EAC Validates CAADP Regional Agriculture Investment Plan
East African Community Headquarters, Arusha, 30th November 2017:
A three-day EAC Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) Regional Agriculture Investment Plan (RAIP) Regional Validation Workshop is taking place from 30th November to 2nd December, 2017 at the Golf Course Hotel in Kampala, Uganda
The validation workshop is being attended by Heads of Delegations from the EAC Partner States, Representative of USAID East Africa and USAID Trade and Investment Hub, Executive Secretary- ASARECA, Chief Executive Officer- East African Business Council, Representative of the Executive Director Eastern Africa Grain Council, Coordinator CAADP Non State Actors Coalition, Chief Executive Officer- East African Civil Society Organizations Forum, and Chief Executive Officer- Eastern Africa Farmers Federation
Addressing the official opening session of the workshop, the EAC Deputy Secretary General- Productive and Social Sectors, Hon. Christophe Bazivamo acknowledged the commitment and tremendous contribution of EAC Partner States to the CAADP agenda and recognized the invaluable technical and financial support provided by USAID, African Union Commission and the NEPAD Planning and Coordination Agency to the programme.
The Deputy Secretary General disclosed that the process leading to the regional validation of RAIP had been lengthy, rigorous, inclusive and consultative and that over 10 technical meetings, national and regional workshops were held.
“The process elicited the participation of a wide range of stakeholders including EAC Partner States, Development Partners, Private Sectors, Civil Society, the African Union Commission and the NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency (NPCA)” and “all this was aimed at building consensus and securing ownership among stakeholders” noted the EAC official.
Notes to Editors
The East African Community (EAC) long-term vision and commitments towards social and economic development are anchored in the Treaty for the establishment of the Community. The Treaty has the strategic vision to attain a prosperous, competitive, secure and politically united East Africa. Agriculture and Food Security is among the key areas of cooperation prioritized in the Treaty, the EAC Common Market Protocol, EAC Vision 2050 and the EAC 5th Development Strategy. These instruments informed and inspired the formulation of EAC RAIP.
The African Union Heads of State and Government were visionary and pragmatic in adopting the Malabo Declaration on Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation for Shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihoods. This is indeed a hallmark in efforts to reduce hunger and poverty on the continent and in the EAC in particular. The commitments that occupy a central place in the EAC integration process include ‘Commitment to Ending Hunger in Africa by 2025 and the Commitment to Boosting Intra-African Trade in Agricultural commodities and services.
The EAC RAIP is anchored on the EAC CAADP Compact, the EAC CAADP Results Framework and other key regional Agriculture Sector Instruments. The RAIP is aligned to Malabo Declaration goals and commitments. It is designed to facilitate coordination of regional and crosscutting programmes that are best handled regionally and those that compliment interventions in the National Agriculture investment Plans. The EAC RAIP seeks to catalyze the realization of the CAADP goals in the following five investment thematic areas:
- Increasing regional agricultural production and food supply
- Enhancing food utilization
- Promoting agribusiness, value addition and agro-industry
- Promoting sustainable natural resource use and management
- Strengthening capacities of EAC regional agricultural institutions