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Press Release

Egypt to strengthen ties with EAC

Egypt has committed to improve areas of cooperation between herself and the East African Community.

Egypt’s new Ambassador to the Tanzania and the EAC, H.E. Mohammed Yasser Ala’Eldeen El Shawaf, said his country was eager to boost trade and technical cooperation with the EAC Partner States. 

Amb. Shawaf made the remarks after he presented his credentials to the EAC Secretary General, Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera, at the EAC Headquarters in Arusha today.

Welcoming the Egyptian Ambassador, Dr Sezibera described Egypt as an important trading partner for the EAC and praised its outstanding role in promoting negotiations for the Tripartite Free Trade Area (FTA) between the EAC, COMESA and SADC.

Dr Sezibera noted that the Tripartite FTA when fully implemented would move the African Continent from the margins of Global Trade, adding that it was a good basis for the Continental Free Trade Area envisioned by the African Union.

The Secretary General thanked Egypt for making a tariff offer to the EAC and went on to request Egypt to encourage the other member states to negotiate as a bloc instead of doing so as separate entities saying this would hasten the operationalization of the Tripartite FTA.

17th EAC Heads of State Summit set for 29th February, 2016 in Arusha

The 17th Ordinary East African Community (EAC) Heads of State Summit has been set for the 29th February, 2016 in Arusha, Tanzania.

Top on the agenda is the consideration of reports by the EAC Council of Ministers on: the negotiations on the admission of the Republic of South Sudan into the Community; Sustainable Financing Mechanisms for the EAC; and the EAC Institutional Review.

The meeting will also consider Council reports on: the Model, Structure and Action Plan of the EAC Political Federation; Implementation of the Framework for Harmonized EAC Roaming Charges; Modalities for Promotion of Motor Vehicle Assembly in the region and Reduction of the Importation of Used Motor Vehicles from Outside the Community; and the Promotion of the Textile and Leather Industries in the region, and stopping importation of used clothes, shoes and other leather products from outside the region.

The Summit is also expected to deliberate on a report by the Council on the verification exercise for the admission of the Republic of Somalia into the EAC.

The Heads of State are expected to launch the new International East African e-Passport (electronic-Passport) during their meeting.

The Summit will be preceded by a meeting of the EAC Council of Ministers that will take place at the EAC Headquarters in Arusha from 22nd to 27th, February, 2016.

Sweden pledges continued support to EAC Partnership Fund

Sweden has pledged to continue supporting the East African Community integration process.

Ambassador Katarina Rangnitt, the Swedish Ambassador to Tanzania and the EAC, said cooperation among the five EAC Partner States was crucial to relations between Sweden and East Africa. 

Amb. Rangnitt was speaking when she presented her credentials to the EAC Secretary General, Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera at the EAC Headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania. 

Sweden has over the past nine years disbursed generous financial support amounting to 7,225,155 Swedish Kroner (US$851,676) to the EAC, monies that have been channeled through the EAC Partnership Fund.

Welcoming the Swedish envoy, Amb. Dr Sezibera thanked Sweden for her support to the Community over the years noting that the Swedish support has been used for among other things the negotiations of the Economic Partnership Agreements between the EAC and the EU as well as boosting the health sector in the region.

Amb. Sezibera said the Partnership Fund has been used to finance not just the activities of the EAC Secretariat but the Community's specialized institutions such as the Lake Victoria Basin Commission and the Inter-University Council of East Africa.

The Secretary General briefed Amb. Rangnit on the progress of the EAC integration saying the Community had made many achievements since the signing of the Treaty for the Establishment of the EAC on 30th November, 1999.

Amb. Sezibera said the EAC was seeking to ensure that the regional airspace was a unified territory throughout East Africa.

“As we increasingly become an effective Customs Union on the ground, we shall have to do the same for East Africa's Airspace,” he said, adding that you cannot have a Customs Union on the ground only.

The Secretary General said the Community requires a lot of support to facilitate trade in services noting that significant progress had already been recorded in the free movement of goods as enshrined in the Common Market Protocol.

