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EAC to deploy Election Observer Mission in the Republic of Uganda

The East African Community is set to deploy an Election Observer Mission team to General Election taking place on 18th February 2016 in the Republic of Uganda.

A 50 member of Short-Term Election Observer Mission Team which is being led by H.E. Ali Hassan Mwinyi, former President of the United Republic of Tanzania is due to arrive in Kampala, Uganda, on Tuesday 9th February 2016, to observe the General Elections slated for 18th February 2016 in Uganda. The Mission’s mandate is to observe the overall electoral environment, pre-election activities, the polling day, the counting and tallying of results.

The Mission is preceded by a Pre-Elections Assessment Team, which was deployed from 31st January 2016 to assess the level of preparedness by key stakeholders and prepare a report that will inform the Short-Term Election Observation Mission.

The members of the EAC Election Observer Mission has been drawn from different but complementary disciplines and includes: members of the East African Legislative Assembly, delegates from four Partner States (Kenya, United Republic Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi), EAC Youth Ambassadors, Mission Leader, Mission Coordinator, one EAC Executive Staff and technical officers from the Secretariat as well as EALA.

The exclusion of members from the Republic of Uganda is consistent with the adopted practice on the Principles of Election Observation and Evaluation which precludes nationals of the host country from participating as Election Observations in their own countries.

The EAC Observer Mission is a response to the invitation of the Uganda Electoral Commission as well as the decision of the EAC Council of Ministers on observation of elections in the Partner States.

The Mission is expected to prepare a report that will be submitted to, among others, the Electoral Commission of Uganda, through the EAC Council of Ministers for consideration and implementation. The Mission will depart Uganda on 21st February 2016.

EA region to see more Competitive Economies, increased Free Movement of its Citizenry

The EAC Secretary-General, Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera, held discussions with TMEA CEO, Mr Frank Matsaert to plan for TMEA’s support for the next phase, 2016-2022.

The meeting took place today at the EAC Headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania, and was attended by Dr Enos Bukuku, EAC Deputy Secretary-General in charge of Planning and Infrastructure, Mr David Stanton, TMEA Director General, and ministerial representatives from the five Partner States.

With the aim of improving the quality of life of East Africans through competitiveness, value-added production, trade and investments, the EAC, through TMEA support, has improved the infrastructure at Mombasa Port; constructed road network between Ntungamo to Mirama Hill in Uganda and Port Reitz to Kipevu West in Kenya; improved on the customs clearance time along the borders and carried out several sensitisation campaigns to small cross border traders on the opportunities and facilities of the Integration Process.

“I wish to express my gratitude to TMEA for supporting the Integration Agenda”, said Dr Sezibera. “As we move more towards monetary and fiscal integration, we need to strengthen institutional capacities, nurture vibrant trade and enhance financial markets within the region”, he said.

Despite the challenges since the re-establishment of the EAC, there is no doubt that Partner States have made considerable progress in their efforts to integrate. Efforts have been made in the harmonisation of policies, while improvements have been made in the areas of trade, macroeconomic policies, infrastructure and ICTs.

The decision by Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, East African Community and Southern African Development Community to establish a single free trade zone for the 26 member countries goes a long way to deepen the integration agenda for the Community.

“We are very keen on continuing supporting the Integration Agenda”, said Mr Matsaert. “With strong commitment and guidance from the Secretary-General and his team, we will be able to carve out key priority activities to carry out in the next phase”, he said.

Congratulations are in order for EALA - the Inter-Parliamentary Soccer Champions

That EALA dethroned four time soccer champions, Parliament of Uganda 4-3 on post-match penalties to win the Inter-Parliamentary Games Football tournament in Kigali, Rwanda, was by all standards a remarkable feat…… It was celebrated.

And on Thursday, EALA passed a Motion for a Resolution hailing Members and Staff for their exemplary performance at the 6th Inter-Parliamentary Games Tournament held in Kigali, Rwanda in December 2015.

The Motion which was moved by Hon. Bernard Mulengani and seconded by Hon. Christophe Bazivamo, lauded the football team for making history.

The Motion recalled that the Inter-Parliamentary Games Tournament have been held six times to date and that it is the first time in the entire history of the Tournament that EALA / EAC wins gold medals and a trophy in football.

