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Reconnaissance on Rumangabo Pre-Cantonment site

A joint team from EACRF, Reps from EAC Member States, MONUSCO & the Ad Hoc Verification Mechanism on 22 June 23 conducted a reconnaissance exercise at Rumangabo, Rutshuru territory to assess its suitability as a Pre-Cantonment site for the Armed Groups operating in the region.

The Kenyan Contingent Commander Colonel Daniel Rotich received the recce team and did a comprehensive orientation of the area. The reconnaissance follows a directive during the 21st EAC Heads of State Extraordinary Summit held on 31 May 2023, in Bujumbura, Burundi.

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The team was led by EACRF Commander Major General Aphaxard Kiugu comprising; MONUSCO Deputy Force Commander Major General Benoît Chavanat, EACRF Deputy Force Commander Brigadier General Emmanuel Kaputa, Chief of Staff Brigadier General Michael Kibuye & other key Staff Officers.

Others invited were; AVM Chair Lt Gen Nassone João, members of the EAC MVM & MONUSCO staff. EACRF remains committed to continue supporting peace efforts being applied by various actors in conformity with the Mandate for ultimate realisation of peace & stability in Eastern DRC.

East African Community
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United Republic of Tanzania

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Email: eac@eachq.org