East African Community Headquarters, Arusha, Tanzania, 8th April, 2024: The East African Community (EAC) celebrates the life of Mr. Zephaniah Ubwani, a Tanzanian journalist with experience spanning over three decades, who passed away on Saturday, 6th April, 2024 in Arusha, Tanzania.
Mr. Ubwani spent a good part of his commendable career covering the EAC integration process. Mr. Ubwani was a distinguished journalist unpacking and telling the EAC story to millions of people in East Africa and beyond through news and feature articles in The Citizen and Mwananchi newspapers, and many other sister publications under the Nation Media Group in East Africa.
As one of the most experienced journalists who covered the EAC, Mr. Ubwani wrote in simple and articulate language that sat well with diverse audiences who became familiar with his byline.
No one told the EAC story better than Mr. Ubwani who also mentored and coached many upcoming writers to report on the EAC and other issues of regional and global importance.
Mr. Ubwani had undergone training on EAC integration through various media training workshops convened by the East African Community. He therefore understood the integration process very well, its beginnings, achievements and challenges.
Ubwani was a hardworking and humble leader who left a mark on all those who interacted with him. He would regularly visit the EAC Headquarters to meet with the leadership and staff to be apprised on developments across the Community.
Mr. Ubwani was very well known in the corridors of the EAC Organs and Institutions as a journalist who could help them unpack the story around the integration process in East Africa. His stellar career in news reporting, diplomatic manner and extensive contribution to the EAC regional integration efforts shall forever be in our hearts.
On behalf of the East African Community and on my own behalf, I wish to convey our heartfelt condolences to Mr. Ubwani’s immediate family, relatives and colleagues at the MwananchiNewspapers Tanzania Ltd. Our prayers go to the Almighty God to grant you the strength and fortitude to cope during this difficult time.
Please accept our deepest condolences.
May God rest the soul of the late Mr. Ubwani in eternal peace!