Annual EAC Regional Tourism EXPO
Following a decision of the Extra-ordinary Meeting of the Sectoral Council on Tourism and Wildlife Management of 15th July 2022, the EAC organized annual regional tourism EXPOs that are hosted by the Partner States on a rotational basis.
The overarching objective of the EXPOs is to promote EAC as a single tourism destination, provide a platform for tourism service providers’ business to business (B2B) engagements, create awareness on tourism investment opportunities and address the challenges affecting the tourism and wildlife sectors in the region.
The EXPOs comprise of exhibitions by the tourism service providers, speed networking and B2B meetings and seminars on tourism and wildlife sub-themes.
The 1st and the 2nd Regional Tourism Expos were hosted by the United Republic of Tanzania and Republic of Burundi in 2021 and 2022 respectively.
The 3rd Regional Tourism EXPO will be hosted by the Republic of Kenya from 20th -22nd November 2023 at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre, Nairobi. The theme of the EXPO will be Tourism for Green Growth.
More information on the Expo can be accessed at https://mkte.co.ke