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Press Release

Time for Region to enhance Investments as EALA mulls over Regional Investment Legislation

The Assembly wants the region to prioritise harmonisation of investment initiatives and incentives if the bloc is to be promoted as a single investment area. To this end, EALA is calling for the formulation of an advocacy plan to spur investment policy and strategy as well as enactment of a regional law on investments.

The legislators also want a framework in place to ensure that specialisation in investments are encouraged among the Partner States as opposed to intra-competition. In addition, they are calling for inculcation of mechanisms to enable investors to capitalise a certain percentage of profits in the EAC countries rather than repatriating all the money back to their home countries.

The issues are summed up in a report of the Communications Trade and Investment (CTI) on investment promotion policies in the region that was debated and adopted this morning as the EALA Session commenced in Kampala, Uganda.

The report follows a workshop on Investment Promotion policies conducted by the Committee and held in Kigali, Rwanda in April this year. The Objectives of the Report include:

  1. to understand the regional investment policies and strategies in EAC
  2. to understand the individual EAC Partner State investment codes/strategies and
  3. coming up with possible recommendations on the way forward for investment, Private Sector and industrial development.

The report presented to the House by the Chair of the CTI, Hon. Mukasa Mbidde, states that investors have shown renewed interests in the region and this is based on the premise that Africa is on the verge of transformation. The continent should thus continue to receive inflows to improve balance of payment into their national economies, the MP stated.

Industries and Industrial development is a critical area of co-operation by Partner States as outlined in Article 79 and 80 of the EAC Treaty and envisaged under Article 44 of the EAC Common Market Protocol.

According to Hon. Mbidde, proper policies and strategies need to be sought to promote Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) development. Priorities in this area include the region’s institutional capacity to deliver business development services and creation of an enabling environment for improvement of SME policies and regulations.

The report states that though the volume of intra-EAC investments is still low, there is potential to enhance it. Republic of Kenya is the leading cross border investor in the EAC while the United Republic of Tanzania is a leading recipient of cross-border investments according to the report. The leading investment segments include ICT, Energy (Oil and Gas), agro-processing, building and construction and services which include wholesale, finance, insurance, health and education). In Rwanda, there is a conducive business environment which includes e-registration of companies and electronic single window for customs declarations. The country also passed over 21 business laws between the years 2008-2011.

In Burundi, the country has continued to improve its business climate including removing customs duty on investment goods made in the EAC and COMESA region. In Uganda, the country has secured investments by anchoring the same under the Constitution and the Investment Code (1991). Its investment strategies include the establishment of a one-stop centre as well as nurturing and development of SMEs.

The EAC Investment Code was formulated in 2006 as one of the tools for investment and private sector promotion as envisaged in the EAC Development Strategy – 2011/12 to 2015/16.

The objective of the EAC Model Investment code is to enhance qualitative and quantitative local, regional and foreign investment into the region. The Model Investment Code intends to facilitate adoption of transparent, predictable regulations and laws to the potential investors, especially in matters relating to compensation for loss of investment and dispute settlement mechanism. The model code thus introduces the need to nurse private investments well beyond the initial period of attracting and facilitating new investors.

At debate today, Hon. Nancy Abisai appealed for Partner States to ensure they created conducive environment for businesses.

“We have good policies of investment in the Partner States, but they are disjointed. Let us look for a way to harmonise them”, she said. “Burundi has easy mode of registration while the United Republic of Tanzania Investment Act provides excellent opportunities for incoming investors. In Uganda, the Government permits locals, foreigners and joint ventures to invest freely. Kenya on its part has removed a number of licenses that previously hindered registration making it easier now. All this needs to be lauded”, she said.

“The point of disconnect is the failure to capture the business environment regionally”, she added.

Hon. Mike Sebalu called on EAC citizens to spread their investments in the region citing employment, generation of revenue and improvement of livelihoods as necessary.

