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Press Release

Germany Pledges Continued Support to EAC

East African Community Secretariat; Arusha, Tanzania; 19 September 2017:

The Federal Republic of Germany will continue providing technical and financial support to the East African Community Partner.

The two priority areas for German support to the EAC are regional economic integration and health with German support since 1998 adding up to 285 million euros.

The Deputy Head of the East Africa Division of the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, Mr. Georg Rademacher, disclosed that in the last two years alone, Germany has committed 60 million euros for the procurement of life-saving vaccines for children in the EAC.

Mr. Rademacher further said Germany had also allocated 4 million euros for a Centre of Excellence for Information and Communication Technology, 3 million euros for pandemic preparedness and another 5 million euros to support a scholarship programme.

“These commitments were all done on top of the 67 million euros pledged during government negotiations in 2015,” he said.

He emphasised the importance of incorporating the private sector, civil society and other stakeholders in EAC activities, adding that they are key drivers for effective implementation and deeper integration.

Mr. Rademacher was speaking during the opening session of one-day bilateral consultations on development cooperation between Germany and the EAC. The talks were aimed at coming up with a new development cooperation framework for the 2019-2022 period. 

In his remarks, Hon. Christophe Bazivamo, the EAC Secretary General in charge of Productive and Social Sectors, noted that the EAC-German Cooperation 2019-2022 comes against the backdrop of positive economic performance in the region that was realized under the 4th EAC Development Strategy 2012-2017.

Hon. Bazivamo said cooperation between the EAC and Germany had resulted in notable achievements in health and pharmaceutical sectors; trade and customs; promotion of gender and education; monetary harmonization; institutional capacity strengthening and support to the Partnership Fund.

Germany’s Ambassador to the EAC, Dr. Dieter Waechter, said the cooperation between Germany and the EAC goes back a long way, adding that it had strengthened bilateral relations in addition to enabling the EAC make major milestones in the integration process.

Also present at the function were the GIZ Country Director Ernst Hustädt, KfW (German Development Bank) Tanzania Office Director Dr. Helmut Schön, EAC Deputy Secretary General in charge of Planning and Infrastructure, Eng. Steven Mlote and the Director General, Customs and Trade, Mr. Kenneth Bagamuhunda. Others were the Lake Victorian Basin Commission Executive Secretary, Dr. Said Ali Matano, the Inter-University Council of East Africa Executive Secretary, Prof Alexandre Lyambabaje, and Dr. Anthony Kafumbe, the Counsel to the Community.

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For more information, please contact:

Mr Owora Richard Othieno
Head, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Department
EAC Secretariat
Arusha, Tanzania
Tel: +255 784 835021
Email: OOthieno [at] eachq.org

About the East African Community Secretariat:

The East African Community (EAC) is a regional intergovernmental organisation of five Partner States, comprising Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, with its headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.

New Ugandan High Commissioner presents Credentials to EAC Secretary General

East African Community Secretariat; Arusha, Tanzania; 13 September 2017:

The East African Community Secretary General, Amb. Liberat Mfumukeko today received credentials from Uganda’s new High Commissioner to Tanzania and the EAC, H.E. Richard T. Kabonero.The accreditation of Amb. Kabonero took place at the EAC Headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.

Receiving the High Commissioner, Amb. Mfumukeko informed that in addition to the implementation of the Customs Union, Common Market and Monetary Union protocols, the EAC was currently mobilizing resources for diverse infrastructure development projects including railways and roads.

Amb. Mfumukeko said that the Community was also focusing on increased investment in the industrialization and agricultural sectors as part of strategies to reduce the high rate of unemployment in the region. He informed the High Commissioner that plans were underway to adopt Kiswahili as official language of the Community.

In his remarks, Amb. Kabonero commended initiatives being made by the EAC to address climate change, drought, food security and desertification in the region.

He urged the Secretariat to follow up with Partner States on the implementation of the EAC One Area Mobile Network, adding that only three countries had implemented the policy. He said joint infrastructure development initiatives including the oil pipeline from Lake Albert in Uganda to the Tanzanian port of Tanga would boost economic activity in the two countries.

Also present at the meeting were the EAC Deputy Secretary General in charge of Planning and Infrastructure, Eng. Steven Mlote, Ugandan Embassy Liaison Officer in Arusha Nora Lema and Dr. James Njagu, Chef de Cabinet to the Secretary General.

