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Press Release

EAC Bureau of Speakers holds 11th Meeting

EAC Speakers are optimistic that the operationalization of the East African Parliamentary Institute (EAPI) shall go the mile in building capacities for legislators, Parliamentary staff and other stakeholders in Parliamentary practice and contribute to widening and deepening integration.

The operationalization is expected in the next Financial Year once the EAPI Act, 2011, is gazetted by the EAC Council of Ministers. In addition, the EAC Bureau of Speakers considered a number of key areas deemed to strengthen integration as they held a one day Forum in Arusha, on April 29th, 2016.

In the regard, National legislatures and EALA are to commence on the process of budgeting within the Financial Year 2016/17 with the anticipated launch of the EAPI now in high gear. Under the EAPI Act, 2011, the EAC Speakers form the Board of Trustees and they are expected to act conclusively on where the Institute shall be hosted and advise the Council of Ministers on the same.

At the Bureau meeting, EALA Speaker, Rt Hon. Daniel Fred Kidega also took over the Chair from the Speaker of the Parliament of Tanzania, Rt Hon. Job Ndugai. The chair which is rotational is held by the Speaker for a year.

Speaker of the Kenya National Assembly, Rt Hon. Justin Muturi and Speaker of the Senate, Rt Hon. Ekwee Ethuro as well as the President (Speaker) of the Burundi Senate, Rt Hon. Reverien Ndikuriyo attended the Forum. Parliament of Rwanda was represented by the Deputy Speaker, Hon. Jean d’Arc Uwamaninpaye while the 2nd Deputy Speaker of the Burundi National Assembly, Hon. Edouard Nduwimana represented the Speaker, Rt Hon. Pascal Nyabenda.  The Bureau received the apologies of the Speaker of Parliament of Uganda, Rt Hon. Rebecca Kadaga.

The Bureau of EAC Speakers further amended the Rules of Procedures governing the Forum.  With it, the Speakers amended Clause 1.1 of the Rules to include the Speakers and Presidents of the Senate as members of the Forum.   In addition, they revised clause 1.2 on definitions deleting the terms “National Assemblies/Parliaments” and substitute thereof with the words “National Legislature however designated” wherever they appear in the Rules.

The meeting also underscored the need of enhancing the functional relations between the National Legislatures and EALA. The National Legislatures have continued to play their oversight role on matters on EAC Affairs in their respective jurisdictions including the need to expedite amendments to the EAC Treaty.

It was agreed thus EALA submits the proposed amendments to the Treaty that it submitted to the EAC Council of Ministers with the National Legislatures. In addition, a workshop of the network of senior Parliamentary Officers is anticipated in the later half of the year.

In his remarks, the Speaker of EALA, Rt Hon. Daniel Fred Kidega reiterated the Bureau’s  enormous contribution in strengthening the role of EAC Parliaments in the integration process in line with Article 49 (2) and 65 of the Treaty for the Establishment of the EAC. He extended his appreciation to all Speakers of all the National Legislatures for the support extended to EALA during the Plenary Sittings in the respective Parliaments.

He noted that Parliamentary elections have by and large been democratic, contributing to the consolidation of democracy in EAC.

“I note that in 2015, new Members were elected to the Parliaments of Burundi and Tanzania and in year 2016, citizens of Uganda elected their representatives to the Parliament of Uganda.  In the coming year, the Bureau expects citizens of the Republic of Kenya and the Republic of Rwanda to go through the same democratic process of giving their representatives fresh mandate”, Rt Hon. Kidega said.

He informed the Bureau of Speakers that EALA had passed the EAC Elections Act, 2012, which envisages formation of the EAC Elections Board whose functions inter alia include: developing, setting standards and advising Partner States on best electoral practices.  The Board’s mandate is to harmonise electoral standards to be adhered to by the National Electoral Commissions, noting that this is a fundamental contribution by EALA towards strengthening electoral processes in the region as a way to consolidating democracy.

Rt Hon. Justin Muturi, Speaker of the Kenya National Assembly said it was vital for Partner States to move towards the alignment of national political activities and trends with regional integration objectives, deepen integration and rapid socio-economic transformation so as to prepare for and ultimately sustain the Political Federation.  The Speaker presented an interesting paper on the “Role of the Speaker in maintaining discipline and decorum in the House”.