It thus congratulated its football team for defeating Parliament of Uganda to be declared the champions. The Assembly further resolved that it would provide time in every Plenary for its Members and Staff to engage in training and friendly matches since the disciplines have increased. In addition, and with additional resources, the teams would be involved in other tournaments besides the Inter-Parliamentary Games as a means of enhancing outreach in the Partner States.

Other Parliaments’ football teams are forewarned… that the Assembly further vowed that its football team would go ahead and win the next two subsequent tournaments so that it retains the trophy for keeps.

The Assembly also hailed the EAC Speakers’ Bureau for budgetary support leading to the introduction of additional sporting disciplines including netball, volleyball, golf, tug of war and athletics, while encouraging the participation of all National Assemblies and Parliaments in all games.

The motion congratulated other teams of EALA for significant improvements in their performance and as well as participation of the National Assemblies which was exhibited with high level of discipline.

The mover hailed the Members for their commitment and noted that some continued with much determination even in the face of injuries.

During debate, Hon. Christophe Bazivamo lauded the EALA Speaker for leadership which ensured a successful tournament with all teams exhibiting competitiveness and discipline.

Hon. Joseph Kiangoi remarked the Games had broadened integration as legislators from the National Parliaments and Assemblies take the message to the different constituencies in the region.

Hon. Odette Nyiramilimo requested the Speaker to consider Members with special needs, saying it was necessary to introduce games that are favourable to them. Others who supported the Motion included Hon. Isabelle Ndahayo, Hon. Frederic Ngenzebuhoro and Hon. Pierre Celestin Rwigema.

The EAC Inter-Parliamentary Games is a key aspect of building relations between the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) and the National Assemblies in the EAC region. Article 119 of the Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community obliges the Partner States to promote close co-operation amongst themselves in culture and sports, with respect to the promotion and enhancement of diverse sports activities among other areas.

At the Games, Parliament of Uganda won the netball trophy while Parliament of Kenya won the men’s volleyball tournament, athletics (men) and the overall trophy in athletics. The women’s volleyball trophy went to Parliament of Rwanda.

EALA adopts report on Youth

The youth of the East African Community yesterday received a boost with regional legislators calling out for their full involvement in integration matters. Central to the plank is a call to amend article 50 of the Treaty for the Establishment of the EAC to create slots for youth in the Assembly even as it reflects fair representation citizens’ diversity. The Assembly also called on all Partner States that are yet to establish National Youth Councils to do so.

The Assembly however states and succinctly so, that lobbying for youth representation at EALA and at National Parliaments / Assemblies should begin at the level of youth organisations’ at the national levels to create the desired reforms.

While still at it, legislators are also advising youth that while their efforts are appreciated, a change of strategy is necessary where they (youth) focus on developing capacities in order to realise aspirations. This is to enable them to register significant gains which lead to gainful recognition they seek at both national and regional levels.

The deliberations sum up the mood of the debate of the Assembly on the Report of the Committee on General Purpose Committee on the petition to advocate for key issues concerning the Youth in the EAC.

The petition was presented to the EALA Speaker by a team of Youth and Deputy Youth Ambassadors appointed during the 3rd EAC University Students debate. The Youth Ambassadors presented the petition in March 2015 in Bujumbura, Burundi. The salient prayers of the petition to EALA include calling for establishment of an EAC Youth Council, and advocacy for the operationalisation of vibrant National Youth Councils. The petitioners also make a strong appeal to the Partner States’ National Assemblies to consider reserving slots for youth representation at the national level.

At debate time, Hon. Mukasa Mbidde called for the amendment of Article 50 of the Treaty specifically to allow for specific slot(s) to be set aside for youth. Hon. Maryam Ussi urged the Secretariat to establish a Youth Desk to handle youth matters that revolve around integration. On her part, Hon. Susan Nakawuki affirmed that currently, youth matters were considered a priority of the 3rd Assembly. She however noted that it was important for the structures of youth participation in politics to be harmonised right from the grassroots level to the national and eventually, regional level. The legislator further called on the United Republic of Tanzania to finalise the establishment of its National Youth Council.