“I salute H.E. Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic of Kenya, who was recently here for his pro-trade and investment agenda. This is focal for promoting integration”, he said.

Hon. Shyrose Bhanji said the re-establishment of EAC also sought inter-alia to improve the livelihoods of its citizens. “Unfortunately, lives are disheartening even though we are talking of big investments. There is little or no room for employment for many youth who are university educated”, she said.

Hon. Bhanji called on Partner States to put emphasis on small-scale farmers to create employment and said EALA can play a key role in educating the masses.

Hon. Leonce Ndarubagiye called for a regional law on anti-corruption and stiffer penalties to stem the vice, lamenting that it was contributing to killing investments in the region.

Hon. Patricia Hajabakiga said real economic development can be realised by meeting with investors to ascertain that the policies on the ground are actually been implemented.

Others who supported the debate were: Hon. Peter Mathuki who called for efficient transport network and infrastructure systems for the region to facilitate movement of goods and services. He called for means to curb corruption to enable citizens enjoy their rights. Hon. Zein Abubakar called for good governance as a pre-cursor to enhancing investment in the region. Hon. Fredric Ngenzebuhoro, Hon. Susan Nakawuki, Hon. Martin Ngoga, Hon. Sarah Talaso and Hon. AbuBakr Ogle also rose in support of the report.

Hon. Shem Bageine, Minister for EAC, Uganda and standing for the Chair of Council of Ministers remarked that the East African Court of Justice (EACJ) had already taken up its place as the Judicial organ to arbitrate on trade disputes. This follows the extension of the jurisdiction of the Court to include matters of trade and investments. He said that the region was keen to see export trade enhanced and that the Council would keenly study the recommendations of the report with a view to harmonising the investment codes.

EAC Secretary-General concludes working visit to USA

The Secretary-General of the East African Community, Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera, concluded a three-day visit to the State of Kansas, United States of America.

During the visit, the Secretary-General met and held talks with the Governor of the State of Kansas, Mr Sam Brownback, as well as the Kansas Department of Agriculture. Amb. Sezibera and his counterparts held discussions on how EAC can work together with Kansas State in areas of Trade and Investment, Agriculture, Education and Pharmaceutical industries.

Speaking during the meeting with the Governor, Amb. Sezibera described the progress registered in various regional infrastructure projects, noting that while these projects were negotiated at regional level, implementation was often done by the Partner States.

The EAC Secretary-General informed the Governor that the EAC is open to more structured discussions with the State of Kansas on improving business environment in the region, adding that a bilateral investment agreement framework between both parties was welcome.

In his remarks, Governor Brownback commended the Secretary-General for his leadership and commitment in the East African integration. He said the State of Kansas was elated with the developments within the EAC and would continue keeping tabs on progress of the integration.

Meanwhile, Amb. Sezibera also met the team from Kansas Department of Agriculture and held discussions with the department on various issues including how the EAC Partner States and the State of Kansas can work together towards the introduction of a Smart Agriculture Programme in East Africa.

Burundi Refugee Camps in Tanzania and Rwanda to benefit from Donations of Medicines and Health Supplies

The East African Secretariat has received a donation of various essential medicines and health supplies from the Federation of East African Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (FEAPM) for emergency humanitarian assistance to Burundi refugees’ camps in Kigoma region of Tanzania and Eastern Province of Rwanda.

Dr Dhirendra Shah, FEAPM Chairman, accompanied by Dr Ashvin Pandya, Member of the Board of the Federation, handed over the first consignment of medical supplies to Hon. Jesca Eriyo, EAC Deputy Secretary-General in charge of Productive and Social Sectors. The handing over ceremony took place at the EAC Headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania, on the sidelines of the ongoing 32nd meeting of the Council of Ministers, the EAC Policy Organ.

“We are very grateful to FEAPM for today’s donation, as these medicines are badly needed over at the refugee camps in Tanzania and Rwanda”, said Hon. Eriyo, adding that “this is a good partnership we have started, and through this relationship, we will encourage citizens to purchase medicines locally so as to boost the East African Pharmaceutical sector”.