Speaker of the Senate of Kenya, Rt Hon. Ekwee Ethuro on his part, reiterated need for the African region to address critical issues with regards to elections and their aftermath.  

Rt Hon. Ethuro who is also one of the six Vice Presidents of the Geneva-based Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) highlighted that as Kenya was preparing for elections in 2017, it needs to be cognizant of the fact that many crises in the region surround elections.

“Violent acts are becoming instruments of insecurity and therefore, we must confront the challenges being faced by the region.  There is need for the region to act as “brothers and sisters” keepers and to help to find lasting solutions”, Rt Hon Ethuro said. The Senate of Kenya Speaker further appealed to the Bureau of Speakers to assist Burundi to foster peace and reconciliation in every possible way.

Speaker of the Parliament of Tanzania, Rt Hon. Job Ndugai remarked the United Republic of Tanzania was making great strides in its role as an active Member of EAC and EALA and observed that President of the United Republic of Tanzania, H. E. John Magufuli and his Rwanda counterpart, H.E. Paul Kagame, had inaugurated a One Stop Border Post (OSBP) on the 6th April, 2016, which is an important milestone towards facilitating Regional Trade and deepening EAC integration.

President of the Senate of Burundi, Rt Hon. Reverien Ndikuriyo, highlighted concerns orchestrated by international media emanating from a move to reject the candidature of President Pierre Nkurunziza for a third term by the opposition and the civil society were merely perceptions.  He said such perceptions had culminated into violence and termed such reports as hype and part of an international conspiracy to destabilize Burundi.

On terrorism, Rt Hon. Ndikuriyo noted with concern the damage and pain inflicted by the atrocious acts to the globe.  He asserted Burundi’s position that there were no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ terrorists, and that all such groupings have to be fought ferociously. He thus challenged his EAC counterparts to stand together in solidarity to protect the destiny of the Community.

Deputy Speaker of the Burundi National Assembly, Hon. Edouard Nduwimana noted that Burundi is facing financial challenges due to economic sanctions imposed by the European Union. He appealed to the EAC Partner States to beseech for the lifting of all sanctions.  Hon. Nduwimana further affirmed that Burundi was ready to put in place all pieces of legislation required for the success of the EAC integration and to promote Inter-Parliamentary co-operation.

Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of Rwanda, Hon. Uwamaninmpaye Jean d’Arc commended the Bureau of Speakers for creating an opportunity for the Parliament to assess the achievements made, share experiences and challenges facing Speakers in their duty.

She noted that Rwanda had made tremendous progress since it joined the EAC in 2007 and the country was already reaping from the benefits of been part of the bloc.  She informed the meeting that Rwanda had embarked on a policy to facilitate free movement of people, goods and services by removing all barriers that hindered trade within the region.

The one-day meeting was preceded by a two-day meeting of Clerks which, among other things, reviewed the mandate of the Bureau, discussed modalities of operationalisation of the East African Parliamentary Institute and reviewed several emerging challenges in legislature in the region.

The Bureau of the EAC Speakers is the umbrella body that EALA and the National Assemblies utilise to champion the cause of Parliaments in the region, that of enacting legislation, oversight and representation and plays a key advisory role to the Summit of the EAC Heads of State.

EAC gets New Boss

On 25 April 2016, Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera handed over the seat of Secretary General to Mr Libérat Mfumukeko.

Mr Libérat Mfumukeko was appointed to the position on 2 March 2016 by the Summit of the EAC Heads of State for a single five-year term. Prior to his appointment as Secretary General, Mr Mfumukeko served the East African Community in the capacity of Deputy Secretary General in charge of Finance and Administration.

Mr Mfumukeko joined the EAC from another position of leadership – Director General, Burundi Water and Electricity Utility (REGIDESO), the last position he held prior to joining the EAC. He has also held the Chairmanship of the Steering Committee of the East African Power Pool (EAPP).

Mr Mfumukeko brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to his new position, with vast international experience including the establishment of the Burundi Investment Promotion Authority (API) in 2009.

The new Secretary General boasts international, intercultural and linguistic skills, with fluency in French, English, Kirundi, Kiswahili and Russian as well as having worked in France, Russia, USA, DR Congo, Rwanda, Ivory Coast and Cameroon.

Arusha to host EAC Speakers' Forum on Friday

The 11th Meeting of the EAC Bureau of Speakers is to take place in Arusha on Friday this week (April 29th, 2016).

