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7th EAC SG's Forum: Themes and Subthemes


“Towards a post-COVID-19 recovery for Socio-economic transformation”

Subtheme 1:

Positioning the EAC Private Sector toward recovery

Topic 1: Harmonization of the Tax Regime in the region - EABC

Panel Discussion 1:

  • EABC
  • East Africa Tax Justice Network

Topic 2: Legal redress for cross border traders –Republic of Kenya

Panel Discussion 2:

  • Operationalizing the Trade Remedies Committee – EAC Secretariat
  • The Common External Tariff: Adoption of 4th Band of the CET-Prospects and opportunities – EABC

Subtheme 2:

Inclusive Governance and Institutional Strengthening for post-COVID-19 recovery – EACSOF


  • Leveraging local government LED policies for post-COVID-19 recovery - EALGA
  • Health Sector resilience post COVID19 – EAHP
  • Removing barriers to free movement of goods, services and persons – EAYN, EATUC, EAEO (Joint facilitation)
  • Mainstreaming Persons with Disabilities (PWDs Policy) – NUDIPU
  • The EAC Gender Bill: EACSOF/CCGD / EAWiBP – Side event & Panel Discussion
  • Youth Engagement: Institutionalization of youth platforms – East African Youth Network

Subtheme 3:

Rule of law and development in EAC - Mr. Don Deya, Pan African Lawyers Union (PALU) / EALS

Panel Discussion

  • Rule of Law –EALS
  • Shrinking Civic Space in EAC- (EACSOF)
  • The Legal Framework and Operationalization of Regional Bills – Chairperson General Purpose Committee


East African Community
EAC Close
Afrika Mashariki Road
P.O. Box 1096
United Republic of Tanzania

Tel: +255 (0)27 216 2100
Fax: +255 (0)27 216 2190
Email: eac@eachq.org