Planning for Resilience in East Africa through Policy, Adaptation, Research, and Economic Development (PREPARED)

Planning for Resilience in East Africa through Policy, Adaptation, Research, and Economic Development (PREPARED)

This was a six-year programme with the overall goal of strengthening the resiliency and sustainability of East African economies, trans-boundary freshwater ecosystems, and communities.

PREPARED targets three key priority development challenges of East Africa and of the US Government:

  1. biodiversity conservation / natural resource management (NRM) and sustainable access to water,

  2. sanitation and hygiene, and

  3. Climate Change.

The programme sought to:

  • Improve Climate Change adaptation technical capacity, policy leadership and action readiness of regional institutions.

  • Strengthen resilient and sustainable management of biologically significant transboundary freshwater ecosystems in the East African Community region.

  • Enhance resilient and sustainable drinking water supply, sanitation, and wastewater treatment services in the Lake Victoria Basin.

Transboundary Crop and Animal Pests and Diseases

EAC region is a hot spot for many transboundary animal crop pests and diseases.

Crop Pests and Diseases

The Fall Army Worm (FAW) was reported in 2016 and is one of the ferocious transboundary crop pest in the EAC and Africa continent as a whole.

The Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease (MLND) has also been a threat in the EAC since 2011.  

Both diseases have reduced the productivity and availability of key staple and commercial crops such as Maize which many people depend on directly or indirectly in terms of food, employment and income.

More recently, in 2019/2020, some EAC Partner States have been battling the worst desert locust outbreak in 70 years. The diseases and pests have reduced the productivity and availability of key staple and commercial crops such as maize which many people depend on directly or indirectly in terms of food, employment and income.


  1. In May 2018, the EAC Secretariat in collaboration with the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) organized a regional workshop on MLN. The main focus of the workshop was to appraise EAC Partner States and other regional stakeholders on the current state of MLN in the region and management practices in place; share knowledge and information on current activities including capacity building, awareness creation, technologies developed or under development and deployed to manage MLN; and identify areas that require enhanced coordination and complementarity among EAC Partner States in the management of MLN.
  1. In September, 2018, the EAC Secretariat convened a regional stakeholders’ workshop on combating the FAW. The objectives of the workshop among others included taking stock of the status of FAW management efforts and practices in the region and define the niche, critical role and response by EAC and mechanisms for strengthening regional coordination and complementarity among EAC Partner States.

The EAC Secretariat and Partner States have initiated a process of harmonizing Emergency Registration Protocols to facilitate access to safe and effective pesticides as part of the strategy to deal with emerging and re-emerging transboundary crop pests and diseases.

Animal Pests and Diseases

One of the major hindrances to increased animal production in the EAC is the occurrence of animal disease especially transboundary animal diseases (TADs).

Some of the common endemic animal diseases include:

  • Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD),
  • Contagious Bovine Pleuro-Pneumonia (CBPP),
  • Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD),
  • Tick borne diseases,
  • Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia (CCPP),
  • Peste de Petits Ruminants (PPR),
  • Sheep and Goat Pox,
  • African Swine Fever,
  • Newcastle Disease,
  • Trypanosomosis (animal and human),
  • Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza,
  • Rabies,
  • Rift Valley Fever,
  • Brucellosis, and
  • Bovine Tuberculosis among others.

Transboundary Animal Diseases (TADs) and zoonoses are responsible for tremendous economic losses to both farmers and governments. There are direct costs related to prevention and control of disease outbreaks as well as indirect costs related to loss of productivity and the impact on trade and tourism.

They have been recent outbreak of important animal and zoonotic diseases such as Rift Valley Fever, Marburg, Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever, FMD, PPR and anthrax in the community. Complementary actions at regional, continental and International level are needed to address the challenge in a coordinated manner. EAC Secretariat has collaborated with strategic regional and international partners that have adequate technical capacities and infrastructure for effective management of such diseases.

Implementation of the first EAC Regional Strategy on Prevention and Control of Transboundary Animal and Zoonotic Diseases was concluded in 2018. A new strategy covering the period 2019 to 2023 has been developed and is awaiting adoption by EAC policy organs.


Over 200 particiapnts from 30 Universities in EAC graduate in Digital Skills training

Inter-University Council of East Africa, Kampala, Uganda, 7th October, 2022: On June 14, the final course on Research Cycle and Digital Skills of the Digital Skills training for universities in six EAC Partner States, namely: Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda, was delivered, bringing the entire five-month programme, which began on 1st February, 2022, to a successful close.

The training programme came to a climax on Thursday, 6th October, 2022, with an online graduation ceremony for the 252 participants from 30 universities in East Africa. 

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Jamafest 2022

The 20th Meeting of East African Community Council of Ministers held in March 2010 and subsequently the 23rd Council of Ministers Meeting held in September 2011, directed the EAC Secretariat to organize regular EAC Arts and Culture Festival in the EAC Partner States on rotational basis.

Pursuant to the Directive, the 1st Edition of the festival dubbed EAC Arts and Culture Festival in Kiswahili “Jumuiya ya Afrika Mashariki Utamaduni Festival” (JAMAFEST) was held in February 2013 in Kigali Rwanda and attracted an audience of over 17,500.

The 2nd Edition of the festival dubbed -Jumuiya ya Afrika Mashariki Utamaduni Festival (JAMAFEST) was held from the 2nd to 9th August 2015 in Nairobi-Kenya and attracted an audience of 1,060 participants from the five Partner States, over 61,000 people took part in the JAMAFEST Carnival on Monday 3rd September 2015, at least 21,000 guests visited the JAMAFEST village during the seven days.

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15th Meeting of the Sectoral Council on Agriculture and Food Security concludes in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

East African Community Headquarters, Arusha, Tanzania, 28th March 2022: The 15th Sectoral Council on Agriculture and Food Security (SCAFS) concluded on Friday 25th March 2022 at the Four Points by Sheraton in Dar es salaam, Tanzania. 

The 5-day meeting was convened to consider matters related to EAC regional food and nutrition security; progress in the implementation of previous council and sectoral council directives; implementation of the EAC CAADP programme; harmonization of farm inputs; livestock, fisheries and aquaculture development; and resource mobilization to support Agriculture Interventions among others. 

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East African Community
EAC Close
Afrika Mashariki Road
P.O. Box 1096
United Republic of Tanzania

Tel: +255 (0)27 216 2100
Fax: +255 (0)27 216 2190