Speakers from the EAC Parliaments (National Assemblies/Senates) and EALA are expected to be in attendance and shall discuss weighty matters of relevance to the integration process. The meeting is expected to revisit and make amends to the Rules of Procedure of the Bureau of EAC Speakers that guide the Forum. The meeting will also see the handover of the Chair of the Bureau of Speakers from the Parliament of Tanzania to the East African Legislative Assembly.

The one day meeting shall be preceded by a meeting of Clerks (April 27th and 28th, 2016) which among other things shall review the mandate of the Bureau, discuss modalities of operationalization of the East African Parliamentary Institute (EAPI) and a number of topical issues on emerging challenges in legislature in the region. The report of the key meeting will feed into that of the Speakers’ Forum for consideration.

The Bureau of the EAC Speakers is the umbrella body that EALA and the National Assemblies utilise to champion the cause of Parliaments in the region, that of enacting legislation, oversight and representation and plays a key advisory role to the Summit of the EAC Heads of State.

The Bureau holds meetings annually under the guidance of a Chairperson who is elected under the principle of rotation. The inaugural meeting of the Bureau of Speakers was held in May 2008. The decision making process of the Bureau of Speakers is by consensus.

The Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community places emphasis on the need for EALA and the National Assemblies of Partner States to liaise in several ways in matters related to the Community.

Article 49(2) (1) of the Treaty provides that "The Assembly (EALA) shall liaise with the National Assemblies of Partner States on matters relating to the Community”.

Ali Hassan Mwinyi hands over Uganda Election Observation Report to EAC Secretary General

H.E. Ali Hassan Mwinyi, Former President of the United Republic of Tanzania, over the weekend presented Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera, the EAC Secretary General, with the final observation report from the recently concluded General Elections held in 18th February 2016, in the Republic of Uganda. The ceremony took place at the residence of the Former President in Dar es salaam, Tanzania.

“I was very happy to observe the patience and orderliness with which the people of Uganda conducted her General Elections," said H.E. Ali Hassan Mwinyi. “These and many other things that have also been highlighted in the report, can be used as benchmarks for which other countries can borrow good practices from,” he added.

While receiving the Report, the Secretary General thanked the Former President for his leadership and commitment to the EAC Elections Observers Mission, adding that, “the cooperation between the EAC and other stakeholders led to sustainable peace in the country."

The report consists of recommendations to streamline and improve the electoral process for future in the Republic of Uganda. The EAC Observer Mission Report will be submitted to, among others, the Electoral Commission of Uganda, through the EAC Council of Ministers for consideration and implementation.

Aga Khan University - Arusha Campus construction in the offing

Construction of the Aga Khan University (AKU) is in the offing in Arusha, Tanzania and the move is viewed as a catalyst for positive transformation that will see the city expand as the intellectual, social and political hub for East Africa. The Arusha Campus project which is part of a planned US$ 500 million expansion in East Africa by H.H the Aga Khan, seeks to enroll Arts and Science students from across the region, notably from Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and South Sudan. There will be two graduate professional schools in the first phase; Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism and Architecture and Human Settlement.

In solidarity, EAC Executives paid a visit to the proposed site situated 4km from Arusha Airport on Dodoma road. The site covers 3200acres out of which the potential area for development rests on 1700acres.

On behalf of the EAC Secretary General Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera, the Deputy Secretary General in charge of Productive and Social Sectors, Hon. Jesca Eriyo accompanied the Speaker of the East African Legislative Assembly, Rt Hon. Daniel Kidega and the Judge President of the East African Court of Justice, Hon. Justice Emmanuel Ugirashebuja to the Aga Khan University (AKU) site in Arusha.

Receiving the Executives from EAC was the Director, Aga Khan University Campus Development in Tanzania, Nizar Jaffer Somji. Others were the Diplomatic Representative of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) in Uganda;,Mahmood H. Ahmed; the Director of Site and Facilities, Murad Jivan; Resident Architect, Amina Hirani; Special Projects Manager, Azmina Jivan; Resident Representative, Amin Kurji; Nursery Manager, Roshan Hemani and Community Engagement Officer,Lazaro Ole Mongoi.

In 2007, H.H the Aga Khan announced plans to build a major new university campus in Arusha. The decision to erect a new campus in Arusha stemmed from his faith in the future of the East African Region. The new development represents the biggest expansion for AKU since it opened its first campus in Karachi, Pakistan about 25 years back.