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For more information, please contact:

Mr Owora Richard Othieno
Head, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Department
EAC Secretariat
Arusha, Tanzania
Tel: +255 784 835021
Email: OOthieno [at] eachq.org

About the East African Community Secretariat:

The East African Community (EAC) is a regional intergovernmental organisation of five Partner States, comprising Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, with its headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.

The EAC Secretariat is ISO 9001: 2008 Certified

3rd Edition of EAC Arts and Culture Festival launched in Kampala

East African Community Secretariat; Kampala, Uganda; 12 September 2017:

The President of the Republic of Uganda and the current Chairperson of the East African Community, H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni launched the 3rd Edition of the East African Community (EAC) Arts and Culture Festival (Jumuiya ya Afrika Mashariki Utamaduni Festival - JAMAFEST) at the Kololo Ceremonial Ground on Sunday 10th September 2017.

The President, who was represented at the colorful launch by Uganda’s Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda, said the EAC Arts and Culture Festival was intended to send a powerful signal to the region and the world that the regional bloc was still active and very united.

He said the East Africa’s cultural diversity is critical in driving regional integration among Partner States and applauded both the EAC Council of Ministers for directing the EAC Secretariat to organize the Jamafest in the Partner States on rotational basis and the EAC Secretariat for implementing the Council decision.

The President cautioned the young people in the region to be responsible and always be mindful of the challenges posed by globalization.

The main objective of the festival, organized by the EAC Secretariat in collaboration with the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development and the Ministry of East African Community Affairs, is to promote regional socio-cultural integration through arts and culture by providing a regional platform to showcase culture as a prime driver of EAC integration.

The festival runs from 7th to 15th September 2017 under the theme “Culture and creative industries: An Engine for unity and Employment Creation”.

Addressing the same occasion, the 2nd Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of EAC Affairs and also the Chairperson of the EAC Council of Ministers, Rt. Hon. Dr. Ali Kirunda Kivejinja, said the theme of the festival “Culture and creative industries: An Engine for unity and Employment Creation”, was very critical at a time when the region was consolidating the unity and cohesion that the people of East Africa enjoy and strive to achieve.

“Culture and creative industries is one of the sectors that the region is looking at in creating more employment opportunities especially for the youth. As a region, the EAC Council of Ministers pledges continued support and partnership to this Jamafest process” said the Chair of the EAC Council of Ministers.

Uganda’s Minister of Gender, Labour and Social Development, Hon. Janat B. Mukwaya disclosed that the Kampala Jamafest had lined up over 1,000 artists, 64 performances, 8 stages, 10 traditional games, cuisine, and exhibition of cultural products from the entire region. “In brief, we shall showcase the arts and cultural endowment of the East African Community” noted the Minister.          

On his part, the Secretary General of the East African Community, Amb. Liberat Mfumukeko, said “As East Africans, we gather in Kampala as One People with a Common Destiny, to celebrate and acknowledge the great importance of our cultural identity while appreciating the significance of coming together to interact and share experiences meant to foster social cohesion and unity.”

The Secretary General noted that the region’s collective mission remains to work towards a culturally integrated East Africa whose overriding agenda was to improve the living conditions of the citizens, and people moving and interacting freely across boarders in fulfillment of their dreams and ambitions, and eventually attaining the dream of the founders of East, which is a political federation.

Amb. Mfumukeko asserted that following the recent directive by the Summit to the EAC Secretariat to have a model constitution of the Confederation of the East African States, the journey of a politically and culturally integrated East Africa had started.

He said Jamafest provides an excellent opportunity and platform for the exchange of information, ideas and interaction between cultural practitioners, public policy makers and private sector actors from the EAC region and beyond.

“The EAC integration is not just about growing our economies through increased trade and investment at the regional and international levels. It is my belief that these festivals give East Africans a unique opportunity not just to showcase and celebrate their cultures, but to strengthen their common identity as well” affirmed the EAC Executive.

The Jamafest is being held within the provision of Article 119 (c) of the Treaty for the Establishment of EAC where Partner States undertake to promote close cooperation amongst themselves in culture and sports.

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For more information, please contact:

Mr Owora Richard Othieno
Head, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Department
EAC Secretariat
Arusha, Tanzania
Tel: +255 784 835021
Email: OOthieno [at] eachq.org

About the East African Community Secretariat:

The East African Community (EAC) is a regional intergovernmental organisation of five Partner States, comprising Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, with its headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.

