr Julius Felix, Senior Frequency Management Scientist.

In his remarks, Amb. Dr Sezibera said the EAC One Area Network which has already been implemented by Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda would greatly enhance business within the Community.

Dr Sezibera said the Community had prioritised four main areas where progress must be made to drive the EAC integration process forward, namely Communications (harmonisation of roaming charges); civil aviation (high air travel fares); One-Stop Border Posts (transit charges); and, the need to actively engage the private sector in the integration process.

The Secretary-General said the EAC was currently negotiating with the Republic of South Sudan on the possibility of integrating the region’s broadband networks with the world’s youngest nation as a way of reducing voice and data roaming charges.

Dr Sezibera disclosed that postal numbering systems in the region would be harmonised so that people can be identified with their locations or residences.

He hailed the EAC Electronic Transactions (e-Transactions) Bill which is currently before the East African Legislative Assembly, adding that the Bill would provide a legal framework to govern online transactions which is a fast growing sector in the region.

Also present at the function was Mr Philip Wambugu, the Director of Infrastructure at the EAC Secretariat.

India-EAC relations to be strengthened

Relations between India and the East African Community are set to be revitalised especially in the areas of trade, cultural exchange and development co-operation.

India’s High Commissioner to Tanzania and Representative to the EAC, Mr Sandeep Arya, said his country was keen on strengthening trade and cultural ties with the EAC, which date back several centuries.

Mr Arya said India already had bilateral projects in most of the EAC Partner States particularly health and agriculture, adding that they wanted to partner with the EAC to boost trade volumes and promoting industrial growth in East Africa.

Mr Arya said he would work closely with the Confederation of Indian Industries and the Indian Exim Bank in these initiatives, noting that these partnerships should for a start be between these two institutions and the East African Development Bank and the East African Business Council.

Mr Arya was speaking after presenting his credentials to the EAC Secretary-General, Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera, at the EAC Secretariat in Arusha, Tanzania. Dr Sezibera thanked India for its support to the Partner States singling out the scholarships granted to students from the Partner States to study in India.

Dr Sezibera also cited the support granted to the Community by India in the preparation of the East African Railways Master Plan, the implementation of which he said would revolutionise the transport sector in the region.

He disclosed that that one of the challenges faced by the EAC in relation to the free movement of goods across the region was the porous borders with non-EAC neighbours, adding that this issue was being addressed.

The Secretary-General said there would be common Rules of Origin for goods within the EAC-COMESA-SADC Free Trade Area which is expected to become operational soon. He added that the EAC was also co-operating with COMESA and SADC on infrastructure development.

Dr Sezibera said the constitution making process for a Political Federation, the ultimate stage of the EAC integration process, would begin this year.

Later in the day, the Danish Ambassador to the United Republic of Tanzania and Representative to the EAC, H.E. Einar Jensen also presented his letter of accreditation to the EAC Secretary-General, designating him as his country’s representative to the EAC.

In his remarks, the Danish Ambassador hailed EAC for the remarkable achievements so far recorded in the establishment of the Customs Union Protocol, Common Market Protocol and Monetary Union Protocol. “Denmark has chosen to formalise its relations with the East African Community in recognition of the aspirations and ambitions of the EAC”, noted Amb. Jensen.

The EAC Secretary-General, Amb. Sezibera, noted that the accreditation sets a new stage in the relationship between Denmark and the EAC. He lauded the long-standing ties between the EAC Partner States and Denmark, and reaffirmed the EAC’s commitment to strengthen the relationship.

Also present at the function was the Counsel to the Community, Dr Anthony Kafumbe.

EALA Members begin five-day Capacity Building workshop in Zanzibar

EALA Members commenced a five-day capacity building workshop on the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) and Auditing processes yesterday in Zanzibar, Tanzania in a bid to enhance the oversight function of the Assembly.

EALA Speaker, Rt Hon. Daniel Fred Kidega said the workshop was deemed necessary to enhance the oversight function of the Assembly.