The emergency medical support came from a team effort of fourteen pharmaceutical manufacturing companies from Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania.

The medical supplies will go towards treating Burundi refugees suffering from cholera outbreaks and other outbreaks of various communicable diseases at camps in Kigoma, Tanzania and the Eastern Province of Rwanda.

“We are very pleased to have donated medicines for a good cause as we are always there whenever there is a crisis; in the past, we come to the aide of the crisis in Rwanda, South Sudan, Somalia, and now Burundi”, said Dr Shah. “We promise to continue providing humanitarian assistance for the people of East Africa”, he said.

EA Defence Forces to hold 9th Edition of Military Games and Cultural Event in Kampala, Uganda

The Defence Forces of the EAC Partner States (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania) will hold the 9th Edition of the East African Military Games and Cultural Event from 15 to 26 August 2015 at the Mandela National Stadium in Kampala, Mukono and Jinja in the Republic of Uganda.

The event, themed One People One Destiny through EAC Military Games and Cultural Event 2015, will involve over 500 participants representing the various services of the Defence Forces of the EAC Partner States.

The games will involve the disciplines of Athletics (Cross-country Race), Boxing, Football, Netball and Handball. The event is expected to have high profile participation intended not only to popularise the event but also to raise the sporting competitive levels, thereby contributing to the highest standards within the East African region commensurate with international standards.

The East African Military Games and Cultural Week is an annual event instituted since 2005 when the first edition was held Kampala, Uganda. The second edition of the games was held in Nairobi Kenya in 2006. The objective of the Military Games is to contribute to building confidence among the EAC Defence Forces under the EAC Memorandum of Understanding on Co-operation in Defence Matters.

Commenting ahead of the games, the Secretary-General of the EAC, Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera has said that “when the people perceive that our defence forces are working together, carrying out joint exercises and engaging in sports activities that project mutual trust and confidence, they inevitably garner higher levels of confidence in the East African Community project at both economic and political dimensions. Indeed, our common security future is best guaranteed by the moulding of an East African soldier and a unified territorial defence system”.

He said “the success of the Exercise will widen and deepen the long established cooperation among the Defence Forces of the Partner States and also enhance the process of fast tracking the integration process”.

The Partner States are holding the Military Games under the East African Community Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Co-operation in Defence Matters which has specific provisions for Sports and Cultural co-operation as well as Joint Military Exercises, among other joint activities intended to build confidence and esprit de corps among the EAC Defence forces.

The EAC MoU on Co-operation in Defence Matters was signed in 1998 and revised in 2001. The MoU has been upgraded into a Protocol. Under the Memorandum, the EAC Partner States pursue an elaborate programme of activities, largely of confidence building among the defence forces. These activities include exchange of visits and regular meetings of Defence Chiefs and other cadre of the defence forces; joint training; joint exercises and promotion of various joint sports and cultural activities and seminars; as well as mutual assistance in disaster management, and technical co-operation.

Germany Announces to Make Available 70 Million Euros (approx. 78 Million USD) for Development Cooperation with the EAC

The Federal Republic of Germany announced today a new commitment to the East African Community (EAC). In total, 30 million euros will be invested in vaccines and health supply chain management.

Earlier in 2015, Germany hosted the record replenishment of the global vaccination alliance GAVI. As a result, an additional 300 million children will receive live-saving vaccines, including in the EAC. German bilateral cooperation will now provide 20 million euros for the procurement of vaccines against different diseases for children in the EAC. The programme will be implemented in collaboration with GAVI. This new commitment will bring Germany’s contribution to regional immunisations programmes with the EAC to 60 million euro since 2012.

Inappropriate cooling systems result in high volumes of vaccines being wasted before they reach the people that need them. This is why Germany will also support the establishment of the EAC Regional Centre of Excellence for Health Supply Chain Management in Kigali with 10 million euros. The Centre will strengthen capacities and foster the dissemination of innovation for managing complex supply systems for health products, such as vaccines that need to be kept cool at all times.