The EAC Secretariat is ISO 9001: 2008 Certified

New German Ambassador presents Credentials to EAC Secretary General

East African Community Secretariat; Arusha, Tanzania; 12 September 2017:

The new Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United Republic of Tanzania and the East African Community, H.E. Dr. Detlef Waechter, today presented his credentials to the EAC Secretary General at the EAC Headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.
Receiving the German Ambassador, EAC Secretary General Amb. Liberat Mfumukeko hailed the strong relations between the Community and Germany noting that Germany had provided generous technical and financial support to the EAC for almost two decades.
Amb. Mfumukeko informed Dr. Waechter of the significant progress made by the EAC in the four pillars of integration namely the Customs Union, Common Market, Monetary Union and Political Federation, adding that the Community had made great strides in the four pillars due to political goodwill by the leaders of the Partner States.
Amb. Mfumukeko said the EAC together with the Southern African Development Community(SADC) and Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) were at an advanced stage in the negotiations for the Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA) which brings together 26 countries with a market of over 600 million people.
The Secretary General reaffirmed EAC’s commitment to exploit its human and natural resources for the benefit of the entire region, saying that already significant achievements had already been recorded in trade, customs and infrastructure development.
Noting that East Africa has a big population of educated but unemployed youth, Amb. Mfumukeko said that going forward the Community would focus on modernizing the agricultural sector through provision of agricultural inputs, value addition and technology.
In his remarks, Dr. Waechter assured the Secretary General of his country’s commitment to working closely with EAC to enable the Community attains its objectives in the integration process.

The Ambassador said Germany was keen to share with the EAC its experiences in the European integration, adding that the EAC could learn from the EU in addressing some of the emerging challenges in the integration process.  
Also in attendance at the meeting were Ms. Norzin Grigoleit-Dagyab, First Secretary in charge of EAC Regional Cooperation at the German Embassy in Dar es Salaam; Mr. Bernd Multhaup and Ms. Kirsten Focken of GIZ Tanzania; Mr. Steven Mlote, the EAC Deputy Secretary General in charge of Planning and Infrastructure, and; Dr. Anthony Kafumbe, the Counsel to the Community.

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For more information, please contact:

Mr Owora Richard Othieno
Head, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Department
EAC Secretariat
Arusha, Tanzania
Tel: +255 784 835021
Email: OOthieno [at] eachq.org

About the East African Community Secretariat:

The East African Community (EAC) is a regional intergovernmental organisation of five Partner States, comprising Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, with its headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.

The EAC Secretariat is ISO 9001: 2008 Certified

Kiswahili - a Key Tool in Regional Integration, says Uganda's Minister for EAC Affairs

East African Kiswahili Commission; Zanzibar, Tanzania; 08 September 2017:

The Uganda’s 2nd Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of EAC Affairs and Chairperson of the EAC Council of Ministers, Rt Hon. Kirunda Ali Kivejinja,  has reiterated the need for Kiswahili to be mass oriented and used as a tool for integrating the people of East Africa.

Rt Hon. Kivejinja said that it is only through the use of Kiswahili as a tool for integration that the region shall achieve the provision of Article 137 (2) of the Treaty for the Establishment of the EAC, that provides for Kiswahili  to be developed as a lingua franca of the Community.

The Minister, who was speaking at the closing ceremony of the East African Kiswahili Commission (EAKC) 1st International Conference in Zanzibar, Tanzania, said it was important that the language is made as simple and adoptive from the East African indigenous languages for ownership by a large section of the EAC population.

Rt Hon. Kivejinja underscored the commitment of the Community's leadership in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and tasked the EACK to generate proposals on how Kiswahili can be used in the achievement of these goals. " I would like to therefore pledge the commitment of the Council of Ministers in taking forward the Conference resolutions. We appreciate the progress being made by the Commission and will continue to guide and enable it execute its mandate," he added.

The Minister noted that with more than 120 different ethnic groups in Tanzania, Kiswahili was the most efficient and effective integration tool. "I would like to pay tribute to the founders of Tanzania for discovering an important tool in the foundation of the nation," added Rt Hon. Kivejinja.