Hon. Shyrose Bhanji said that youth constituted a percentage of over 60% in the region and said there was need for them to be well represented.

She remarked that Republic of Rwanda has a special slot for youth and urged other Partner States to follow suit.

Hon. Peter Mathuki said the region could do more for the youth and said it may be necessary for them to be granted an Observer Status at the EAC.

In her remarks, the Chair of the Council of Ministers, Dr Susan A. Kolimba lauded the petitioners (East African Community Youth Ambassadors) and re-affirmed that the Council of Ministers was committed to addressing matters facing the youth.

The Chair of Council of Ministers remarked that Regional Youth Councils were greatly dependent on the vibrancy of the National Youth Councils.

“Some of the National Youth Councils are not as vibrant as they ought to be in representing and lobbying for youth Affairs”, Hon. Dr Kolimba said.

The Deputy Minister said Parliament of Tanzania had last year passed a law on EAC Youth Council Act, 2015 paving way for the establishment of the EAC Youth Council once the regulations are completed and in place.

The Minister added that a framework for the establishment of the Regional Youth Council is in the process of development and the first meeting of experts to discuss the framework will be convened in the next financial year 2016/17.

Hon. Dr Kolimba said that the Children and Youth position at the EAC Secretariat as recommended at the 18th Council of Ministers’ meeting was still pending.

Let us streamline acquisition of Work and Residence Permits - EALA

The Assembly is calling on the Partner States to commence the process of uniformly abolishing work and residence permit fees as well as in the facilitation of portability of social benefits. In the same vein, the Assembly is set to work jointly with regional advocacy bodies to engage in sensitisation and popularisation of the Common Market Protocol among other related issues.

Late yesterday, the Assembly debated and adopted the Report of the Committee on General Purpose on the petition to EALA regarding work/residence permits in the EAC for the citizens of the Partner States.

The Report presented by Hon. Dr Odette Nyiramilimo, Chair of the Committee indicates that a number of areas of co-operation and implementation of the Common Market Protocol remain in the remit of individual Partner States and thus, calls for advocacy to enable harmonisation at the regional level. The Committee further observes that the issue of portability of social benefits is key and undertakes to continue work with the East African Trade Union Confederation (EATUC) and the East African Employers Organisation (EAEO), who are drafting a Bill on the same.

The issue of portability of social benefits is already been discussed bilaterally among some Partner States. In addition, EALA is to formalise its engagement with the East African Business Council and other private sector players in the region. The Council is further requested to continuously develop interventions to enhance the business environment in the region and fast track development of policies and strategies on key issues to enhance implementation.

The said petition was presented to the EALA Speaker, Rt Hon. Daniel Fred Kidega by the East African Trade Union Confederation and the East African Employers Association in March 2015. The EATUC/EAEO has made 17 prayers in their request. Such include the harmonisation of the standards and processes of acquiring permits as well as the future amendment of Annex 2 of the Common Market Protocol to review the roadmap for free movement of workers given the fact that the current one ended in 2015.

The annex according to the petitioners should put in place a roadmap for the gradual implementation of free labour mobility which eventually comprises all sectors and all categories of blue and white collar workers. Furthermore, the petitioners want the new revised annex to put in place a tripartite mechanism (Employers, Trade Unions and Government) at the EAC level and should be administered at national level through the tripartite fora. The petitioners also want the standardisation of the process of the work permits and the eventual removal of the permits.

At debate time, Hon. Martin Ngoga called for the harmonisation of the procedures of acquiring permits while Hon. Susan Nakawuki said Partner States should not be seen to be introducing barriers that hamper process of acquisition of the permits. Hon. Dr James Ndahiro remarked that though the Common Market Protocol had many benefits, citizens of the region continued to face a myriad of challenges. He remarked that it was necessary for EAC Partner States to prioritise integration.

“Integration seems to be taking second place in some of our Partner States. We need to prioritise it so we do not waste the meagre resources”, the legislator remarked.

Hon. Dora Byamukama congratulated the Secretary-General of the Community for introducing the EAC Scorecard on the Common Market Protocol remarking that it enabled the region to take stock of the on-going developments. The legislator called for the speedy harmonisation of the student visa fees across board as a way of introducing equal opportunities.