AKU’s ambitious 15 year-plan includes a significant commitment of global resources to the East African region through the expansion of the University’s presence in Arusha, transforming EAC’s capital into a “regional intellectual epicenter".

Before a tour of the site was a presentation on the site plan outlining some of the facilities the project will offer in its first phase. These include: a primary and secondary school, a university, housing for students and staff, a training hotel and retail outlets and a university hospital in future.

Currently, the design plan for the construction of the project is at its final stages and execution of the design plan is expected to commence soon after its completion. On-site activities within the project include a reforestation programme which is ongoing and community engagement activities such as health camps, community based savings groups, fodder distribution among others.

In his remarks, the Speaker was utterly impressed with the project plan and commended AKDN’s efforts to not only invest in a bid to make profit but also to benefit the surrounding population, an effort he termed as ‘humanitarian capitalism’. He remarked that the Assembly was keen to enact relevant piece(s) of legislation that would anchor the vision of the Aga Khan.

Being her first visit to the Arusha Campus site, the Deputy Secretary General stated that she was eager to see the project materialize. Hon. Jesca Eriyo also emphasized that; “The community needs to know that the project is for their benefit therefore raising awareness about the project, creating job opportunities for the youth within the project and identifying areas of co-investment and partnerships with the locals by engaging CSOs and other community based interest groups is key in order to build the capacity of the community economically as underpinned in the project’s objectives.”

The EACJ Judge President concluded with a congratulatory message to H.H the Aga Khan for the success of the Aga Khan Foundation projects so far, adding that the EAC is highly committed to offer as much support to ensure that the upcoming project is a success for the benefit of future EAC generations.

EAC Secretary General meets President Yoweri Museveni

The Secretary General of the East African Community, Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera met and held discussion with President Elect of the Republic of Uganda, H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni on Wednesday 13th April 2016, at State in Entebbe, Uganda.

Amb. Sezibera congratulated President Museveni upon his resounding victory in Uganda’s February 2016 General Elections and hailed him for his firm support to the EAC integration agenda.

Amb. Sezibera, whose 5-year term comes to an end on 25th April 2016, briefed President Museveni on the milestones so far achieved in the Single Customs Territory, Common Market, Monetary Union and several infrastructure projects within the Community.

His Excellency commended the outgoing Secretary General for his dedicated service to the Community and wished him well in his future endeavors.

Signing Ceremony of the Treaty of Accession of the Republic of South Sudan in to the East African Community

His Excellencies Presidents Salva Kiir Mayardit of the Republic of South Sudan and Dr. John Pombe Joseph Magufuli, of the United Republic of Tanzania and the Chairperson of the East African Community Heads of State Summit are scheduled to sign the Treaty of Accession of the Republic of South Sudan into the East African Community (EAC) on Friday 15th April 2016 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

At their 17th Ordinary Summit held on 2nd March, 2016 in Arusha, Tanzania, the EAC Heads of State received the report of the Council of Ministers on the negotiations for the admission of the Republic of South Sudan into the Community and decided to admit the Republic of South Sudan as a new member. The Summit then designated the Chairperson, His Excellency President Dr. John Pombe Joseph Magufuli of The United Republic of Tanzania, to sign the Treaty of Accession with the Republic of South Sudan.


All Local and Foreign Journalists intending to cover the Signing Ceremony are alerted that the Accreditation Process will commence from the afternoon of Wednesday 13th April 2016 at the Maelezo offices (Tanzania Information Services-TIS) located on the 9th Floor of the Golden Jubilee Towers on Ohio Street in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

EAC-USAID Regional Trade and Feed the Future Coordination Conference opens in Arusha

The East African Community (EAC) Secretary General, Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera, today officially opened a two-day Regional Trade and Feed the Future Coordination Conference organized by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the EAC.

The two day conference, which is taking place at the Kibo Palace Hotel in Arusha, Tanzania is aimed at enhancing collaboration and information sharing among USAID missions and Partners to improve integration, innovation and scaling up of results, will focus on the implementation of policy priorities and sharing lessons learned from across the region and initiatives.

Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera said that the EAC and US government have built and sustained a mutual and strategic partnership dating back to the EAC’s inception.

"The partnership continues to grow from strength to strength through common development objectives and funding for various programs including trade and investment, agriculture, environment, Health and institutional support," said Dr Sezibera.