The EAKC Executive Secretary, Prof. Kenneth Simala informed the participants of the Conference that the Commission was working closely with regional Kiswahili associations in a bid to harmonize the activities of these association. He added that various activities are underway towards the implementation of Kiswahili as an official language of the EAC.

Convened from 6th to 8th September, 2017 at the Golden Tulip Boutique Hotel in Zanzibar, the Conference has brought together Kiswahili stakeholders from the region and beyond to deliberate on how the development and use of the language can creatively be used in deepening and widening EAC integration and contribute towards the realization of sustainable development in the region.

The participants of the Conference have put forward the need to  fastrack the establishment of National Kiswahili Councils and National Kiswahili Associations in all Partner States; the introduction and use of Kiswahili at different levels of Education while making it examinable; the integration of Kiswahili into functional adult education programmes; and the promotion of Kiswahili research.

The Conference concludes today with an excursion to various historical and tourist sites in Zanzibar.

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For more information, please contact:

Executive Secretary
East African Kiswahili Commission
Tel: +255 242 232 704
email: isimala [at] eachq.org

About the East African Kiswahili Commission:

The East African Kiswahili Commission (EACK) is an institution of the East African Community based in Zanzibar, The United Republic of Tanzania. The Commission started its operations in May, 2015 and has developed the Annual Operations Plan for 2016-2017. The Commission’s vision is to be the leading body in the promotion and coordination of the development and usage of Kiswahili for regional integration and sustainable development.

11th EAC Military Games and Cultural Event 2017 concludes in Bujumbura

East African Community Secretariat; Bujumbura, Burundi; 07 September 2017:

The 11th EAC Military Games and Cultural Event 2017 came to an end at Prince Louis Rwagasore National Stadium on Tuesday 5th September 2017, with an appeal by the 1st Vice President of the Republic of Burundi, H.E. Gaston Sindimwo to all the East African citizens and their governments to defend the regional integration initiatives and make use of the East African Community for peace and development.

The 1st Vice President, who was speaking on behalf of H.E. Pierre Nkurunziza, said “while each individual in each of the teams fought hard to score that extra goal, and to run the fastest race to raise the national flags, collectively our national flags constituted a single winning flag, the flag of the East African Community that symbolizes a collective unity of the people of East Africa”.

H.E. Gaston Sindimwo described the participation of the troops in sports as an engine for friendship, solidarity, co-operation and comradeship that runs the Community as one people with one destiny.

He said ”am here, on behalf of the President of the Republic, to reiterate Burundi’s commitment to the regional integration and its readiness to defend the Community”.

The 1st Vice President implored the soldiers and civilian guests who participated in the Military Games and Cultural Event to be Burundi’s ambassadors and well-wishers within the region and beyond on peace and security situation in the country, saying “you have been here for almost two weeks and I don’t think you have experienced any insecurity”. There is peace and security in the whole country, affirmed H.E. Gaston Sindimwo to the attentive audience.

The Minister of Defence and Veteran Affairs of Burundi, Hon Emmanuel Ntahomvukiye congratulated all players and organizers for making the 11th Edition of the Military Games and Cultural Event a success story and noted that through sports, soldiers have got the opportunity to interact with fellow comrades and also keep fit as Forces in the Community.

The Deputy Secretary General of the East African Community in charge of Political Federation, Mr. Charles Njoroge thanked the Republic of Burundi, the entire leadership, the Ministry of Defence and Veteran Affairs, the Burundi National Defence Forces for the superb organization and facilitation of event.

The EAC official urged all the East African citizens, international partners and visitors to take advantage of the prevailing peaceful and secure environment in Burundi to visit or invest in the country.

“By the fact that the Republic of Burundi has successfully hosted this event is a clear indication that peace and security are prevailing in the country. Peace and security are the prerequisites of any human development in any country; therefore we commend the leadership for restoring peace and security” asserted the Deputy Secretary General.

He registered the EAC Secretariat’s appreciation to the Partner States for the effective implementation of the EAC Protocol on Cooperation in Defence Affairs, which was enabling the EAC Secretariat and Partner States to organize such sports and cultural events on rotational basis.

The EAC official announced that the Republic of Kenya will host the 12th Edition of the EAC Military Games and Cultural Event in 2019.

At the same occasion, Burundi’s Chief of National Defense Force, Lt. Gen. Prime Niyongabo, noted that the event in Bujumbura created an opportunity for enhancing regional integration and commended the Media for effectively publicizing the event to the whole region and international world. He urged those athletes who did not win anything to go back and prepare adequately for the next edition.