Hon. Christophe Bazivamo remarked that in the Republic of Rwanda, it took 3 days to process and issue a permit and about 12 hours to register a company. Furthermore, the work permit fees for East Africans has been abolished.

“If the costs of issuing permits is high, it is not developmental. It stops people from coming to work, to invest and to develop”, he added. Hon. Abdullah Mwinyi urged the Partner States to adhere to the Protocol and to the principle of non-discrimination of EAC citizens when it comes to enjoying privileges.

On his part, Hon. Chris Opoka said it was vital for Partner States to analyse the percentage of revenues earned from work permits vis-a-vis what investment realised from the opportunities created would bring. It costs USD 3000 for a work permit in some of the Partner States which is high compared to say USD 155 in a developed country like Canada”, he said. “If it is about revenue, we can earn much more if people work and they get taxed”, he added.

Hon. Shyrose Bhanji urged the Partner States to take advantage of opportunities of the Common Market Protocol. “I wonder how many Tanzanians, for example, have taken advantage of the opportunities to teach the Kiswahili language in the Partner States”, she said.

“We should popularise, disseminate and educate people on the Common Market Protocol so that more and more people embrace the labour mobility”, she added. The legislator thanked President Uhuru Kenyatta who in 2014, invited the entire EALA to visit the Republic of Kenya to undertake a sensitisation tour.

Others who supported the report were Hon. Valerie Nyirahabineza, Hon. Peter Mathuki, Hon. Bernard Mulengani and Hon. Nancy Abisai. The Minister for EAC, Uganda, Hon. Shem Bageine said the Council was committed to addressing all outstanding issues with regards to the Common Market Protocol and said Partner States had identified laws in the Partner States which need to comply to the EAC Laws. Hon. Phyllis Kandie, Cabinet Secretary for Labour, Social Benefits and EAC Affairs, Republic of Kenya said her country was committed to fully implementing the Protocol. Similar sentiments were shared by the Chairperson of the Council of Ministers, Hon. Dr Susan Kolimba.

EAEO, with a potential outreach of over 8500 companies and business entities, has also 100 associations and affiliates while the EATUC represents more than 2.5 million workers organised in unions affiliated to the national trade union centres, the regional apex bodies for employers’ organisations and national trade union centres across the EAC.

EAC to benefit from USAID Regional Strategic Plan 2016-2022

Ms Candace Buzzard, the new Deputy Mission Director of Kenya and East Africa for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) paid a courtesy visit to EAC‘s Secretary-General, Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera at the EAC Headquarters. She was accompanied by Mr Matt Rees, Deputy for Trade Africa, Mr Donald Keene, Resident Legal Officer and Ms Cristina Olive, Office Director, Strategic Planning and Analysis.

In receiving the Deputy Mission Director, Dr Sezibera thanked USAID for its continued support and strong partnership. Reiterating on the importance of regional integration as a means to access regional markets and gain competition advantages in efficiency and productivity outputs, Dr Sezibera said, “these elements can only be realised by having no restrictions on the movement of goods, services, labour and capital within the East Africa“.

The visit constituted of a presentation of the draft USAID Regional Strategic Plan 2016-2022 to the Secretary-General, and dialogue on ways in which the two organisations can align their key priorities for the next five years.

USAID’s five-year strategic plan will focus on increased trade, investment and food security; health services and systems for marginalised and vulnerable populations; increased security of populations vulnerable to regional threats; and, strengthening East African institutions’ leadership and learning.

Ms Buzzard acknowledged the efforts that the Community has made for some of the region‘s most remote regions to access trade, adding that “this has not only promoted prosperity in those regions, but has also delivered better livelihoods to their communities, thus putting EAC in the forefront as a model for Integration“.

Debate on Disaster Risk Reduction Bill now scheduled for March 2016

Debate on the EAC Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Bill 2013 shall now be prioritised during the next Plenary in March 2016. The move follows the adjournment of debate on the Bill occasioned by a Motion moved yesterday by the Chair of the Council of Ministers, Hon. Dr Susan A. Kolimba. The Motion however sailed through after further amendment tabled by Chair of the Regional Affairs and Resolution Committee, Hon. Abdullah Mwinyi.