With a view to strengthen the pandemic preparedness in the EAC, Mrs Grosse Wiesmann also announced the willingness of Germany to provide an additional 3 million euros (3.3 million USD) in technical assistance for the region’s crisis response capacity (out of special funds for 2016).

EAC Deputy Secretary-General Dr Enos Bukuku: “Germany’s expanded support allows us to further reduce the spread of infectious diseases and improve the accessibility of health products throughout the region”.

Mrs Gudrun Grosse Wiesmann, Director Sub-Saharan Africa at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development: “Our support underlines that Germany wishes to further strengthen the long-standing and deep relationship it maintains with the East African Community in order to contribute to the well-being and prosperity of its citizens”.

Regarding the upcoming bilateral negotiations on development cooperation with the EAC in September 2015, the Head of the German delegation underlined that Germany is willing to support the EAC in the fields of regional economic integration, health and water resource management. Germany is prepared to make available an additional 37 million euros for projects in these fields.

Kampala to host EALA siting next week

The East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) resumes business next week in Kampala, Uganda. The Plenary which takes place from Monday, 16th August 2015 to Friday, 28th August 2015 is the First Meeting of the Fourth Session of the Third Assembly.

President Yoweri Museveni is expected to address a Special Sitting of the Assembly on Friday, 21st August 2015 at the Parliament of Uganda.

The Assembly is to be presided over by the Speaker, Rt Hon. Daniel F. Kidega. Top on the agenda during the two week period are two key Bills which are expected to sail through the 2nd and 3rd Readings respectively. These are the EAC Electronic Transaction Bill, 2014 and the EAC Creative and Cultural Industries Bill, 2015.

The Electronic Transaction Bill, 2014 seeks to meet the need of exploiting electronic transactions in the modern day business transactions. The Bill further wants to promote technology neutrality in applying legislation to electronic communications and transactions and to develop a safe, secure and effective environment for the consumer, business and the Governments of the Partner States to conduct and use electronic transactions. EALA has already undertaken a series of public hearings to source for views from stakeholders on this particular Bill.

On its part, The EAC Creative and Cultural Industries Bill 2015, sailed through the First Reading in January this year. The objective of the Bill is to promote the creative and cultural industries at the EAC.

The Bill seeks to establish the Creative and Cultural Industries Council that shall provide an environment conducive to the enhancement and stimulation of creativity and innovative endeavours among the citizens of the Community. Once formed, the Council shall provide high quality training for skills and creativity development and formulate policies and strategies that shall stimulate creativity and innovations among the youth to ensure long term supply of talents.

Creative and Cultural Industries are considered one of the fastest growing sectors in the global economy and contribute significantly to the Gross Domestic Product of many developed and developing countries.

The House shall also receive a number of reports. They include that of the Committee on General Purpose on the legal framework and implementation of policies in the EAC Partner States as well as another report on Policy Dialogue and Gender to be presented by the Committee on Agriculture, Tourism and Natural Resources.

In addition, the Assembly shall debate the Report of the Committee on Communication, Trade and Investments on Investment Strategies in the EAC region.

This is the first meeting of EALA in the new Financial Year which commenced in July 2015. Two weeks ago, EALA held its Annual Planning Meeting in Kampala, Uganda during which it reviewed its plans and activities for the new Financial Year.

EALA holds rotational sittings in the Partner States in line with Article 55 of the Treaty for the Establishment of the EAC. At its last sitting in Arusha in May-June this year, the Assembly debated and approved the EAC Budget for the Financial Year 2015/2016.

At the sitting, legislators also debated on the State of EAC Address and commended H.E. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, the Chair of the Summit of EAC Heads of State, for the insightful delivery of the State of EAC Address in Bujumbura, in March this year.

