20th Anniversary Banner




Agriculture & Food Security

Enhancing food security and rational agricultural and livestock within the Community through harmonisation of agricultural policies as well as joint programmes for efficient and effective production.

Culture & Sports

Embracing Culture and Sports as both enablers and drivers of a people-centered integration agenda through the promotion and enhancement of diverse sports activities and the promotion and preservation of our culture is of paramount importance.


Enabling the EAC Partner States to enjoy economies of scale, with a view to supporting the process of economic development through the establishment of a Single Customs Territory.

Education, Science & Technology

Recognising the fundamental importance of education, science and technology in economic development through harmonized curricula, examination, certification and accreditation institutions; joint establishment and support of scientific and technological research and identifying and developing centres of excellence in the region.


Adopting policies and mechanisms to promote the efficient exploitation, development, joint research and utilisation of various energy resources available within the region.

Environment & Natural Resources

Managing and sustaining the eco-systems and natural resources of the Community by preventing, arresting and reversing the effects of environmental degradation as well as management and the sustainable utilisation of natural resources.


Co-operation in monetary and fiscal matters in order to establish monetary stability within the Community, aimed at facilitating economic integration efforts and the attainment of sustainable economic development of the Community.

Gender, Community Development & Civil Society

Adopting common approaches towards the disadvantaged and marginalised groups, including women, children, the youth, the elderly and persons with disabilities aimed at employment creation, poverty alleviation and improving working conditions.


Undertaking joint action towards the prevention and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases and to control pandemics and epidemics of communicable and vector-borne diseases that might endanger the health and welfare of the residents of the Community and cooperating in facilitating mass immunisation and other public health community campaigns.

Immigration & Labour

Accelerating economic growth and development of the Partner States by facilitating the free movement of persons and labour through the adoption of common policies and procedures.

Industrialization & SME Development

Improving the competitiveness of the industrial sector so as to enhance the expansion of trade in industrial goods within the Community and the export of industrial goods from the Partner States.


Coordinating, harmonising and complementing transport and communications policies; improving and expanding the existing transport and communication links; and establishing new ones as a means of furthering the physical cohesion of the Partner States.

International Relations

Establishing common foreign and security policies to safeguard the common values, fundamental interests and independence of the Community through strengthening the security of the Community and its Partner States .

Investment Promotion & Private Sector Development

Providing an enabling environment for the private sector to take full advantage of the Community through the promotion of a continuous dialogue with the private sector to help create an improved business environment and enhancing investor confidence in the region.

Legal & Judicial Affairs

Promoting the achievement of the objectives of the Community through harmonization of national laws as well as the standardisation of the judgements of Courts within the Community.

Peace & Security

Fostering and maintaining a conducive atmosphere that is a pre-requisite to social and economic development through co-operation and consultations on issues pertaining to peace and security of the Partner States.

Resource Mobilisation

Mobilising resources for various EAC projects and programmes. The Community’s budget is funded by contributions from the Partner States as well as from other Development Partners.

Tourism & Wildlife Management

Collectively promoting and marketing the Community as a Single Tourist Destination while conserving and ensuring sustainable utilisation of wildlife and other tourist sites.


Rationalising investments and the full use of established industries to promote efficiency in production, as well as harmonising trade policies, investment incentives and product standards, with a view to promote the Community as a single investment area.

Resource Mobilisation

Mobilise resources for various EAC projects and programmes. The Community’s budget is funded by contributions from the Partner States as well as from other Development Partners.


Currently, functions of the Office include the following:

  • Carrying out donor missions to market the East African Community and recruiting donors;
  • Linking EAC with external donors and maintaining close and professional working relations with donors based on credibility and transparency;
  • Reviewing project proposals and advising on compliance to guidelines;
  • Coordinating disbursements and management of donor funds;
  • Reporting on the implementation of activities which respond to the needs and expectations of the donors in terms of structure, content and timing;
  • Project coordination in the EAC



The Office employs the following strategies to facilitate the mobilisation of resources into the Community:

  • The EAC Partnership Fund;
  • The EAC Development Fund (EACDF);
  • The EAC Resource Mobilisation Strategy;
  • The Regional Integration Support Programme (RISP 2);
  • World Bank Capacity Building



The Resource Mobilisation Office has made great efforts in mobilising both internal and external resources and currently a number of donors are providing technical and financial assistance to the EAC. This includes the relative contribution by Development Partners to the Community’s budget has risen from 15% in 2002/03, to 24% in 2003/04, to 40% in 2008/09, to 48% 2009/10 and 45% for FY 2010/2011.

Other achievements include: 

  • Increase in membership of the Partnership Fund;
  • Close and professional working relations with donors based on credibility and transparency;
  • Established systems for reporting on the implementation of activities;
  • Increased capacity to implement EAC activities;
  • Centralised coordination of projects and programmes 


Challenges Faced

  • Over dependency by EAC on external support;
  • Late disbursements after pledges by donors;
  • Budget constraints;
  • Uncoordinated fundraising activities

As a way forward, an EAC Resource Mobilisation Strategy that clearly defines policies, procedures and mechanisms for fund raising has been put in place. in addition, the establishment of the EAC Development Fund broadens, stabilises and increases the financing of EAC activities.

East African Community
EAC Close
Afrika Mashariki Road
P.O. Box 1096
United Republic of Tanzania

Tel: +255 (0)27 216 2100
Fax: +255 (0)27 216 2190
Email: eac@eachq.org