He pointed out other achievements as the reduction of Non-Tariff Barriers to the free movement of goods, the convertibility of the Partner States national currencies and cooperation in the development of infrastructure.

“Our Infrastructure programmes are largely on track. Many of the One Stop Border Posts have been completed, and are being operationalized. I congratulate the Partner States for ratifying the One Stop Border Bill, and the Axle Weight Control Bill. This puts our Community in good stead to strengthen the operations of our Customs Union,” he said.

He disclosed that the EAC Heads of State Summit had agreed on a 10-year Infrastructure Development Strategy which among other things lays emphasis on public-private partnership investments in railways, roads, ports and energy in the region. 

Amb. Rangnitt was accompanied by Mr. Ludvig Bontell, the Political and Commercial Affairs attaché at the Swedish Embassy in Dar es Salaam.


23rd Meeting of the Sectoral Council of Ministers Responsible for EAC Affairs and Planning kicks off in Arusha

The 23rd Meeting of the Sectoral Council of Ministers Responsible for EAC Affairs and Planning (SCMEACP) kicked off in Arusha, Tanzania today. 
The five day meeting started with the Session of Senior Officials which will run from 8 - 10 February, 2016, followed by the Session of Permanent/Principal Secretaries that will take place from 10 – 11 February, 2016. The meeting will be capped by the Ministerial Session which will take place on Friday, 12 February, 2016. 
Among the items on the agenda of the meeting are: 
  • Consideration of report on the Implementation of previous decisions of the SCMEACP;
  • Consideration of a Progress Report on the Status of Implementation of the EAC Common Market;
  • Consideration of a Progress Report on the Elimination of Non-tariff Barriers;
  • Consideration of a Progress Report on COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite Arrangement;
  • Consideration of Declaration on the Establishment of the EAC Common Higher Education Area, and;
  • Progress Report on the Study on Equitable Sharing of Benefits and Costs of EAC Integration.
The Session of Senior Officials is being chaired by Mr. Eliabi Chidota from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional and International Cooperation in the United Republic of Tanzania. Tanzania is the current Chair of the Community.
The Session was officially opened by the EAC’s Deputy Secretary General for Planning and Infrastructure, Dr Enos Bukuku. Also present at the official opening was the Deputy Secretary General (Productive and Social Sectors), Hon. Jesca Eriyo. 

EALA approves 2013/14 Annual Report of the Community

EALA yesterday debated and approved the EAC Annual Report 2013/14. The Assembly, meanwhile, urged the Council of Ministers to ensure further improvements in future subsequent reports and in all EAC documents by enhancing overall supervision and quality control. This measure is geared towards sustaining high standards in all outputs of the Community.

The debate was preceded by tabling and debate of the Report of the Committee on General Purpose (GPC) on the EAC Annual Report for 2013/2014. The report of the GPC followed the consideration of the Annual Report for the year 2013/14. The Committee Report presented by the Chairperson of the Committee on General Purpose, Hon. Dr Odette Nyiramilimo urges the Council of Ministers to make follow up on actions with intention to amend, retract or correct identified parts of the Annual Report that may be erroneous.

The Committee on General Purpose further calls for additional details to be included on the status of major Community Projects such as those under Infrastructure Sector. The details should, inter-alia, include updates on status, causes for delay and other challenges realised under the Road network, Railway sector and the EAC Master Plan.

The Committee also observes that the EAC Annual Report 2013/14 contains no section on challenges either than what is mentioned by the Deputy Secretary-General of the EAC in his submission to the Committee.

“As it has been noted in previous reports tabled before the House, there is apparent hesitation to clearly point out challenges in the EAC Annual Report”, Hon. Odette Nyiramilimo noted. Each year, the Chairperson of the Council of Ministers submits an Annual Report on the activities and achievements of the Community to key stakeholders in line with Article 49(2)(c) of the Treaty.

