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The EAC Consultative Dialogue Framework

Article 7 1 (a) of the Treaty Establishing the East African Community states that: the principles that shall govern the practical achievements of the objectives of the community shall include People-Centred and Market-Driven cooperation. The involvement of the people of East Africa was considered as part of lessons learnt from the original EAC, whose collapse was partly attributed to the non-involvement of these key stakeholders and the wider citizenry of East Africa.

Article 127(4) of the Treaty states that โ€œThe Secretary General shall provide the forum for consultations between the private sector, civil society organizations, other interest groups and appropriate institutions of the Communityโ€ while Article 129 (2) requests the Council to โ€œestablish modalities that would enable the business organizations or associations, professional bodies and the civil society in the Partner States to contribute effectively to the development of the Community.โ€

To operationalize the above provisions, the Council of Ministers at its 26th Meeting adopted the Consultative Dialogue Framework (CDF) for Private Sector, Civil Society and other interest groups in the EAC integration process (EAC/CM26/DECISION 06). The CDF provides a mechanism for the involvement of the citizenry and is

implemented in the context of multi-stakeholder partnerships to ensure that the objectives of widening and deepening cooperation among the Partner States in; political, economic, social, cultural, health, education, science and technology, defence, security, legal and judicial affairs are achieved for the benefit of the people of East Africa.

Objectives of the EAC Consultative Dialogue Framework

The CDF is a structured guide aimed at ensuring inclusive and consultative participation of the private sector, civil society, professional associations and other interest groups on the one hand, and the EAC on the other, towards realizing the community objectives and promoting a people-centred and market-driven integration process.

The objectives of the CDF are to:

  • Allow CSOs, PSOs, other interest groups and EAC to consultatively work towards realising the Community Objectives and promote ensure a people-centred integration process.
  • Enhance and strengthen partnerships between CSOs and PSOs and with the EAC
  • Provide a structured framework for consultation between EAC, Partner States, Civil society, Private Sector and other interest groups on the East African integration process
  • Provide an enabling environment for PSOs, CSOs and other interest groups to participate in the EAC integration process and discussions, among others

The Framework as adopted envisages regular and continuous dialogue between EAC, Partner States, CSOs, PSOs and other interest groups both at the national and regional levels. It also provides for an annual forum convened by the Secretary General of the EAC.

East African Community
EAC Close
Afrika Mashariki Road
P.O. Box 1096
United Republic of Tanzania

Tel: +255 (0)27 216 2100
Fax: +255 (0)27 216 2190
Email: eac@eachq.org