The capacity building workshop presents an opportune moment for EALA to be able to harness understanding of the technical workings of the MTEF budgeting and to comprehend the procedures that go on in the auditing processes.

“Interesting topics include the role of the Committee on Accounts and the Assembly in the Accountability process as well as the technical and political review of the Audit Commission Report. This is deemed necessary for the Members as a means to enhancing our oversight function”, the EALA Speaker said.

The Committees on Accounts and General Purpose called for enhancement of capacities in the field to arm the Assembly with the necessary skills and expertise and to improve the oversight function.

The EALA Members are also expected to undertake a capacity building course in Kiswahili to shore up their efforts in sensitising the citizens in the region.

The EALA Speaker remarked that Kiswahili was a key uniting factor for the region and in strengthening the integration process.

“As the integration deepens and specifically with the Common Market Protocol in effect, it is important for all EAC citizens to speak Kiswahili to avoid lagging behind. It is also expected to serve as an important tool in forging the much awaited Political Federation in the region”, Rt Hon. Kidega said.

Kiswahili is the lingua franca of the Community as envisaged under Article 137 of the EAC Treaty. Kiswahili is widely spoken in diverse regions across the EAC region.

He said Members would benefit a great deal by sharpening Kiswahili as they strive to sensitise citizens of the region.

“As an Assembly, we also have no choice but to perfect our Kiswahili. Already many of us are quite comfortable with Kiswahili, but this is no excuse for we need to be articulate, knowledgeable and fluent if we are to fully sensitise the citizens of this great region”, the Speaker added.

The Kiswahili Commission was established as an institution of the EAC and is based in Zanzibar.

The objectives of the workshop are as follows:

  1. To enhance capacity of Members in the MTEF, budgeting process;
  2. To enhance the capacity of Members’ technical knowledge on EAC Audited Accounts;
  3. To enhance the knowledge and fluency in the Kiswahili language;
  4. To enhance the Members’ capacity to accomplish the fulfilment of the functions and roles of the Assembly by improved effectiveness in 1 and 3.

Under the Audit function, the workshop inter alia, expects to enhance Members’ capacity to carry out the post audit function that encompasses the need to monitor the implementation of the budget in a manner similar to internal audit. This is pursuant to Rule 72(1) of the EALA Rules of Procedure that enables the Assembly to monitor the implementation of the budget of the Community through the Committee responsible for budgetary control and other relevant Committees.

Topics to be covered hereunder include: the role of the Committee on Accounts and the Assembly in the Accountability process; the technical and political review of the Audit Commission Report and auditing standards. Audit processes and the role of stakeholders in Accountability relationships shall be looked at.

The Consultants are drawn from the Audit Commission and the University of Zanzibar.

As the regional Assembly, EALA’s mandate encompasses legislation, oversight and representation. Sensitisation of publics is a key plank of EALA’s activities and is the theme of its Strategic Plan anchored on a people-centred approach to widening and deepening of the EAC integration process.

East African Business Council and Innovation Norway sign Memorandum of Understanding

The Norwegian Minister for Trade and Industry, Ms Monica Mæland, and the Secretary-General of the East African Community, Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera, today witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the East African Business Council (EABC) and Innovation Norway at the EAC Headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.

The MoU was signed by Innovation Norway’s Chief Executive Officer, Ms. Anita Krohn Traaseth, while EABC Chairman Dennis Karera signed on behalf of his organisation.

Under the MoU, which will be effective for a period of five years, EABC and Innovation Norway agreed to work together on various agreed upon priority areas including trade facilitation; joint activities that are beneficial to both institutions including conferences, trade missions (both international and regional); and, business to business engagement both in EAC and Norway and the Nordic countries.

Some of the main areas of co-operation will be in the petroleum and education sectors with the latter focusing on the information and communication technology sector. The two parties further agreed to increase market access through information sharing; promote investment in both regions; and, capacity building and technical assistance.

EABC and Innovation Norway also undertake to jointly: work together to advocate for beneficial trade and good investment climate in the two regions; work together to develop business to business engagement to enhance business partnerships and networking; and, exchange information on business opportunities in both regions.