EALA mulls over Enhanced Communication and Outreach with Publics

EALA Speaker, Rt Hon. Daniel F. Kidega is rooting for enhanced and dynamic modes of communication to strengthen the regional integration process.

Consequently, the Assembly is expected to scale-up the flow of communication using a multi-faceted approach over the next three years as it enhances its mandate. Rt Hon. Kidega was speaking when he met representatives of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) who paid him a courtesy call at the Speaker’s Chamber last week.

The delegation consisted of the Regional Director of Programmes, Africa and Europe, Mr George Kunnath. Senior Programme Manager, Africa, Ms Majda Elbeid and Regional Finance Manager, East Africa, Ms Beverly Kaluli. The trio were in Arusha to review the relationship with EALA and to map the way forward on the working arrangements for the next phase (Phase 2).

Under the arrangement, WFD will assist to build the capacity of Communications component at the Assembly by revolutionising the online and social media platform to enhance interactivity between the Assembly and its constituents.

The move is expected to enhance outreach to many citizens and create a mode of interaction between the regional legislators and their citizens.

Mr Kunnath, WFD Regional Director, Africa and Europe Program said “there is need for the civil society groups to link in with EALA and further disseminate the much needed information to their cadre”. “We hope we shall realise this prospect”, he added.

The WFD Regional Director said innovative approaches to communications were necessary to spread the message of integration to all citizens of the region.

The WFD and EALA worked together under a three year Programme (April 2012 - March 2015) which realised a number of successes.

The overall programme focus was to strengthen staff and member capacity and to support Civil Society Organisation engagements. They further addressed some of the key challenges including; inadequate mechanisms for effective engagement of the civil society sector and other stakeholders, limited staff capacity to effectively execute EALA’s work at Committee and Assembly levels. Successes included; the development, production and adoption of a new EALA Strategic Plan for 2013-2018, design and development of a monitoring framework for the EALA Strategic Plan and training of departmental heads on its application.

Also achieved under the Programme was increased knowledge and hence, professionalism among staff on Parliamentary processes.

32nd Meeting of the Council of Ministers starts in Arusha

The 32nd Meeting of the East African Community Council of Ministers started this morning with the session of Senior Officials at the EAC Headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.

The meeting which will run from 10-14th August 2015 will involve three sessions namely that of Senior Officials, the Coordination Committee (Permanent / Principal Secretaries) and the Ministerial Session.

The Council will among other things consider various reports including: Report of the Audit Commission; Report on the Implementation of Previous Decisions of the Council; Report on the 22nd Meeting of the Sectoral Council of Ministers Responsible for EAC Affairs and Planning; Report on the 18th Meeting of the Sectoral Council on Legal and Judicial Affairs; and, the Report on the High Level Task Force on the Amendment of the Treaty.

The Council will also review the progress on the negotiations with the Republic of South Sudan vis-à-vis the young nation’s application to join the Community.

Also, high on the agenda of the 32nd Council meeting is the upcoming 1st East African Manufacturing Business Summit scheduled for Kampala, Uganda from 1 to 2 September 2015.

The meeting will also consider the reports of various EAC institutions including the East African Civil Aviation Safety and Security Oversight Agency, Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization; the Inter-University Council for East Africa, and the East African Development Bank.

Umuganura Festival held

The 2nd edition of the East African Community Arts and Culture Festival (Jumuiya ya Afrika Mashariki Utamaduni Festival - JAMAFEST) entered day six at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) Nairobi, Kenya, with several activities taking place.

The theme of Day 5 and 6 is: Sensitizing the youth as conveyors of our cultural heritage. A Visual Arts Exhibition continued at the KICC Courtyard with traditional sports and children’s games at the KICC lawns. Various dance performances by cultural troupes from the EAC Partner States continued at the KICC’s Tsavo Ballroom.