The Annual Report illustrates the accomplishments of the various Organs and Institutions of the Community within their respective mandates and missions. The 2013/4 Report captures the progress made in implementation of various activities including the Protocol on establishment of the East African Monetary Union, operationalisation of the single Customs Territory, Infrastructure development, productive and social sectors and the progress on the internationalisation of the new generation EAC e-Passport.

At debate, Members called on the Council of Ministers to cause for take up more shares in East African Development Bank (EADB).

Hon. Shyrose Bhanji supported the move for Partner States to take more shares in the EADB.

“It is shocking to hear that our partner States have minority shareholding in the Bank. We are supposed to take advantage of the bank. What is the problem? We cannot be seen to transform agriculture which is our backbone through donor funding”, she added.

Hon. Dora Byamukama supported the adoption of the Annual Report but said it was necessary for the Assembly to debate on documents that are current. Others who supported the report were Hon. Christophe Bazivamo, Hon. Nancy Abisai, Hon. Bernard Mulengani, Hon. Straton Ndikuryayo and Hon. Valerie Nyirahabineza.

The Chairperson of the Council of Ministers, Hon. Dr Susan Kolimba affirmed that the Council would make every effort to enhance the quality of its Annual Reports.

EALA swears Uganda’s 3rd Deputy Prime Minister in charge of EAC as Ex-Officio Member

EALA has sworn in Rt Hon. Dr Ali Haji Kirunda Kivejinja, the 3rd Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for East African Community Affairs in the Republic of Uganda, as an Ex-Officio Member. The Oath of Allegiance to the House was administered by the Clerk of EALA, before the EALA Speaker, Rt Hon. Daniel F. Kidega.

Rt Hon. Dr Kivenjinja took the oath in accordance with Rule 5 of the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly. The Rules of Procedure say in part that: “No Member can sit or participate in the proceedings of the House until the Oath or Affirmation of Allegiance to the Treaty is taken”.

Rule 5(5) specifically states that “when a Member first attends to take his or her seat other than at the first sitting of a new House, he or she shall be brought to the table by two Members and presented by them to the Speaker who shall then administer the Oath or Affirmation of Allegiance”.

The EAC Treaty under Article 48 provides that the Assistant Minister, Deputy Minister of Minister of State may only participate in the meetings of the Assembly when the substantive Minister responsible for East African Community Affairs is unable to participate.

The 3rd Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for EAC was ushered into the House by Hon. Bernard Mulengani, Hon. Dora Byamukama and Hon. AbuBakr Ogle. Hon. Kivenjinja replaces the late Rt Hon. Eriya Kategaya. He was appointed to cabinet by H.E. President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni in November 2015.

Hon. Kivejinja has served in several positions in the Government of the Republic of Uganda. In 1986, he was appointed Minister of Relief and Social Rehabilitation. He has also since served as Minister of Internal Affairs. Rt Hon. Dr Kivenjinja, who holds a BSc in Zoology has been Senior Presidential Advisor for Internal Affairs to President Museveni.

Rt Hon. Dr Kivejinja, who has also served as the head of the Veterans’ League of the ruling National Resistance Movement, is also author of Uganda: The Crisis of Confidence, a book about Uganda’s political history. The Minister of State for EAC, Uganda, is Hon. Shem Bageine who according to Article 48 may participate in the Sittings in absence of Rt Hon. Dr Kivenjinja.

EALA calls for Full Implementation of the Common Market Protocol, cites Sensitisation as Key in the Process

The Regional Assembly is urging Partner States to “up their game” in sensitisation activities, particularly when it comes to the Common Market Protocol in order to raise awareness and showcase benefits to the citizens of the region.

At the same time, the EALA wants Partner States to adopt a phased implementation of the EAC Common Market Protocol (CMP) by prioritising aspects that carry quick wins or deliver immediate multiplier effects. This move shall endear citizens to take advantage of the benefits that shall accrue from the Common Market Protocol.

The Assembly today debated and adopted the Report of an oversight activity on the Security-related challenges of implementing the Common Market Protocol along the Central Corridor.

