The EAC Common Market Protocol, in Article 11, calls for enhancing labor mobility within the Community through harmonisation and mutual recognition of academic and professional qualifications. To actualize this vision, the Partner States have committed to Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRAs) aimed at recognizing academic and professional qualifications, along with associated experiences, licenses, and certifications obtained in other Partner States.
The signing of MRAs represents a significant stride towards harmonizing standards and facilitating the movement of services and labor across borders. These agreements have been meticulously negotiated and ratified, serving as foundational pillars for the realization of a cohesive and dynamic common market within the EAC.
As of the current status, four (4) MRAs have been successfully negotiated and signed. These encompass vital professional domains of:
- Accountancy;
- Engineering;
- Architecture; and
- Veterinary Science.
The completion of these agreements marks a substantial achievement in fostering cross-border cooperation and facilitating the recognition of diverse skill sets and expertise within the Community.
Furthermore, it's important to note that negotiations for MRAs pertaining to Advocates and Land Surveying are also underway. Once finalized, these agreements will further bolster the framework for mutual recognition, ensuring that professionals in these fields can seamlessly practice and contribute their skills across EAC borders.
The Draft Annex VII to the EAC Common Market Protocol focuses on the Mutual Recognition of Academic and Professional Qualifications. The Annex serves as a pivotal document within the EAC framework, facilitating the seamless recognition of academic and professional qualifications across the Partner States.
Annex VII to the EAC Common Market Protocol stands as a testament to the commitment of the Partner States towards fostering a vibrant and integrated economic community. Through the mutual recognition of academic and professional qualifications, the EAC endeavors to unlock the full potential of its human capital, driving innovation, economic growth, and prosperity across the region.