Moving the substantive motion, the Chair of Council of Ministers indicated that more time was necessary to conclude consultations on the Bill vis-a-vis the relevant provisions of the EAC Treaty and the Protocol on Peace and Security and requested the House for debate to be pushed until August 2016.

“Clearly, the nature of the Bill needs handling at a technical level by the relevant Sectoral Councils under the guidance of the Sectoral Council on Environment and Natural Resources, which is yet to conclude its policy input on this matter”, the Chair of Council said.

“Since 2013, consultations have been going on relating to the Bill. The 2nd Extraordinary Sectoral Council on Environment and Natural Resources held on 12th March 2015 considered the Bill and directed the EAC Secretariat to a technical paper on an appropriate institutional arrangement for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management by April 2015 and share the technical paper with Partner States for comments”, Hon. Dr Kolimba said.

“Furthermore, the Council directed Partner States to submit their comments on the technical paper on an appropriate institutional arrangement on EAC Disaster Risk Reduction and Management by 15th May 2015,” the Minister added.

She noted that the Council of Ministers would be ready to bring its input into the Bill in August 2016.

However, majority of Members while opposing the Motion cited the urgent need to dispose off with the Bill, stating, that disasters did not wait for time.

“We must be seen to be addressing the plight of the people and urgently so”, Hon. Mike Sebalu remarked. Hon. Abubakar Zein called for the fast tracking of the remaining stages necessary to pass the Bill, while Hon. AbuBakr Ogle said the Bill had been on the cards for far too long. Hon. Dora Byamukama said the Summit of EAC Heads of State were on record and had given directive of the need to pass the Bill and that of Cross-Border Legal Practice.

“Let us not belabour disaster risks yet the public hearings were completed sometime back”, Hon. Judith Pareno said. Hon. Patricia Hajabakiga, the original mover of the Bill gave a background of its genesis and termed its enactment as long overdue. Others who contributed to the debate included Hon. Shyrose Bhanji who said it was important for Partner States to make their input to facilitate ownership whence passed, Hon. Mumbi Ngaru and Hon. Ussi Maryam.

Hon. Abdullah Mwinyi then rose to move an amendment to the Motion under Rule 30(a) of the Rules of Procedure to provide for adjournment until March 2016 at the next Plenary Sitting. The amendment was seconded by Hon. Martin Ngoga, Hon. Adam Kimbisa and Hon. Chris Opoka.

The Objective of the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Bill, 2013 is to provide a legal framework at regional and national level for timely intervention in disaster situations and to protect the people and the natural environment affected by disaster through comprehensive disaster risk reduction and management.

The Bill which was due for the 3rd reading at the 4th meeting of the 2nd Session in Kampala, Uganda in January 2014, but was yet adjourned at the request by the Chairperson of the Council of Ministers.

As per the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly, after its first Reading, the Bill was referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Tourism and Natural Resources for scrutiny. The Committee subsequently scheduled public hearings on the Bill in the EAC Partner States in order to enlist more holistic views from the stakeholders of the Bill.

In December 2010, EALA Committee on Agriculture Tourism and Natural Resources held key discussions with a delegation from the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR).

The meeting was called to raise awareness within the legislature on the importance of disaster risk reduction as an instrument for achieving the Millennium Development Goals. EALA and UNISDR further agreed to collaborate to develop a model legislation which can be used to support the efforts of the EAC Partner States in building disaster resilience in East Africa.

EALA swears in New Member

EALA has this afternoon sworn in Hon. Dr Susan Alphonce Kolimba, the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, East African, Regional and International Co-operation in the United Republic of Tanzania, as an Ex-Officio Member. The Oath of Allegiance to the House was administered by the Clerk of EALA, before the EALA Speaker, Rt Hon. Daniel F. Kidega.

Hon. Dr Kolimba took the oath in accordance with Rule 5 of the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly. The Rules of Procedure say in part that: “No Member can sit or participate in the proceedings of the House until the Oath or Affirmation of Allegiance to the Treaty is taken”.