Present at the occasion were also Uganda’s Minister of State for Defence and Veteran Affairs, Hon. Lt Col (Rtd) Dr. Bright Rwamirama; Burundi’s Minister in the Office of the President Responsible for EAC Affairs, Hon. Isabelle Ndahayo, and Military Attachés of the EAC Partner States and others.

The Chief of Defence Forces for Tanzania was represented by Major General Elias Nicanor Athanas, Chief of Reserve Force; Uganda was represented by the Deputy Chief of Defence Forces, Lt. General Wilson Mbadi, and Kenya Defence Force by the Airforce Commander, Major General Samuel Thuita.

In the overall, Kenya took the top position in the 11th EAC Military Games by wining 4 Gold Medals i.e. in Football, Volleyball, Netball, and Cross-country. Tanzania took the second position having won two Gold Medals both in Basketball and Cross- country (men), silver medals in Volleyball and Netball and Bronze for cross country (women).

Uganda took the 3rd position by winning silver medal in Netball and football, bronze medal in volleyball, cross country and basketball coming second after Kenya, Tanzania in third position while the host Burundi came in fourth position. Burundi got a silver medal in Basketball.

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For more information, please contact:

Mr Owora Richard Othieno
Head, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Department
EAC Secretariat
Arusha, Tanzania
Tel: +255 784 835021
Email: OOthieno [at] eachq.org

About the East African Community Secretariat:

The East African Community (EAC) is a regional intergovernmental organisation of five Partner States, comprising Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, with its headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.

The EAC Secretariat is ISO 9001: 2008 Certified

All set for the 3rd Edition of the EAC Arts and Culture Festival - JAMAFEST

East African Community Secretariat; Arusha, Tanzania; 07 September 2017:

The East African Community(EAC) Secretariat together with Partner States will hold the 3rd edition of the Jumuiya ya Afrika Mashariki Utamaduni Festival (JAMAFEST) from 9th – 14th September 2017 in Kampala, Uganda.

The main objective of the Festival is to promote regional socio-cultural integration through arts and culture by providing a regional platform to showcase culture as a prime driver of EAC integration.

The JAMAFEST 2017, will run under the theme; “ Culture and creative industries: An Engine for unity and Employment Creation”. A theme Song has been composed and will be played throughout the festival period as part of the publicity campaign of creating awareness of the role of arts and culture in regional integration.

The main venue of the festival will be Kololo Ceremonial Grounds where the main stage for cultural performances, the exhibition and market place will be located. The official opening and closing ceremonies will also be held at the same venue. The subsidiary venues include Uganda National Cultural centre where specialized shows including film festival, comedy and drama will be conducted. Hotel Africana will host the Symposium, fashion show and the closing Dinner gala.

For more information please Download the Festival Programme.

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For more information, please contact:

Mr Owora Richard Othieno
Head, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Department
EAC Secretariat
Arusha, Tanzania
Tel: +255 784 835021
Email: OOthieno [at] eachq.org

About the East African Community Secretariat:

The East African Community (EAC) is a regional intergovernmental organisation of five Partner States, comprising Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, with its headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.

 The EAC Secretariat is ISO 9001: 2008 Certified

EAC Partner States urged to embrace Kiswahili as the Lingua Franca for the region

East African Community Secretariat; Zanzibar, Tanzania; 06 September 2017:

The Vice President of the United Republic of Tanzania, H.E. Samila Suluhu Hassan, has underscored the importance of the Kiswahili language in promoting development and regional integration in East Africa.

Ms. Hassan said Kiswahili has immense potential to unite the people of East Africa and should therefore be embraced by all East Africans as the lingua franca of the region, adding that the language could be an important tool in the pursuit of economic and social development in the region.

"It is my hope that the East African Kiswahili Commission will aid us in ensuring that the people of East Africa are not mere receivers of strategies for development, but active agents for change. Kiswahili should be promoted and used to enhance our ability to steer the development efforts," said the Vice President.

Vice President Hassan disclosed that the United Republic of Tanzania would work with other East African Community (EAC) Partner States to promote Kiswahili as the lingua franca of the Community.

"Tanzania shall continue standing at the forefront of the promotion of Kiswahili, and is ready and willing to provide Kiswahili teachers to the rest of the region," said the Vice President.