The day started on a high gear with JAMAFEST hosting Rwanda’s Umuganura festival at the KICC’s Tsavo Ballroom. The Guest of honour, His Excellency Amb. James Kimonyo, the Rwandese High Commissioner to Kenya, informed JAMAFEST enthusiasts that Umuganura was marked in Rwanda with a public holiday as a tradition of sharing together in unity.

The High Commissioner said that Umuganura was one of the traditions that helped the Rwandese to transform their lives and country. “It is one of the homegrown solutions to the country’s issues. Other grassroots and homegrown initiatives include Gacaca, Umuganda, and Mihigo. It is a tradition of feeding children with milk and millet bread by leaders or elders”, said Amb. Kimonyo.

In keeping with Rwandese tradition, Amb. Kimonyo, symbolically “fed” all present in the ballroom with boiled maize cobs and milk. The Umuganura was marked by various performances by Rwanda artists joined by the Ambassador himself.

An 11-minute documentary on the HIV/AIDS scourge from Uganda by film producer Kasule Douglas crowned the event.

A Contemporary Designers’ Fashion and, Mr and Miss Cultural Integration show by EAC Partner States at the KICC’s Tsavo Ballroom was another highlight of the day. The Festival will climax tomorrow Saturday, 8th August 2015.

The festival website is: jamafest2015.eac.int.

EAC to unveil US$ 20M Private Sector Fund in November 2015

The East African Community will in November this year launch a Private Sector Fund with the aim of deepening the participation of the private sector in the EAC integration process.

EAC Secretary-General (SG) Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera said the US$ 20 million fund would be launched by the regional economic bloc’s Heads of State at their Summit in November 2015.

Dr Sezibera said private sector firms from all the five EAC Partner States were making contributions to the fund, adding that the EAC was working in close collaboration with the East African Business Council (EABC) on the initiative.

Dr Sezibera thanked the private sector for responding favourably to the Community’s proposal to set up the fund.

The SG further disclosed that the EAC had signed agreements with the European Union under which the Community will receive 85 million euros, in addition to financing for infrastructure and other development projects.

The SG was addressing the opening session of the EAC’s Pre-Budget Conference for the Financial Year 2016/2017 at the EAC Headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania. Present at the function were Uganda’s Minister for EAC Affairs Mr Shem Bageine and Dr Odette Nyiramilimo, Chairperson of the General Purpose Committee at the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA).

The two-day conference is being attended by MPs from EALA, EAC employees, delegates from the Partner States, as well as representatives of EAC institutions.

Dr Sezibera proposed that the Community focuses on the six priority interventions during the 2016/2017 Financial Year, namely:

  1. Full implementation of the EAC Single Customs Territory;
  2. Enhanced implementation of the EAC Common Market Protocol especially with regard to: negotiating additional commitments and; interconnectivity of border immigration systems and procedures across the Partner States;
  3. Development of cross-border infrastructure and harmonisation of laws, policies and standards in the respective sub-sectors; implementation of a liberalised EAC Air Space; enhanced implementation of computerised weather prediction models; and, implementation of a One Network Area in telecommunications;
  4. Development and harmonisation of legislation, regulations and standards to establish an EAC Energy Common Market, including work on an EAC Energy Exchange and finalise remaining energy inter-connectors across borders;
  5. 4th Heads of State Retreat on Infrastructure Development and Financing; and
  6. EAC Peace and Security Initiatives

The outcome of the conference will be presented to the 32nd meeting of the EAC Council of Ministers that will be held from 10–15th August in Arusha.

In her remarks, Dr Nyiramilimo called for increased allocation of funds to the Social and Productive Sectors, adding that the sectors were at the heart of the East Africans and socio-economic development of the region.

“We urge you all to focus on priorities that touch on the lives of East Africans so that the integration process is a reality we can identify with. I am sure the Secretariat will support us all in this as we make efforts to take integration and its benefits to East Africans”, said Dr Nyiramilimo.

East African Community
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P.O. Box 1096
United Republic of Tanzania

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Email: eac@eachq.org