Earlier on, the Norwegian Minister for Trade and Industry, Ms Monica Mæland, and the EAC Secretary-General, Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera, held bilateral talks on possible areas of cooperation between Norway and the EAC.

The talks focused on the upcoming negotiations between the European Free Trade Area (EFTA) and the EAC. The Secretary-General informed Ms Mæland that the EAC Council of Ministers was quite positive about the negotiations with EFTA. EFTA is an inter-governmental organisation which comprises Ireland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. Founded in 1960, it promotes free trade and economic integration among its Member States.

EFTA Member States have expressed interest in strengthening ties with the EAC Partner States and have proposed a Joint Declaration on Co-operation between the two Parties. It is hoped that the Joint Declaration on Co-operation will be signed in November this year.

Also present at the function were the Norwegian Ambassador to Tanzania and the EAC, Ms Hanne-Marie Kaarstad; EAC Deputy Secretary-General (Planning and Infrastructure) Dr Enos Bukuku; Director-General Customs and Trade, Mr Peter Kiguta; and, other senior officials.

Secretary-General urges Tanzania Media to build Peace and Social Consensus

The Secretary-General of the East African Community, Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera has urged the media fraternity in Tanzania to build peace and social consensus as the country prepares for the forthcoming General Elections slated for October 2015.

The Secretary-General, who was on Wednesday, 16 September participating in a two-day Tanzania Media Peace Forum 2015 convened by the Media Owners Association of Tanzania (MOAT), Trinity Group East Africa and the EAC Secretariat at the Julius Nyerere International Convention Centre in Dar es Salaam, said during the electioneering period, the media in Tanzania is expected to build peace, social consensus and cohesion, without which democracy is threatened.

Amb. Sezibera, who was represented by his Head of Corporate Communication and Public Affairs Department, Mr Owora Richard Othieno, said “it will be unfortunate if the media in Tanzania take the path of fanning flames of discord by taking sides, reinforcing prejudices, muddling the facts and peddling half-truths during the electioneering period”.

He urged the media to shape public opinion responsibly and not to be influenced and manipulated by different interest groups in the society. “You are expected to promote democracy by among other things, educating voters, protecting human rights, promoting tolerance among various social groups, and ensuring that the government is transparent and accountable. Please don’t sow fear, division and violence which will lead to democratic decay”, asserted the EAC official.

In his keynote address, Dr Reginald A. Mengi, the Executive Chairman of IPP Limited and Chair of MOAT, commended the EAC Secretariat and the Trinity Group East Africa for bringing together the representatives of various political shades, religious organisations, international organisations, media owners, media practitioners and stakeholders to appreciate their various critical roles in deepening democracy in Tanzania.

Dr Mengi reiterated that for a long time Tanzania had been a haven of peace, a situation, which has given the country international applause and that the peace is a huge national asset and guarantees the country’s unity and national security.

“If we create and breed social instability, our existing peaceful co-existence will vanish at a great loss to all Tanzanians and the nation, and it will be very hard to reorganise and restore it”, noted the MOAT Chair.

The Chair cautioned the media on reporting what candidates and their campaigners say while looking for votes. “Newsrooms, online portals, radio and television producers, should report stories and developments that aim to promote peace and national unity”.

A representative of the Head of the European Union Delegation in Tanzania, Mr Fabio Di Stefano said the role of the media during elections cannot be under estimated and that development partners were ready to accompany the Tanzanian people during the general elections.

Rev. Canon Thomas Godda, the Executive Director of the Inter-Religious Council for Peace Tanzania and Mr Tom Ndahiro, former Head of Department of Civil and Political Rights in the Rwanda National Human Rights Commission shared their views on the role of the media in democracy and peace building.

East African Community
EAC Close
Afrika Mashariki Road
P.O. Box 1096
United Republic of Tanzania

Tel: +255 (0)27 216 2100
Fax: +255 (0)27 216 2190
Email: eac@eachq.org