The Report presented to the House by the Chair of the Regional Affairs and Conflict Resolution Committee, Hon. Abdullah Mwinyi follows the oversight activity undertaken by the Committee in the United Republic of Tanzania in November 2015.

The activity aimed at appreciating first-hand, the existing security-related operational challenges of implementing the Common Market Protocol along the Central Corridor; Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) constraints including numerous police road blocks and check points; and, the ongoing reforms and projects on course to ease cargo transportation in landlocked Partner States of Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda.

The objective of the Committee was to comprehend and appreciate the implementation of the Common Market Protocol along the Central Corridor and to ascertain the challenges faced in the implementation.

The Committee held a field trip visiting Dar es Salaam, all through to Vigwaza weigh-bridge and road blocks. It further interacted with various stakeholders including officials of the Ministry of EAC, Ministry of Labour and Employment, and the Tanzania Bureau of Standards. Others included the Business Community, Members of the Tanzania Police Force and the Tanzania Roads Agency officials.

The Committee observed that United Republic of Tanzania had developed a national Common Market Protocol implementation strategy and a national Committee to realise the same. It further strengthened the National Monitoring Committee for Elimination of Non-Tariff Barriers and had commenced on the issuance of the machine-readable identification.

The Committee was, nonetheless, informed that implementation of the Common Market Protocol continued to lag behind owing to a number of factors including: Inadequate awareness among Private Sector, implementing agencies and the general public on the provisions and implementation of EAC CMP as well as delays by the Sectoral Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) to amend national laws relevant to the said Protocol. In addition, the Committee took cognisance of the funding requirements for smooth implementation of the EAC Common Market Protocol.

During debate, Members noted that Partner States should emulate the United Republic of Tanzania to modernise the weigh-bridge technology and scales to ensure enhanced speed and accuracy in weighing process targeting reduction of bribery incidences, fines for overloading and time taken in the weighing process.

At the same time, United Republic of Tanzania should work with other Partner States to re-look on the validity through research the issue of yellow fever cards within the EAC region as an impediment to Free Movement of Persons.

Hon. Bernard Mulengani remarked that it was necessary to also look at security-related matters such as illegal road blocks, arrests and the ever-worrying trend of terrorism gaining entry through the Free Movement of Persons. He further requested the Council of Ministers to clarify on the term foreigner in advent of the Common Market Protocol.

Hon. Valerie Nyirahabineza decried the constant delays by Partner States to amend the national laws to conform to the Common Market Protocol. “Article 47 requires Partner States to align their legislation to CMP. This is vital”, she said. “What happens if the laws in the Partner States are not aligned with that of the EAC? Are we going to continue to benefit from the Protocol?” she asked.

“In the case of the Customs Union, we have a legal framework in the name of the Customs Union Management Act. It is a high time we have a co-ordinating structure to handle this aspect”, she added.

Hon. Shyrose Bhanji said Tanzania had done well with regards to removal of NTBs. One of the major challenges, however, is that of lack of sensitisation to the public, she said.

“This is not only a recurring problem but looks more like a chronic problem”, she said. “We need more sensitisation to the publics to create awareness here in the country. Even EALA Members need to be more involved in-country. This shall enable us also to brief Tanzanians and other East Africans”, she said.

Hon. Makongoro Nyerere, however, said the various weigh-bridges on the Central Corridor continued to delay the speed of movement of goods. “They need to be reduced so that we also spur Free Movement of People from one point to another”, he added.

Hon. Mumbi Ngaru said the Government of Kenya had continued to prioritise sensitisation of its citizens on the EAC. “The Council needs to formulate a policy around sensitisation. This is very key”, she said.

Others who supported the report were Hon. Shyrose Bhanji, Hon. Makongoro Nyerere, Hon. Martin Ngoga and Hon. Ussi Maryam. Hon. Odette Nyiamilimo, Hon. Isabelle Ndahayo, Hon. Christophe Bazivamo and Hon. Taslima Twaha also gave a nod to the report.

East African Community
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Afrika Mashariki Road
P.O. Box 1096
United Republic of Tanzania

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Email: eac@eachq.org