H.E. Samia Sahulu Hassan was addressing delegates at the official opening of the East African Kiswahili Commission (EAKC) 1st International Conference, under the theme: Transforming the East African Community through Kiswahili.

Convened from 6th to 8th September, 2017 at the Golden Tulip Botique Hotel in Zanzibar, the Conference has brought together Kiswahili stakeholders from the region and beyond to deliberate on how the development and use of the language can creatively be used in deepening and widening EAC integration and contribute towards the realization of sustainable development in the region.

In his remarks, the Secretary General of the EAC, Amb. Liberat Mfumukeko, said that the Commission was held in high regard and considered an integral and important institution of the Community.

"I would like to wish that existing cooperation between the Commission, the EAC Secretariat, and other EAC Organs and Institutions is intensified in all areas so as to use Kiswahili in ensuring active citizen participation in the development agenda of the Community," said Amb. Mfumukeko.

"There is no doubt that Kiswahili is an important ingredient in the integration and sustainable development of the EAC. It is for this reason that Article 137 of the EAC Treaty recognizes its importance as a lingua franca. In an effort to give Kiswahili the force that it deserves to drive development in the Community, the East African Legislative Assembly in July 2016 resolved to make it one of the Official Languages of the Community. We promise that the Secretariat will do what it takes to ensure that this desire is realized," added Amb. Mfumukeko.

Welcoming delegates to the Conference, the EAKC Executive Secretary , Prof. Kenneth Simala, said that the development of Kiswahili will provide the Community with an opportunity to survive and thrive in an ever-changing environment, characterized by innovation and transformation.

"We have convened this Conference in Zanzibar in an effort to appreciate and acknowledge the critical role that Zanzibar has played in the development of Kiwswahili not only in East Africa but worldwide. We can not talk about the history of Kiswahili without acknowledging the role played by Zanzibar," said Prof. Simala.

The EAKC's 1st Internatinal Conference was marked with the official opening of the Commission's offices along Maisara Road in Stone Town, Zanzibar. Also launched was the Commission's Strategic Plan 2017 - 2022 which was developed in line with the aspirations of the EAC's Vision 2050 and the African Union Agenda 2063.

Among the dignitaries attending the Conference are the former President of Tanzania, H.E Ali Hassan Mwinyi; Minister of Information, Culture, Artists and Sports, Tanzania, Hon. Dr. Harrison Mwakyembe; Minister of Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation, Hon. Amb. Augustine Mahiga; Ministers from the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar; Principal / Permanent Secretaries form the EAC Partner States and Heads of EAC Organs and Institutions.

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For more information, please contact:

Executive Secretary
East African Kiswahili Commission
Tel: +255 242 232 704
email: isimala [at] eachq.org

About the East African Community Secretariat:

The East African Kiswahili Commission (EACK) is an institution of the East African Community based in Zanzibar, The United Republic of Tanzania. The Commission started its operations in May, 2015 and has developed the Annual Operations Plan for 2016-2017. The Commission’s vision is to be the leading body in the promotion and coordination of the development and usage of Kiswahili for regional integration and sustainable development.

Tanzania takes 10 KM Men Cross-Country Championship

East African Community Secretariat; Bujumbura, Burundi; 04 September 2017:

The 11th EAC Military Games and Cultural Event taking place in Bujumbura, Burundi, entered its 8th day on Saturday 2nd September with an athlete from Tanzania Peoples Defence Force taking the lead in the 10 Km cross-country race for men, while an athlete from the Kenya Defence Force became the champion of the 10 Km cross-country race for women in a tightly contested race that was held within Bujumbura City.

In the Men’s race, Emmanuel Giniki Gisanoda from Tanzania touched the finish line at 29’52’’ 81 minutes, followed by Chepkorom Ezekiel from Uganda at 29’57’’ 60, and Hillary Kering from Kenya finished third at 30’02’’79.

Joseph Amnaay Panga from Tanzania was 4th at 30’11’’94, 5th was Semwiko Ben from Uganda at 30’14’’71, and 6th was Victor Kiplimo from Kenya at 30’17’’44, among others.

In the Women’s race, Mercy Njoroge from Kenya clocked 35’32’’ 28 to win the race, followed by Cheptegei Rabecca from Uganda at 35’34’’ 35 minutes, and 3rd was Jackline Juma Sakilu from Tanzania at 36’03’’41.