"I wish to acknowledge and appreciate the tremendous contribution and investments that USAID has made in advancing regional integration particularly in the EAC Region," he added.

The Secretary General disclosed that in 2015, the EAC concluded a Cooperation Agreement on Trade Facilitation, Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS), and Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), adding that the implementation of the agreement would strengthen the capacities and enhance competitiveness of the EAC Partner States in areas of trade and agricultural development.

On his part, the USAID/Kenya and East Africa/Regional Economic Integration Office Director, Mr. Matthew Rees, hailed the efforts that the Community has made in implementing policy priorities, adding that this has promoted prosperity in the region.

Present at the conference were USAID mission staff, representatives from other US Government Agencies (USDA), implementing partners as well as officials from the EAC Partner States.

EAC to support Liquid Telecom Group initiative

The Secretary General of the East African Community, Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera today received Mr Sam Nkusi, Group Executive of Liquid Telecom, the leading independent data, voice and IP provider in Eastern, Central and Southern Africa. The Secretary General, who was accompanied by Eng. Robert Achieng, EAC Senior Engineer in charge of Planning and Communications, warmly welcomed the Liquid Telecom Group Executive to the EAC Headquarters.

Mr Nkusi briefed Amb. Sezibera on the operations of Liquid Telecom and said the company was embarking on a project to build a new submarine cable infrastructure that will provide a cost-effective and reliable link for landlocked, southern, central and east African countries to the Internet and to the world.

“Leveraging Liquid Telecom's 20,000km-long fibre optic terrestrial network, this pan-African private sector project will support fast growing needs for Internet connectivity and help Africa’s Information Communication Technology (ICT) sector leapfrog towards achieving its Sustainable Development Goals” noted the Liquid Telecom CEO.

Mr. Nkusi reiterated that the cable, running along the East coast of Africa and into the Red Sea, will take a less congested route to Europe, and will interconnect with all existing networks and with other international submarine cables. According to Liquid Telecom, this will also address the need for mobile operators to increase internet speed delivered over their mobile broadband networks.

He said the project was a major step towards fulfilling EAC’s mission to widen and deepen Economic, Political, Social and Cultural integration in order to improve the quality of life of the people of East Africa.

The Secretary General hailed the private sector-led initiative and affirmed the Secretariat and the Community’s support to the project and urged Partner States to support the project. He noted that the biggest support EAC could provide towards the overall implementation of the project would be to provide a Cross-Border Inter-Connectivity Regulatory Framework in order to guide and facilitate inter-connections across borders within the EAC, and could possibly be shared with other regional economic blocks in Africa.

Spain accredits Envoy to EAC bloc

The government of Spain has accredited its Ambassador to the United Republic of Tanzania, Mr Felix Costales Artieda, to also serve as Ambassador to the East African Community. His  Excellency Felix Costales Artieda today presented accreditation letter to the Secretary General of the East African Community, Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera.              

Amb. Felix Artieda informed the Secretary General that his government attaches great importance to regional economic groupings such as the EAC and congratulated the EAC Secretary General for the wonderful regional initiative. “Count on Spain’s support because the goals of the Community are excellent for the prosperity of the people in the region”, asserted the Spain Envoy, adding that “regional integration initiatives take time but you need to continue so as to build a strong and powerful bloc”.

While receiving the Spain Envoy, the Secretary General of the East African Community, Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera hailed the existing cordial relations between the EAC and Spain. The Secretary General welcomed the support from the Spainish Government geared towards enabling the Community to achieve its ambitious agenda.

Dr Sezibera briefed him  on the progress being registered by the Community so far that include implementation of Protocols on the Customs Union, Common Market and  East African Monetary Union.

Meanwhile, earlier today, the EAC Secretary General met the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China, H.E Mr Lv Youqing for bilateral discussion. The two parties deliberated on a number of areas that offer the potential for collaboration between EAC and China including the cooperation in aviation and trade sectors.

The EAC Secretary General  appreciated the Chinese for their role in infrastructure development in the EAC Partner States and specifically for their support to the Secretariat.

On his part, the Chinese Ambassador Extra-ordinary and Plenipotentiary to Tanzania, commended the Secretariat for the role it is playing in promoting regional cooperation and integration.

East African Community
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Afrika Mashariki Road
P.O. Box 1096
United Republic of Tanzania

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Email: eac@eachq.org