Rule 5(5) specifically states that “when a Member first attends to take his or her seat other than at the first sitting of a new House, he or she shall be brought to the table by two Members and presented by them to the Speaker who shall then administer the Oath or Affirmation of Allegiance”.

The EAC Treaty under Article 48 provides that the Assistant Minister, Deputy Minister of Minister of State may only participate in the meetings of the Assembly when the substantive Minister responsible for East African Community Affairs is unable to participate.

The Deputy Minister was ushered into the House by Hon. Angela Kizigha and Hon. Shyrose Bhanji.

In her maiden speech, Hon. Dr Kolimba who immediately assumes the Chair of the EAC Council of Ministers, assured the House that the United Republic of Tanzania is fully committed to the ideals of integration and of her intention to ensure the objectives of the Community are realised.

Hon. Dr Kolimba was appointed Deputy Minister by President John Pombe Magufuli in the cabinet named in December 2015.

Prior to her appointment, Hon. Dr Kolimba rose through the ranks of the academic world to become Dean, Faculty of Law at the Open University of Tanzania, a position she held from 2010 to late 2015. Dr Kolimba, whose background is entrenched in law, taught in the institution for a number of years and also served in various administrative capacities.

Hon. Dr Kolimba holds a Ph.D in Law from the Russian Peoples’ Friendship University, Moscow and a Master’s degree from the same institution.

EAC Secretary-General receives credentials from Finnish Ambassador

The East African Community Secretary-General, Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera, today received credentials from the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and Permanent Representative of Finland to the EAC, H.E. Pekka Hukka.

Speaking at the function, Amb. Hukka said that his appointment was out of his government’s commitment to deepen its cooperation with the EAC, noting the significance of regional integration not only for East Africans, but as an important source of growth for the continent as well.

Expressing his gratitude to the Finnish Government for her dynamic support to the EAC, the Secretary-General shed light on the region’s increased market size, which has led the Community to expand on cross-border production chains.

Finland is a regular contributor to the Partnership Fund, a basket fund which enables the Community to make significant achievements in various sectors.

EAC, Germany sign 37 million euros Agreement to support Regional Integration

The Federal Republic of Germany signed an intergovernmental agreement with the East African Community (EAC) to support the economic integration, regional health facilities and water resource management. Germany signed a total of 37 million euros in grants to the EAC for 2016-2018, highlighting the strong commitment to support the integration process in East Africa.

  • 10 million euro in financial assistance will be invested in the establishment of a regional network of reference laboratories for communicable diseases. With this project, the German Government responds to a request for support from the EAC for the prevention and control of epidemic outbreaks in the region. Another 10 million euros in financial assistance will be used for Integrated Water Resource Management of Lake Victoria aiming at improving water provision and management of water resources. Both projects will be implemented by KfW development bank.
  • 17 million euros in technical assistance will be made available to further support of the economic integration process, including a contribution to the EAC partnership fund. The programme is focusing on institutional strengthening of the EAC Secretariat and on supporting the implementation of the Customs Union, Common Market and Monetary Union Protocols. This includes the elimination of Non-Tariff Barriers such as tax harmonisation as well as Mutual Recognition Agreements for qualifications. At the same time, Germany will support the EAC in promoting private investment especially in the pharmaceutical sector, including the establishment of a regional quality infrastructure for the pharmaceutical sector. These projects will be implemented by GIZ and PTB – German Metrology Institute.

During the signing ceremony, Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera, the EAC Secretary-General, thanked the German government for her continued support to the Integration Agenda, especially at a time when integration is facing challenges across the world. He said this particular financing agreement comes at the right time when the Community is finalising its new Vision 2050.

Mr John Reyels, Chargé d’Affaires of the German Embassy Dar es Salaam, said: “Our support underlines the importance we give to the East African Community. The EAC is a role model and pace-setter in Africa and we are proud working closely with you in order to contribute to the well-being and prosperity of the citizens of this region”.

Since cooperation began in 1998, the total volume of German support to the EAC amounts to almost 213 million euros. Germany also has substantial bilateral cooperation with all five EAC Partner States.

East African Community
EAC Close
Afrika Mashariki Road
P.O. Box 1096
United Republic of Tanzania

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Email: eac@eachq.org