Marion Kibor from Kenya was 4th with 36’06’’55 minutes, 5th was Magdalena Crispin from Tanzania with 36’14’’81, and 6th position was taken by Nahimana Cavaline from Burundi at 36’16’’29 minutes, among others.

In the overall performance/ranking in both the Men and Women’s races, Tanzania took the 1st position, followed by Kenya, Uganda was 3rd and Burundi took the 4th position.

Addressing the contingents, athletes, invited guests and thousands of civilians that thronged the Military facility where the race took place, Brigadier Salvatore Nahimana who represented the Chief of Defence Forces of BDF, expressed gratitude to the organizers of the EAC Games and Cultural Event 2017 for their real commitments shown in the organization and conduct of all the activities of the event.

Brig. Nahimana said the talents of the athletes as exhibited on the track was promising and that the future of cross country was surely better, not only in the region but also across the globe.

The games lined up for Day 9, Sunday 3rd September 2017 are:

  1. Football: Tanzania vs Kenya from 16:00hrs at Prince Louis Rwagasore Stadium;
  2. Basketball: Burundi vs Tanzania (15:30-17:00);
  3. Netball: Burundi vs Uganda (16:00-17:30);
  4. Volleyball: Tanzania vs Kenya (09:00-10:30).

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For more information, please contact:

Mr Owora Richard Othieno
Head, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Department
EAC Secretariat
Arusha, Tanzania
Tel: +255 784 835021
Email: OOthieno [at] eachq.org

About the East African Community Secretariat:

The East African Community (EAC) is a regional intergovernmental organisation of five Partner States, comprising Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, with its headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.

 The EAC Secretariat is ISO 9001: 2008 Certified

Burundi shocks Kenya in Basketball

East African Community Secretariat; Bujumbura, Burundi; 31 August 2017:

The 11th EAC Military Games and Cultural Event taking place in Bujumbura, Burundi, entered its 5th day on Wednesday 30th August and the Burundi Defence Force (BDF) shocked Kenya Defence Force 61-46 in a classic Basketball match (men), played at Gems Field and presided over by Brigadier Kemwaga of TPDF. The Deputy Chief of Defence Forces of BDF, Major General Joseph Ndayishimiye was in attendance and keenly following the match.

As Burundi outsmarted Kenya in Basketball, the Tanzania Peoples Defence Force (TPDF), thrashed Burundi Defence Force (BDF) 94 to 18 in a thrilling Netball match (women) played at the Burundi Military Academy’s ISCAM Field and presided over by Col. Chivatsi.

On the same day, in a Football match (men) played at Prince Louis Rwagasore National Stadium, Tanzania beat Burundi 2-1, in a game presided over by Brigadier Katirima of UPDF. And the Kenya Defence Force (KDF) defeated Uganda Peoples Defence Force (UPDF) 0-3 (75-42) in a captivating Volleyball match (women) played at the Parquet Field within Bujumbura City and presided over by Col Bizindavyi of Burundi Defence Force (BDF).

The 6th Day of the Military Games and Cultural Event on Thursday 31st August had many surprises. In Football, Kenya had a draw 1-1 with Uganda; in Basketball (men), Tanzania beat Uganda 63-56; in Netball (women), Kenya beat Uganda 31-27; and in Volleyball (women), Tanzania defeated Burundi 3-0 (75-40).

On 1st of September, all the contingents will undertake cultural trip to Rumonge, where they will visit Blue Bay Beach, Saga Resha (Chateau Moss) and on the way back visit Kabezi and then Livingstone Stone. The Cross-country competition is lined up for 2nd September with 10 Km Women and 10 Km Men event.

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For more information, please contact:

Mr Owora Richard Othieno
Head, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Department
EAC Secretariat
Arusha, Tanzania
Tel: +255 784 835021
Email: OOthieno [at] eachq.org

About the East African Community Secretariat:

The East African Community (EAC) is a regional intergovernmental organisation of five Partner States, comprising Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, with its headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.

 The EAC Secretariat is ISO 9001: 2008 Certified

East African Community
EAC Close
Afrika Mashariki Road
P.O. Box 1096
United Republic of Tanzania

Tel: +255 (0)27 216 2100
Fax: +255 (0)27 216 2190
Email: eac@eachq.org