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Press Release

EALA elects Commissioners for new term

… legislators to serve for two and half years

East African Legislative Assembly, Arusha, June 24th2020: The East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) yesterday elected twelve Commissioners (two per Partner State) to serve the 4th Assembly for the balance of its life (of two and a half years). The elections held yesterday afternoon during the virtual sitting, saw the return of four unopposed Commissioners who served in the previous Commission (whose tenure ended on Friday, June 19th, 2020).

The re-elected (unopposed) Members are Hon Dr Oburu Oginga and Hon Wanjiku Muhia (Republic of Kenya) and Hon Oda Gasinzigwa and Hon Dr Francois Xavier Kalinda (Republic of Rwanda). The United Republic of Tanzania’s new representatives to the Commission are Hon Dr Ngwaru Maghembe and Hon Josephine Lemoyaan. From Burundi, Hon Jean Marie Muhirwa and Hon Mo Mamo Karerwa are the new Commissioners. The new Commissioners from Burundi replace Hon Leontine Nzeyimana and Hon Chris Nduwayo.

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EALA swears in Rwanda's EAC Minister as Ex-Officio Member

East African Legislative Assembly, Arusha, Tanzania: June 23rd, 2020: The State Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation, Republic of Rwanda, Hon Prof Nshuti Manasseh, this afternoon, virtually, took Oath of Allegiance as an Ex-Officio Member of the Assembly.

Hon Prof Nshuti was sworn in to the House virtually before the Speaker and Members of EALA in line with the Rule 5 of the Rules and Procedures of the Assembly. The Rule 5(4) of the Rules of Procedure says in part that: “No Member can sit or participate in the proceedings of the House until the Oath or Affirmation of Allegiance to the Treaty is taken”.

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Court in session during delivery of a ruling in Secretary General's Application.

Court grants Application filed by the Secretary General faulting the instruction fees awarded to Rt Hon Zziwa former Speaker of EALA

East African Court of Justice, 23 June 2020: The First Instance Division as it ended the busy week granted Application in Taxation Reference No.1 of 2019 The Secretary General of the East African Community versus Rt Hon Margareth Zziwa (former Speaker of EALA). The Application challenged instruction fees of USD 359,376.99 that was awarded to Hon Zziwa on 4th June 2019 in Taxation Cause No. 1 of 2019. The Secretary General sought orders setting aside the fees for more reasonable and less award in the interest of Justice. Court granted the Application and awarded USD 175,000 plus VAT down from USD 359,376.99 VAT inclusive. Court also ordered each party to bear its own costs.

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Zanzibar Airport ready to welcome travellers in times of COVID-19

East African Community Headquarters, Arusha, Tanzania, 19th June, 2020: The German Ambassador to Tanzania, her Excellency Regine Hess, joined and obviously also enjoyed a training on the prevention and detection of COVID-19 infections for airport staff at the Abeid Karume Amani International Airport in Zanzibar this week.

The trainings for trainers are set to take place at international airports in the EAC region to prepare them prior to resume to normal travel after COVID-19 restrictions. The training are convened by the EAC Secretariat, organised and coordinated by the EAC Civil Aviation Safety and Security Oversight Agency (CASSOA) and implemented by AMREF Flying Doctors (AFD).

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EAC takes the lead as the most integrated bloc in Africa

East African Community Headquarters, Arusha, Tanzania, 19th June, 2020: The 2019 edition of the Africa Regional Integration Index (ARII) that was published recently has ranked the East African Community (EAC) as the most integrated bloc among the eight regional economic communities (RECs) recognized by the African Union.

The ARII is a composite index that assesses how countries and regional economic communities are making progress towards their integration agendas based on sixteen indicators, grouped into five dimensions. The ARII also measures the state of regional integration for the continent as a whole.

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Tanzania and Uganda agree on truck drivers’ movement amid COVID-19

movement of trucks at Mutukula border resumes

East African Community Headquarters, Arusha, Tanzania, 19th June, 2020: The movement of trucks between the United Republic of Tanzania and the Republic of Uganda at the Mutukula border has resumed after the two countries reached a consensus on measures to implement while mitigating the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to Mr. William Mkenda, Customs Officer in Charge at Mtukula border (Tanzania), truck drivers will now have to undergo mandatory COVID-19 testing in line with East African Community guidelines to tackle trans-border spread of the disease while minimising disruptions to cross border trade.

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EAC Deputy Secretary General pays courtesy call on Regional Administrative Secretary of Kagera

East African Community (EAC), Kagera, Tanzania, 16th June 2020: The EAC Deputy Secretary General in charge of Planning and Infrastructure, Eng. Steven Mlote paid a courtesy call on the on Regional Administrative Secretary (RAS) of Kagera, Prof Faustine Kamuzora today at the Regional Administrative Secretary Office in Kagera, Tanzania.

The two officials had a lengthy discussion on a number of issues including the on-going infrastructure projects in the Partner States coordinated by the EAC and the importance of Kagera region in the Great Lakes.

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Court concludes its inception online sessions successfully

East African Court of Justice, 15 June 2020:  The Appellate Division concluded its inception online sessions which resumed mid-May. During the session nine (9) cases were handled including 1 Judgment & 2 Rulings delivered, 1 hearing and 1 arbitration matter. However, 3 cases had to be adjourned, 2 of which were involving the Attorney General of the Republic of Burundi due to the death of the H E President Pierre Nkurunziza.

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EAC implements its COVID 19 response plan and reinforces border officers and communities in the fight against cross border transmission

East African Community Headquarters, Arusha, Tanzania, 8th June, 2020:The EAC Secretariat in partnership with the African Union Border Programme is reinforcing the border officers and communities to reduce the risks for cross border transmission of the corona virus. The Secretariat has availed 9600 pamphlets on secure cross border movements (in English, French and Swahili). The pamphlets contain EAC, WHO and Interpol guidelines on secure management of borders and cross border movements during the pandemic and will serve to give relevant information to the border officers to guide their daily work for safe and efficient cross border movements.

Furthermore, 16000 reusable masks, 12800 gloves and 1600 bottles of sanitizers have been availed to selected 16 One-stop Border Posts within the EAC region. These materials will be serve both the 16 OSBP and their immediate surrounding border communities. Additionally, a training on using governing borders during the pandemic and in case of other emergencies will be provided electronically (and where possible physically) as well as a support for the mobility of border officers to sensitize border communities and monitor informal border crossing points via the provision of motorcycles.

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Court dismisses Appeal from Burundi challenging the trial Court’s decision in a dispute over the election of the Speaker of EALA

East African Court of Justice, 8th June, 2020: The Appellate Division dismissed an Appeal filed by the Attorney General of the Republic of Burundi (Appellant) against the Judgment of the First Instance Division (“the Trial Court”) over the dismissal of a dispute on the election of the Speaker of the 4th East African Legislative Assembly (EALA), claiming that the Speaker was elected in breach of Articles 53(1) or 57(1) of the Treaty, or Rule 12(1)of the Assembly’s Rules of Procedure.

The Appellate Court in its decision concluded that, It is clear that the Appellant’s challenge to the election of the Speaker of the 4th Assembly of EALA has failed in both the Trial Court and in this Court as the 3 issues for determination have all been answered in the negative and awarded Costs of the Appeal to the Respondent and the Intervener. The Cross-Appeal by the Respondents succeeded, with the result that the Respondent (Secretary General of East African Community) and the Intervener (Hon. Fred Mukasa Mbidde, a Member of EALA), will be awarded their Costs in the Trial Court.

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East African Community
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P.O. Box 1096
United Republic of Tanzania

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Email: eac@eachq.org