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The EACRF Commander visits Rumangabo & Kibumba Force Operation Bases (FOBS)

The East African Community Regional Force Commander, Maj Gen Aphaxard Kiugu visited Rumangabo & Kibumba FOBs where Kenyan and South Sudan contingents are deployed as part of his command visits to troops in Eastern DRC.

At Rumangabo, FC was received by the Kenyan Contingent Commander Col Daniel Rotich & his South Sudanese counterpart Lt Col Gabriel Bulo, both of whom appraised him on the current security situation, the current deployment posture, ongoing & future operational plans.

Addressing the troops from the two contingents, Maj Gen Kiugu stressed the need to remain focused on the implementation of the EACRF mandate and adhere to the Status of Forces Agreement, Concept of Operations and Rules of Engagement in all operations they are engaged in.

He reiterated the need for the troops to remain committed and resilient towards executing their duties and respect DRC's constitution and her sovereignty at all times. “You should work together harmoniously towards the success of this mission.

Remain objective & focused in all assigned tasks, key among them Protection of Civilians, opening up of Bunagana-Rutshuru-Rumangabo-Kibumba-Goma MSR to facilitate free movement of people, goods & aid humanitarian assistance within your Area of Operation,” said Maj Gen Kiugu. At Kibumba, Commanding Officer Col Dennis Obiero took FC through security trends since deployment in the area, highlighting the progress so far achieved by his Battle Group. Maj Gen Kiugu urged CO to maintain the tempo & continue facilitating humanitarian aid to the locals.

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He further implored him to continue naturing a positive relationship with the population through the existing ‘nyumba kumi’ initiative to enhance security in the region, noting that the contingent had achieved significant milestones since deployment.

“I have no doubt that we will solve the problems of this side of DRC. Speak one language towards the success of the mission & maintain discipline. We shall do our best to support you from Force Hqs in the ongoing peace & stability efforts in Eastern DRC,” said the FC.

During the visit, the current stalemated in the withdrawal process, partly occasioned by persistent violations by Armed actors in theatre was highlighted.

This was the first command visit to troops by the EACRF Commander since his assumption of office on 18th May 2023, aimed at boosting the morale of his troops and assessing the progress, achievements and needs of the mission.

The Force Commander was accompanied by the Deputy Force Commander (DFC) Intelligence and Operations - Brigadier Emmanuel Kaputa, DFC Administration and Logistics - Brig Gen Ndorarigonya Gregoire, Chief of Staff - Brig Gen Michael Kibuye and other FHQ Staff Officers.

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